The Soul of the Han Dynasty in the Late Ming Dynasty

Chapter 962 You are all ministers of subjugation

Chapter 962 You are all ministers of subjugation

"With the right people, even a pig can become a Buddha."

Such remarks became popular in Ming Dynasty some time ago, which directly led to the sale of 50 copies of Journey to the West published by "Red Flag Publishing House", making a fortune.

Nowadays, too many scholars start to think, the same sky, the same Han people, why the "Hanwang" line is flourishing, why the Ming Dynasty has been deteriorating and has spread to the people's livelihood?

It's really important to follow the right person, it's never too late to make up for it!

The establishment of a new dynasty requires too much civil and military service. If you don't fight for yourself at this time, when the dust settles, can you just sit and watch the pigs go to the sky?
With the passage of time, some of the civil and military officials who were originally compromised had changed their minds. They no longer resisted the enthronement of the "Han King", and more officials participated in persuading Chongzhen to abdicate.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the original chief assistant Fan Fucui, who lived in seclusion to avoid disputes, was persuaded by Chen Yan and Wei Zhaocheng, the cabinet ministers who had already defected to the "King of Han", and also participated in persuading him to quit.

There was also Zhou Yanru, a former chief assistant who couldn't stand the loneliness, who came all the way from Jiangnan to make a performance. Like Qian Qianyi, he was a leader of the Donglin Party, and he was once kicked out of the court by Wen Tiren during the political struggle.

Most of the moral gentlemen and the backbone scholar-bureaucrats of the Donglin Party joined Qian Qianyi and Zhang Cai in the Americas thousands of miles away to participate in the education.

It's just that even if there are great Confucians like Huang Daozhou and Liu Zongzhou, it may not be a short-term effort to teach those alienated folk religions about "filial piety, brotherhood, loyalty, trustworthiness, propriety, righteousness, integrity, and shame."

The rest of the Donglin party members are more realistic and know how to assess the situation. They basically flocked to the "Hanwang". Zhou Yanru, who was in his prime, was of course eager to return to the court. He begged Chongzhen many times to make a decision that benefited himself and the people for the livelihood of the world. .

Seeing other civilian and military generals, Chongzhen was not much moved, but when he suddenly saw Hong Chengchou who he thought had died for his country, Chongzhen was immediately filled with grief and indignation.

He said: "I treat Aiqing very well, and I will spare no effort to give what I can. What can Aiqing say when I see you today?"

Hong Chengchou's face was not covered, his face didn't blush and his heart beat when he heard Chongzhen's questioning, he said unhurriedly:

"The collapse of the Ming system has been entrenched, Wen Tian and Wu Xi have become corrupt, and the soldiers under his command are short of food and clothing. No matter how hard the ministers are, it is useless. The complete defeat is not accidental but inevitable."

Chongzhen looked at this important minister who had placed high hopes, but he did not expect to meet again but appeared as a lobbyist of the "King of Han", feeling restless.

He sneered again and again, pointing at Hong Chengchou and spat: "I am not the king of a subjugated country, you are all ministers of a subjugated country."

It is possible that Chongzhen was really out of temper, and actually said this sentence more than three years in advance. This should have been his last words before hanging himself on Meishan!
This sentence is actually too stupid, just like a company collapsed, the chairman came forward and said that he should not be like this because of the gangsters under his command.

Hong Chengchou didn't take it seriously, and turned his back on his face. He retorted: "It is only by doing the same thing that the country is corrupted. What feats did your Majesty do to benefit the country and the people as the emperor of the Ming Dynasty?
Now that the country has come to this point, His Majesty has shifted all the blame to the ministers, which is enough to prove that His Majesty has not taken responsibility. Let's invite the 'King of Han' to ascend the throne as soon as possible. I believe that within three years, the world will be ruled. "

Hong Chengchou was eloquent, and he was determined to follow the "King of Han". He didn't care that Chongzhen was trembling with anger, and continued to fire.

Talk about the war situation in the Central Plains, talk about the ugliness of hundreds of officials, talk about Gao Yingxiang who was surrounded by groups, and talk about how the soldiers of the "Red Banner Army" enshrined the "King of Han" as a god.

Chongzhen knew that the "Red Banner Army" owned by the "King of Han" could fight, but he didn't expect that the bandits would be defeated so quickly and thoroughly.

He has already learned from Zheng Guochang that the rogue bandits in Henan have been completely wiped out, killing more than 10,000, collecting [-] to [-], and capturing [-]+.

He also learned from Hong Chengchou from Shaanxi that in order to reduce the number of killings, the "King of Han" could obviously use the model of seizing Shenyang to burn all the 20 rogues in Xi'an to death, but spent time, money and food to confront the rogues and try to persuade them to surrender.

It can be seen that Jinxiu Jiangshan will be able to achieve He Qing Haiyan next year, but all of this will soon have nothing to do with him, Emperor Zhu Ming.

He always lamented why he was so unlucky, why didn't he have a few days of peace in the 14 years he had been on the throne?
On the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Fang Zhenghua, the director of ceremonies of the Ming Dynasty who had triumphantly returned from the Henan battlefield, entered the palace to have an audience with Chongzhen.

