Chapter 98 Life-saving food

Hanzi, Yang Hanwei, and Yuan Siming loudly conveyed orders to the common people, asking them to take some food and retreat quickly, and the army would immediately burn all the supplies that could not be taken away.

The Han people who were rescued were in an uproar when they learned that the army was going to burn the many good things that could not be taken away. "So much grain and so many carts are ready to be burned?"

"Impossible? Food is the lifeblood of the common people, military masters, you can't burn food!"

Yuan Siming said: "There is no way, the mountain road is rugged and the carts cannot pass. If it is not burned, it will be taken back by the dog tartars sooner or later."

Hanzi said loudly: "If you are reluctant to part with the food, you can carry more food. We will wait until you are on the road before setting fire."

"Your Excellency, this must not be the case! The Tartars have taken captives, so many people from the countryside have fled into the mountains, and so many people are starving. With so much food, I don't know how many people can live!"

Yuan Siming said: "Everyone, stop talking nonsense and hurry up. It is our commander's order to burn all the things that cannot be taken away. Who dares to obstruct Killing Wushe!"

"Folks, let's all kowtow to Mr. Huang, we thank him for saving his life, and we also beg him to keep these grains."

"Okay, let's all go, go together, let's go and beg Mr. Huang."

Huang Han was concentrating on listening to Song Pengfei and Zhao Kun's talk about their experience in the battle for the first time, and discussed Hui Zunhua's immediate formation of a general banner of bird gunners, who would be trained by Song Pengfei, and found that more than 2000 Han people came around to fight together knelt down.

A man in his early thirties kowtowed and said, "My lord, the younger one is from Shuangyu Village. The younger one's name is Qiao Dashan. The Pei Daneng brothers recognize the younger one. I heard that the army is going to burn the wheat. I wonder if there is such a thing?" thing?"

Huang Han said: "It is indeed an order from the official. Anything that cannot be taken away will become enemy assets. If you don't destroy it at this time, won't it become enemy assets?"

Qiao Dashan kowtowed and said: "My lord, I beg you not to burn the grain for the time being. Even if you are exhausted, you should take the wheat away. We have more than 2000 people. We can carry the wheat into the mountains in sections. It won't be too late to burn food after Jiannu has really chased into the mountains."

I don’t know how many fleeing Han people are hiding in the mountainous area hundreds of miles north of Zunhua City. They should urgently need food to survive the lean spring.

A fire burned four or five thousand shi of wheat, Huang Han was indeed a little bit hesitant to do it.

With this wheat, at least 2 people can spend the most difficult months, although the four or five thousand shi of wheat is only worth about 5000 taels of silver based on the current price before Chongzhen became a slave and entered the customs in the second year of Chongzhen.

But in the face of hunger, these wheats are the lifeblood and the hope of survival. No wonder these strong laborers kneel down and beg.

Pei Daneng stood up and said: "My lord, Qiao Dashan is indeed a small countryman, and there are dozens of men here too. They all want to keep these grains. I don't know if your lord can make it happen."

Huang Han said: "I would like to give the food that I can't take away to the villagers, but they can't take too much. How can the Jiannu and Tartars be willing to give up after suffering a great loss.

The official estimates that at noon tomorrow at the latest, the enemy army will come to search. Not only will the food be robbed by the slaves again, but the villagers may also lose their lives for the food. "

With a plop, Qiao Dashan knelt down and kowtowed again: "My lord, there are many folks in Pisces Village who should hide in the nearby mountains, and many hometowns in the four villages and eight villages should also take refuge in the mountains. People, tell everyone that they can come to carry food, it is estimated that a lot of people will come after one hundred and one hundred nights."

Huang Han thought for a while to comfort the people kneeling on the ground and said: "Followers, get up quickly, I have decided not to burn the grain for the time being. Let's bury the pot and cook the horse meat first, and then we can make a long-term plan."

Pei Daneng also knelt down at this time, and he said with tears in his eyes: "My lord, the common people who are digging in the ground are miserable! If they can get a bag of wheat and let them climb the mountain for three days and three nights without rest, they will also risk their lives. Gritting your teeth at the risk of exhaustion, please do your best to help the folks, I am grateful."

At this time, dozens of Ming soldiers whose hometown was near Zunhua all knelt down and begged for mercy. They said in unison: "Please do it!" The other soldiers also stood up and knelt down together.

Huang Han finally understood the heavy meaning of food in the hearts of ordinary people at the grassroots level. He expressed his position: "Brothers and folks, please hurry up, I decided not to burn the food, and send all the food and materials that cannot be taken away to the folks."

As soon as this remark came out, the soldiers and the common people cheered thunderously.

Huang Han was worried that he would do bad things with good intentions, causing many ordinary people to lose their lives for food and supplies.

He emphasized: "I agreed to the request of the folks, and I hope you will hurry up. There may be five or six thousand shi of wheat loaded in six or seven hundred carts. Even if you work hard, you will not be able to carry them over the mountains A stone of wheat!"

Qiao Dashan said: "My lord, don't worry, there are too many Han people hiding in the nearby mountains. Let's carry some grain and go to the mountain to find people. I believe that the nearby villagers will come in a hurry when they see the yellow and orange wheat."

Seeing that Qiao Dashan was reasonable, Huang Han said: "Okay, I agree. You eat first, and when you are full, you carry the wheat and go up the mountain to find someone separately. I will give you one night and tomorrow morning to carry the grain. You guys What can be taken before noon tomorrow counts, and things that cannot be moved after noon can only be burned."

Afterwards, the transportation team of the Jin army was attacked and killed seven or eight people. The five or sixty people who fled in a hurry would probably not be able to escape into Santunying City until midnight.

The post-Gold Army stationed in the garrison had already been harassed by more than 2000 Ming cavalry from Zunhua during the day, and they were wondering what the Ming army would do next. When they heard that the transport team was robbed in the middle of the night, they would not dare to send troops to come overnight. Pisces Village.

It is estimated that Jiannu will send out troops at dawn, and they should not dare to ride their horses along the way. They will definitely prevent the Ming army from attacking again, and uninterrupted exploration of the only road they must pass is essential.

After all, this road has high mountains and dense forests, and there are countless places where people can lurk. Who can be sure where the Ming army will wait for the Jin army?After all, a hundred or so armored men lost their lives just yesterday. Who would dare to be careless if we learn from the past?
Huang Han had already calculated the time it would take for the cavalry to walk through these mountain roads, and thought that the Hou Jin army should arrive at Pisces Village after noon, so he gave a deadline for transporting food.

Qiao Dashan said with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, my lord, I promise to move everything clean before noon tomorrow."

Many strong laborers patted their chests and promised: "The general's great kindness is so small that we will never forget it. We have plenty of strength. I guarantee that there will be nothing left here tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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