Chapter 960
Originally, many "Red Banner Army" soldiers thought that there was no need to be kind to the bandits, so they directly burned Xi'an to save trouble.

But when they saw such a scene, they thought of their wives, children, parents, and felt pity. They took the initiative to take care of the elderly to appease the women and children, and patiently participated in the shouting, talking about the kindness of the "King of Han".

It clearly pointed out that if it was not the leaflets persuading surrender that fell from the sky, but the enemy of thousands of people and fierce fire oil, would the people in Xi'an have a way to survive?
The literacy rate among the rogues is definitely less than half, but Luo Ru is not illiterate, he used to be equivalent to the brains of the rogues.

Luo Rucai came to a conclusion after perusing every leaflet he could get these days, observing the hot air balloons flying over the city of Xi'an.

If the "Red Banner Army" really threw kerosene and kindling from the sky, as long as they focused on attacking fodder fields and grain depots, the city of Xi'an might run out of food within a month or two.

Luo Rucai watched with cold eyes Li Yan, Liu Zhe, Gao Yigong and other subordinates evacuating fodder, dispersing grain, and storing a large amount of well water, sneering and secretly slandering.

Will the "Red Banner Army" wait until now to set fire?Will you be notified in advance?People have clearly stated that in order to leave a way for the hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Xi'an, they will not resort to fire attacks, so why panic?

What's more, the well water stored in the big tank has a fart. The weather is getting colder and colder. It will freeze three feet in a few days, and the water tank will freeze into a huge ice lump. How can it be used to fight fires?

He had the experience of being captured, witnessed the "Red Banner Army" appease the refugees, and had listened to the "Red Banner Army" town governor's lectures on policies and regulations with thousands of captives.

Luo Rucai believed that the "King of Han" had good intentions in abandoning the burning of Xi'an City. In his heart, he despised the other big bosses for their lives, and still wanted to confront the "Red Banner Army".

He didn't want to sit still, and started planning to defect, but how to contact and gain trust with the "Red Banner Army" outside the city was an imminent problem!
The leaflets dropped by the "Red Banner Army" talked about fire attacks. Gao Yingxiang, Li Yan, Ma Shouying, etc. were frightened.

They are not stupid and willing to use their brains. They have seen hot air balloons flying over Xi'an, and realized that the "Red Banner Army" dropped fire from the sky, and the city would definitely set fire to the company.

Their lives were at stake, and it was impossible for them to believe that the "Red Banner Army" had the ability to set off a big fire to secure the victory, but they gave up the fire attack because of the kindness of the "King of Han" who refused to kill more.

Therefore, they have been busy dealing with the emergency situation when the city is on fire these days. They have no good solution, nothing more than storing water, demolishing some houses to form isolation belts, and storing food and grass as scattered as possible.

The city of Xi'an was extremely busy, because the leaflets dropped by the "Red Banner Army" mentioned fire attacks.

Many rogues began to say strange things, and Luo Rucai's department had the most strange words. There are many thatched houses in the city. Do you want to demolish them all?
That would be the best, no need for the "Red Banner Army" to set fire to it, we'll just freeze to death on the streets and it'll be over.

More rogues are whispering in private that Xi'an has become a place of death, and confronting the invincible "Red Banner Army" is like courting death.

The wisest choice is to try every means to sneak out and surrender. If it doesn't work, lie on the ground and wait to be captured when the "Red Banner Army" attacks.

It can be seen from this that Gao Yingxiang accepted Li Yan's strategy of dividing the land to give favor to the people. After all, the time was too short, and because the rogues needed a lot of food, it was impossible to achieve the preached "Chuang Wang came and did not pay food".

Farmers had to hand in more than half of their harvest, and they could barely survive starvation, and few of them sincerely supported the bandit regime.

When faced with the choice of life and death, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians were seemingly forced by the despicable prestige and obedience of the rogues, but in fact they were already undercurrents.

The voice of persuading the surrender outside the city is endless. Thousands of leaflets are falling every day. The drawings on them are easy to understand. Knowing that surrendering to the "Red Banner Army" will not only prevent death, but also fill their stomachs, more people lose their resistance Courage to the end.

Liu Guoneng, who defected and surrendered, was eager to make meritorious service. He rushed to the outside of Xi'an and immediately found the former enemy's general staff and recommended himself. He planned to take a dozen people outside Xi'an to persuade Luo Rucai to surrender.

