Chapter 92
The old god Huang Han was fooling the generals of Zunhua, and his words were calm and full of demagogy, which was somewhat similar to the propaganda of later generations.

He said: "Master Wu, you may not be able to run away from the Tartars, but the cavalry under your command can beat the Tartars! You have too many advantages. If the Tartar soldiers really dare to pursue them, the number of beheads you all will have to break through this time." Great victory."

Not only Ma and Wu were attracted by Huang Han's flickering, Liu Zhilun and his Eighth Battalion commanders all pricked up their ears to listen.

In mid-January, Wu Yinglong, the commander-in-chief sent by Liu Zhilun to control four or five hundred cavalry under Huang Han, had already been promoted to general of the capital because of the great victory in Zunhua, and he also had the false rank of third rank.

He listened even more attentively, wondering if he could bring the cavalry of the Zunhua Model Battalion to follow this magical Lord Huang to another vote.

Ma Shilong's heart itched unbearably when he heard it, and he urged: "What tricks Master Huang has to teach me, please tell me quickly."

"First of all, my Zunhua garrison has a partial strength advantage. The two adults don't deny it?"

Wu Zimian said: "That's the case. According to the analysis of the detective report, there are at most two Jiala's Jiannu and Tartars in Santunying City. The guard is Jiala Ezhen Wakeda, the fourth son of Zhenghong Banner Daishan. .

Their armored men will not exceed three thousand, and there should be three or four thousand bannermen and coat servants in the city to assist in defense. These people have no ability to ride and fight, so they can be ignored. "

"That's right, the military strength of Santun Yingcheng is about the same. Master Wu knows himself and the enemy!" Huang Han took advantage of the situation and gave Wu Zimian a flower hat. Let's talk about it."

"Second point, our army has the home field advantage, the battlefield is in the hinterland of our Ming Dynasty, the Ming army should be at home.

It's a pity that the result was not like this. On the contrary, the Tartars and Jiannu rampantly massacred Han compatriots and abused women in the Ming Dynasty.I won't talk about these humble positions, it's too far away.

Let's talk about the matter in a humble position, the two adults should grasp the distance when attacking, and the army will not leave Zunhua for a radius of [-] miles. Isn't the home field advantage more obvious? "

Ma Shilong asked: "This home field advantage doesn't seem to be of much use, does it? The cavalry chasing battles come and go like wind. Even if they are close to Zunhua, it will be cold when the infantry goes out of the city to form an formation to assist the day lily."

"How to make good use of the home court advantage, we have to talk about the third advantage of our army, and that is the firepower advantage."

This word is so fresh, Liu Zhilun smiled and asked: "Is the firepower the firearms of our army? Does General Huang refer to those red barbarian cannons and wooden cannons deployed at the top of the city?"

"It doesn't just refer to those cannons, but also refers to everything that the Ming army can launch with gunpowder. The lead bullets, knives and guns fired by carrying guns, bird guns, divine fire flying crows, swarms of bees, etc. are considered firepower."

Liu Zhilun said: "General Huang means to let Zunhua's firepower participate in the battle? But the Tartar cavalry ran too fast, and they would have disappeared by the time the firearms were deployed."

Huang Han believed that Liu Zhilun's persistence in Zunhua was really a blessing for the Ming army. This man would not betray, and he was eager to kill the enemy and make meritorious deeds. However, if Jiannu and Tartars appeared within his range of fire, he would not be able to get a bargain.

He said: "I don't intend to let the Zunhua infantry go out of the city to attack the Tartar cavalry. As long as everyone cheers up and provides fire reinforcements to Ma Jinglue and Wu Zongbing's cavalry, they will be able to win."

Both Ma Shilong and Wu Zimian's eyes lit up, and they all urged: "Master Huang, explain how to arrange troops more carefully."

Huang Han said modestly: "There is no big plan, the two adults have more than [-] cavalry, if the Tartars and Jiannu follow closely, don't rush back to the city.

Don't worry, the enemy's horses coming out of Santunying City will not exceed the number of cavalry in our army.

You just need to cling to the base of the city wall and circle around with the enemy cavalry. Master Liu will definitely command the artillery and firecrackers at the top of the city to attack the pursuers. The humble officer reckons that the situation may be reversed by going around. At that time, it is uncertain who is chasing who. . "

Under the city of Zunhua, there were no deer villages buried, horses rejected, or traps dug into horse pits. It may be because it is not easy to do such a project in the cold weather, and the enemy needs to destroy it with a flick of a finger when they attack.

It is very simple for the Tartars and Jiannu cavalry to pull out the Luzhai. They just need to throw the lasso, scratch the hook on the horse, and catch or hook the Juma and the Luzhai. Those obstacles that the Ming army worked so hard to bury will be uprooted.

It is easier to fill up the pits. The coerced Han people are forced to carry bags full of mud and sand and bear the casualties caused by the arrows and blunderbusses from the city to fill the pits. If they are killed, they will become pits s material.

Liu Zhilun's defense was focused on the city and inside the city. The road conditions outside the city were good, and it was entirely possible for cavalry to gallop around the city wall.

This is a good idea. Ma and Wu were so happy that they slapped their thighs and stood up, laughing loudly: "Yes! Running around the base of the city wall, what can Jiannu and Tartar do to me? The artillery at the top of Zunhua City is not How little! Sending a few shots to the slaves may expand the results of the battle."

Huang Han continued to add impression points to them, earnestly inducing: "This is the superiority of cooperative operations, sincerity and unity. There are so many Han people. This is not a prairie. We just need to choose the right place and make good use of our huge advantages. Let more people play a role, and it should be easy to capture the Jiannu and Tartars.”

Liu Zhilun understood, he frowned as if he had realized something, he was digesting Huang Han's foolishness, and he was conceiving a brand new strategy of defending the territory in his mind.

Point to area, relying on the fortified city to lure the enemy to come to the city to fight within the firepower coverage area, the Ming army is no longer completely shackled and defended, but both offensive and defensive.

He figured it out and slapped his thigh and cheered: "It's wonderful, it's wonderful! General Huang is both wise and brave!"

Ma Shilong sighed: "Master Huang, it's no wonder that the 'Red Banner Army' has repeatedly built meritorious service and become stronger and stronger. Your tactical concept is really at the pinnacle! I admire you so much."

Wu Zimian, the eight battalion commanders and Wu Yinglong all stood up and bowed to salute, "Your officer has been taught!"

The strategic conception and tactical arrangement of the ancients are more than ten thousand times more brilliant than Huang Han.In fact, Huang Han's so-called strategies are completely bullshit and not worth mentioning. They are just a slight extension of Sun Chengzong's tactical concept of using cannons to build the city!
Huang Han believed that the Ming army lacked nothing but the courage to fight, and his big words were just to fool Ma Shilong, Wu Zimian and other generals into courage to lead the cavalry out of the city.

The cavalry went out, the city gate was closed, and they had to fight with their lives if they didn't want to, if they didn't kill the enemy they were chasing, they would die themselves.This is the so-called life after death!

Book friends smashed the recommendation votes during this period of time, causing the novel to enter the top [-] in the ranking of recommendation votes in the history category, surpassing many great gods, thank you book friends, let’s work together to continue smashing recommendation votes, let’s beat the old man to death master.

 Book friends, don't forget to vote for recommendation, this matter is very important, very important, really important!

(End of this chapter)

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