Chapter 880
The reason why Fang Liandong kept Wu Tong was because of Huang Han's clear instructions.

The imperial court of the Ming Dynasty didn't care about medical experts, but Huang Han was a treasure, so of course he refused to let Wu Sheng's head fall to the ground.

What's more, Wu Zhen in history was not implicated in the great crime of falling into the feudal vassal, but he himself influenced history and caused Wu Zhen to have a big event.

Fang Liandong wrote an official document to sell his own face and left Wu Zhen in the name of borrowing from Ti Qiqi. He originally thought that the scholar-bureaucrat would be grateful, but he didn't know that was not the case at all.

When Wu Tong saw Fang Liandong, he immediately asked to see the patient's condition. Fang Liandong told the truth that he told Wu Tong that there were no intractable diseases waiting for treatment, but he made this move to save his life.

After listening to Fang Liandong's explanation, Wu Tong was furious, and he wanted to go to chase Tiqi, and strive to go to the capital to face the saint as soon as possible.

It's no wonder that Wu Zhen is like this. The dozen or so civil servants who were arrested all thought that they were at most relegated by the court. How could they lose their heads?
Therefore, everyone is emotionally stable, talking and laughing along the way.

The final result is well known. After the news that the imperial court had killed 36 high-ranking officials and seven eunuchs in one go was confirmed by Wu Sheng, the famous doctor and scholar-bureaucrat was sweating profusely.

At this time, he was already teaching the theory of Chinese medicine at the "Hanjiang University" located in "Tiger's Cave City". He was still studying Western medicine surgery, and he actually suppressed vomiting and wanted to observe several autopsies.

The surgical level of the "Red Banner Army" system has advanced by leaps and bounds, and has already surpassed Westerners. That is because it has the technology of blood transfusion and infusion, and has a large number of corpses for anatomical research.

This is not nonsense. Years of wars have made it easier to obtain corpses than hunting wild boars. The rogues, slaves, and Tartars who committed the crime of raping and murdering women and slaughtering women and children can all be used to contribute to the development of medicine.

In this era, half of people who get acute intestinal abscess will die from pain. This is actually just acute appendicitis. Now the affiliated hospital of "Hanhua University" "Renyi Xinhuxuecheng Hospital" has mastered the technology of removing the appendix.

This is not only the result of obtaining a large number of corpses for anatomical research, but also thanks to Huang Han's guidance. Huang Han does not understand advanced clinical medicine, but only understands common medical knowledge and common diseases.

Many of his common senses come from public welfare publicity in later generations, such as adopting the cardiopulmonary resuscitation method of pressing the heart [-] times and artificial respiration twice to rescue patients in cardiac arrest.

Soak in normal temperature water for two quarters of an hour to relieve the injury when you are scalded, and use "Tomlike First Aid Method" and so on if you are suffocated due to foreign objects blocking the respiratory tract.

Wu Tong, who likes to study medical skills, knows that he has been a criminal official of the court who has been stranded because of the borrowing of the "Red Banner Army". .

Only then did he feel the life-saving grace of the "King of the Han River". He repayed his kindness and thought that he would never be able to become an official in the court, so he taught the students the medical skills he had accumulated over decades, and he himself was studying hard. anatomy...

The emperor is so ruthless, killing scholars and bureaucrats is like killing chickens, and the princes are already disappointed.

Most civil and military generals would remain calm even if they found out that the "Red Banner Army" had changed. Only Chongzhen, who was worried that Huang Han would fall into trouble, took advantage of the critical moment when the bandits and slaves jointly attacked the capital.

He stared straight at Zheng Guochang's old face and confirmed: "Zheng Aiqing, the 'Red Banner Army' asked to enter the pass to train new recruits? The outside of the pass is so vast, why do you have to enter the pass to train? Could it be that the 'King of the Han River' is the ulterior motive Not drinking?"

It was obvious that the emperor no longer trusted Huang Han, and Zheng Guochang sighed in his heart. It can be seen that even if the son-in-law wanted to be a loyal minister and good general, he could not turn back, and now he had to be a powerful minister.

In the end, it is only possible to take one step at a time and see whether it is possible to hold the emperor and order the princes.

It is certain that the Zheng family cannot survive alone, and Zheng Guochang is very pleased, because he is equivalent to a naked official in Daming, and the Zheng family's mansion located in "Tiger's Cave City" is more prosperous.

Only he and his eldest son Zheng Xiaoqian are still resident in the capital, and there are no more than 20 people in the entire mansion.

Because the wife loves the climate and scenery of "Tiger's Cave City", she likes the stable and peaceful atmosphere there even more, and because there is a concrete road leading directly, it is convenient and comfortable to come and go, so she lives there for three seasons a year to have fun with her grandchildren.

The two grandsons of the long house are already studying in the "Tiger Cave City" middle school, and the children of the second house and the third house are also studying in elementary school.

Zheng Xiaowen, Zheng Xiaozhang, and Zheng Xiaoli are all officials in the "Red Banner Army" system, and Zheng Xiaowen has already become a big official like a governor.

Zheng Guochang was not afraid that the emperor would turn his back on him. At worst, he and his eldest son would lose their lives. He also had three sons and nine grandsons. The Zheng family was flourishing.

If he and his eldest son were convicted and beheaded by the court because of his son-in-law's involvement, the son-in-law would probably launch an attack immediately and really seize the great Ming Dynasty and proclaim himself emperor in the south.

Besides, based on his knowledge, the more powerful the son-in-law is, the more attention the Zheng family will receive, and the possibility of losing his head is very slim.

Thinking of this, Zheng Guochang held his head high to meet the emperor's gaze and said, "The 'King of the Hanjiang River' is indeed not interested in drinking. He is actually preparing to cross the Yellow River by surprise and give the bandits and slaves a sudden attack."

Chongzhen smiled wryly, the elite of the Beijing camp had already gone south to Weihui Mansion to defend along the Yellow River, the capital was empty of troops, the [-] "Red Banner Army" could indeed give the rogues a thunderous blow, but they could also destroy Guo by false means!

He said: "The 'King of the Han River' was able to take the initiative to send 3 troops to the Central Plains to suppress the bandits, Mo Dayan, but why didn't he specify the destination? Why didn't he just ask for a fight? Marching in the capital in the name of training, wouldn't it be clear what the marching route would be? Isn't it easy to cause misunderstanding?"

Zheng Guochang said: "Your Majesty, the primary task of the 'Red Banner Army' in the past two years is to complete the five-year Ping Liao, and it is impossible to disperse energy and fight on two fronts.

The purpose of exercising to the banks of the Yellow River in the name of training is to adapt to the situation, and to ensure that a big victory will be achieved without hesitation.

If you can't find a fighter, you can only deter the enemy.

Therefore, the thoughtful "King of the Han River" did not make any promises, nor did he make a clear-cut request to participate in the Central Plains War. "

Chongzhen didn't say yes or no, he lowered his head and pondered, his brows were tightly furrowed.

The chief assistant Liu Yuliang and several cabinet ministers were onlookers, and they all understood the whole story.

The "King of the Hanjiang River" is preparing to appear near the Yellow River in the form of training troops while paying attention to the battle situation in Henan. He can fight flexibly if he can, without giving himself hard tasks, and he doesn't need to bear any pressure from public opinion.

After all, the five-year Ping Liao commitment period is less than two years, and the "Red Banner Army" trapped in the Central Plains battlefield will hinder the Ping Liao plan, so the "Hanjiang County King" made such an arrangement when he was in a dilemma.

(End of this chapter)

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