He truthfully reported to Sun Chuanting, Chen Qiyu and other senior officers of the staff department that he and Luo Ru had been marginalized in the bandit army since he was released by the "Red Banner Army" last time, so they often drank and complained together.

Liu Guoneng believes that Luo Rucai will definitely not be willing to be buried with Gao Yingxiang, and if he gets the chance to defect to the "Red Banner Army", he will try his best to fight for it.

Sun Chuanting was very thoughtful, he thought about it and discussed it with Chen Qiyu to make a decision.

Liu Guoneng's appearance in the city to name and persuade Luo Rucai to surrender will definitely have an effect, but the effect will not be too great, because not only Luo Rucai can get the news, but other generals of the rogues can also hear it.

Gao Yingxiang is not willing to see the rebellion in the nest, even if he doesn't arrest Naluo Rucai immediately, he will be guarded.

In order for Luo Rucai to play a big role, Sun Chuanting decided to contact the banner guards lurking in the bandit army and ask them to send reliable people to interview Luo Rucai.

In order to gain Luo Rucai's trust, the banner guard who went to make contact had to bring Liu Guoneng's personal letter.

Banner guards are everywhere, and there are no less than [-] people in the ranks of rogues in Xi'an, and most of them are middle-level leaders.

During the day, a "Red Banner Army" in the basket under the hot air balloon flying over the city of Xi'an was waving small flags up and down, left and right, and none of the rogues realized what they were doing?
At night, the lookout posts of the "Red Banner Army" flashed and flashed rhythmically.

The rogues don't know any semaphore and light codes, they just look at it stupidly.

This approach is similar to the use of radios in later generations to call hidden secret agents. Those who are interested will know the semaphore and light codes, and soon Liu Guoneng's letter will appear in Luo Rucai's hands.

Luo Rucai looked at the person who came to contact him and found it inconceivable, because the person whose surname was Huang used a pseudonym, called Huang Guoliang, and he was the leader of a bandit with 500 people under his command, which was equivalent to the position of a general in the Ming army.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't expect my brother to be the 'Red Banner Army', thank you for being thoughtful and not letting brother Liu Guoneng shout outside the city.

I sincerely plan to defect to the 'King of Han'. From now on, I will obey your command, brother. "

Just as he was dozing off, someone gave him a pillow. Luo Rucai read Liu Guoneng's letter and immediately expressed his opinion.

Huang Guoliang said: "If our army does not count the gains and losses, it may take less than twelve hours to capture Xi'an. The reason why we are willing to take such trouble is because the 'King of Han' has good intentions and issued an order to kill as little as possible."

Luo Rucai said: "I can feel the good intentions of the 'King of Han', and I would like to see more people survive. I have never done bad things in this life, and this time I will do my best to do good deeds for the Buddha of Wanjia. .

I want to test Ma Shouying's attitude. If he is willing to defect, things in the city will be much easier. "

Huang Guoliang said: "There is no need for Master Luo to take the risk of persuading Ma Shouying to surrender, don't think that he has some friendship with you before, so he is careless, we have been watching this person for a long time.

His relationship with Gao Yingxiang is incomparable, and he cannot be easily persuaded by you. Even if you expose your identity, it is very possible that you will be taken down by him on the spot. "

Luo Rucai asked: "Master Huang, what are we going to do? If the army outside the city gets impatient and launches an attack, no matter whether it is bombardment or arson, the loss in the city will not be small."

Huang Guoliang laughed loudly and said: "Don't be impatient when the head of the Luo family is safe, there are many people who are ready to defect, they are all waiting for orders, and they are all spreading the news that Xi'an has become a deadly place, and they are stubbornly resisting a dead end.

They are all secretly propagating how the 'Red Banner Army' treats the prisoners preferentially, and even planning to arrange for some pawns who are about to surrender to fall to the top of the city. "

Luo Rucai said: "Master Huang is implying that the longer the time drags on, the worse the situation in Xi'an will be?"

"However, attacking the heart is the first priority. Launching a propaganda war for one or two months is enough to disintegrate the morale of the defenders in Xi'an. At that time, launching an offensive and tens of thousands of people defecting will not only achieve Xi'an city at your fingertips, but also guarantee Casualties were minimized."

(End of this chapter)

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