As soon as he met Fang Zhenghua, he knelt down and kowtowed endlessly. He didn't hide his position. He begged Chongzhen to be enthroned as soon as possible, and confessed that he would take over the defense of the Forbidden City.

In order to avoid accidents, Huang Han appointed his disciples personal guards Li Zhi'en, Shi Xian, Mao Chengdou, Liu Gangyong, Yang Jiuming, and Huang Yusheng as the first-class imperial guards in the palace, under the command of Fang Zhenghua, the chief of the palace.

From the soldiers who had experienced the Ping-Liao War, 3000 educated young soldiers and low-level assistants were selected as the fifth to second-class imperial guards.

The corresponding military position of the first-class imperial bodyguard is the fourth-rank Qian Zongshi, and so on. The second-class imperial guard is from the fourth-rank, the third-rank is from the fifth-rank, and the fourth-rank is from the fifth-rank.

The fifth-class imperial guard is the lowest rank among the guards. Those who have the position of a small banner officer are the sixth rank, and the corporal commander is the sixth rank. The fifth-class imperial guards who have no position are the seventh rank, and have the same treatment and rank as the general banner officer.

Zhang Dingguo, the former rogue, and now Huang Dingguo is the personal guard who was given the surname by the "King of Han", so of course he has received special attention from the Shangguan.

Therefore, he was able to get more performance opportunities. When he participated in the Ping-Liao War, he had already become the chief banner officer of the Guards Battalion.

He lived up to everyone's expectations and bravely moved forward during the Ping-Liao battle, and independently won the fourth-level decapitation. The general banner he led also achieved good results, and was awarded two consecutive promotions.

This time, Huang Dingguo was on the list for the selection of imperial guards, and he was promoted and appointed, ranking second.

After this period of influence, Huang Dingguo learned new knowledge and saw that the living standards of the common people were improving day by day, and his hostility was gone, replaced by enthusiasm for serving the country.

The imperial bodyguard team is young and educated. These officers who have experienced bloody battles and personally killed the enemy will enter the power center and experience for a period of time. During this period, Huang Han will continue to teach by example.

In the future, 1000 new recruits will be recruited every year, and these 1000 recruits will also be selected from grassroots leaders and non-commissioned officers who have won military medals.

Select 1000 people from the imperial guards and promote them to a higher level, and assign them to the positions corresponding to their ranks in the frontier army or local army.

Doing this would not only ensure that the imperial bodyguards would not be corrupted, but would also add sand to the frontier and local armies. Huang Han would be able to keep his ears and eyesight all the time, and better ensure that the army, a national machine, would not be out of the control of the imperial power.

Huang Han established the country with martial arts. Of course, it is necessary to guard against military generals to disrupt the country, and to ensure that the emperor will always command the guns, so that the country can enjoy long-term stability.

A large country with a large population, how can it be possible to eliminate cronies?
Huang Han personally trained local officials at the grassroots level, and personally taught the military officers. The purpose was to cultivate the "imperial party" and make the "imperial party" dominate. No matter how many parties appeared in the future, they had to be under the leadership of the "imperial party" to survive.

Li Zhien, Mao Chengdou and other six first-class guards led three thousand imperial guards who had at least a first-level decapitation skill to guard the Forbidden City in four shifts around the clock.

I believe that with these young and middle-aged men with remarkable loyalty and combat effectiveness guarding the imperial city, they will be safe and sound.

Fang Zhenghua not only truthfully reported the results of the suppression of bandits in Henan and Shaanxi to Chongzhen, but also told Chongzhen the composition of the guards guarding the Forbidden City in the future.

And euphemistically told Chongzhen that on the first day of the first month of next year, no matter whether Chongzhen agreed to abdicate or not, the "King of Han" would ascend the throne and proclaim himself emperor to establish the "Great Han Empire" and change the year of the first year to "Wuwei".

However, whether or not Chongzhen became Zen will directly affect the treatment of members of the royal family, which is equivalent to indicating that Chongzhen will not voluntarily abdicate but will be ousted from power. King Xin has nothing to do, and what awaits him is lifelong confinement.

Li Ruolian and Fang Zhenghua's [-] Beijing elites are Chongzhen's last hope. When Wen Tiren, Zheng Guochang, Zhang Fengyi and others say that these brave men and horses have been recruited by the "Red Banner Army", Chongzhen may not believe them all.

But after seeing Hong Chengchou and Fang Zhenghua, and getting the same news from Fang Zhenghua, Chongzhen was completely desperate.

Nowadays, the "King of Han" has no scruples. It doesn't matter whether he gets the abdication of Chongzhen or not. He declares that the establishment of the "Han Empire" will be only ten days away on the first day of the Lunar New Year, and the Ministry of Rites is already preparing for the founding ceremony.

Faced with this conversation that was equivalent to an ultimatum, Chongzhen finally made a compromise. He proposed to meet the "Han King", and he wanted to hear the "Han King"'s promise with his own ears.

(End of this chapter)

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