Chapter 1016

The beacon fire was lit on the mountains south of Mantou City, which was so conspicuous in the night.

This beacon was not only seen by the Qin army in the city, but also by the Tuyuhun people outside the city.

"Could it be that the Qin army circled behind?"

When Murong Ke heard the news, he was a little flustered, "Quickly invite the Prime Minister to come."

The guards sent to invite King Tianzhu had just left when they heard shouts of killing coming from far to the south, and the ground under their feet trembled slightly.

The whole group of people who came to climb the mountain and light the beacon fire did not delay, but directly launched the surprise attack first.

Just like the raid on Murong Anyuan, although the enemy has changed from [-] to [-], only [-] troops come and go to launch a surprise attack without hesitation, and the troops are divided into three groups, each with [-] light cavalry charging forward The battalion was broken, and [-] infantry followed on horseback to widen the gap.

The moon is very bright.

The moonlight shines down, like mercury leaking to the ground, covering the earth with a bright white gauze.

It is very convenient for the raiders to come to the army, and they can see clearly without holding up a torch.

Instigate the horse and rush forward.

"Qin Jun, Qin Jun is back!"

"Where is Murong Anyuan, he has 2 people behind him, why did he let these Qin people come here?"

"Where did these Qin people come from?"

In the Tuyuhun camp, all the Tuyuhun nobles and generals were puzzled.

I don't know how Qin Jun came later.

As the horn blew, one after another Tuyuhun people hurried out of their tents.

"Blow the battle horn for me, beat the drums, follow me out of the city, and kill his mother!" Yuchi Gong raised his horse high and roared again and again.

The head of Mantou City suddenly opened.

Yu Chigong took the lead, leading three thousand light armored cavalry, all armored and armored, rushed out.

Behind the three thousand and a half fully armored cavalry, there are one thousand more elite and powerful fully armored cavalry. Both men and horses wear armor, and people are like tigers and horses like dragons.

Light cavalry leads the way, while heavy cavalry hides behind.

Behind them, there are infantrymen swarming out.

Almost at the same time, the two 3000-man soldiers and horses stationed in the two wooden camps on the left and right sides of Mantou City, which were only a few miles apart, also came out at the same time.

Without the support of the Western Turkic people, Yu Chigong would not be afraid even if there were a hundred thousand Tuyuhun people, let alone a surprise attack from behind.

With more than [-] against [-], each of the Qin soldiers believed that they had already secured the victory.

More than [-] are fighting against [-], Yuchi Gong dare not waste, but more than [-] are fighting [-], this is completely superior in strength.

Qin Jun has always been able to fight two with one.

The Tuyuhun people who hastily assembled had to fight on two fronts.

It is necessary to hastily face the attack of the whole army from the south, and also to face the Qin army who broke out from one city and two villages in the north.

Yuchi Gong galloped his war horse like lightning, and the spear in his hand was like a dragon.

Two cavalry approached.

But Yu Chigong set up a long spear and roared loudly.

"Go around!"

One after another, the knights shouted, "Go left and right."

Just like two dragons dividing water, the [-]-and-a-half armored cavalry galloping like electricity suddenly split into two groups, one on the left and one on the right, like a torrent meeting a rock.

The three thousand light cavalry separated left and right, and they were going to collide head-on with Tuyuhun's cavalry, but suddenly they separated like this.

The Tuyuhun cavalry continued to charge forward, only to find that the front was empty, and the cavalry of the Qin Army rushed around from both sides as if they were afraid of them.

They haven't waited for them to be proud.

As a result, Yu Chigong and other Qin cavalry who had circled to the two sides immediately raised their bows and fired crossbows, riding from the side and shooting at the Tuyuhun cavalry, which caught the Tuyuhun people off guard.

Arrows and crossbows rained down like rain, he just buried his head and rushed forward, with the shield in front, but the arrows and crossbows came from the side.

For a while, many Tuyuhun people were shot by arrows and fell down.

What's more terrible is that Qin Qi rolled forward on both sides, shooting while charging.

And they were still rushing forward, but when they looked up, they found that there was another Qin Qi in front of them.

It's just that these Qin cavalry seem to be different. They are no longer just half-armored, but fully-armored, both men and horses.

The horse is taller and the armor is stronger.

A dark piece.

The heavy armored cavalry of the Qin army finally arrived. They had hidden behind the half-armored cavalry just now, but now they suddenly appeared, revealing their ferocious minions.

Light cavalry and heavy cavalry collide head-on, that is the most stupid.

If the Tuyuhun people knew that they were facing heavy cavalry, they would never bump into them so stupidly, and no matter how tough the nomadic light cavalry was, they would never dare to confront the Central Plains heavy cavalry head-on.

They thought their opponent was Qin Jun Qingqi, but unexpectedly, the opponent was Heavy Cavalry.

The two cavalry collided fiercely.

The horse turned on his back.

The heavy armor of the Qin army's heavy cavalry made the light cavalry's sword-shooting almost ineffective, while the Qin army's heavy cavalry's iron cavalry charged and stabbed with horses, but they easily took away one after another Tuyuhun people.

Coupled with the fact that the Qing cavalry of the Qin army circled to the two sides were still firing with bows and crossbows, the Tuyuhun cavalry was under multiple blows for a while.

The heavy cavalry rushed past.

Fortunately, the Tuyuhun people who were not shot by the Qin army's light cavalry and knocked over by the heavy cavalry's impact had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief.

It turned out that countless infantry soldiers of the Qin army rushed towards the opposite side. They carried spears and sword shields, and they galloped forward. His eyes were shining, and he surrounded him with a groan.

Beat the dog in the water hard, and fight on foot and ride.

Tuyuhun Qingqi, who couldn't run at all, found himself in a more desperate situation than before. There were infantry everywhere, in groups of three, nine at a time, bayonets, bows and crossbows, and it was hard to defend against.

One after another, the Tuyuhun people were killed, and they were not convinced when they were dying.

Tianzhu Wang hurriedly found Murong Ke.

"We can't fight like this. If we fight like this, we will have to finish the game. We have to pull out the horses, and our light cavalry has to charge."

Murong Ke looked around in a daze, there was chaos everywhere, and the roar was loud.

It seems that they have fallen into the endless ocean of the Qin army, and all they see are the red battle flags of the Qin army, and their red military robes are everywhere, and they can't feel their [-] Tuyuhun army.

"The Qin people are too shameless to sneak attack." Murong Ke said.

King Tianzhu cursed inwardly for being childish, whoever cares about the means in a war only cares about the result.

"Raise Ben Khan's Khan flag, and let the talented people of Tuyuhun come closer!" Murong Ke shouted.

As a result, the sweat flag was lifted high, and it immediately attracted the attention of countless Qin Jun.

"Han Banner, where is Tuyuhun's Han Banner, where is Murong Ke!"

The red-eyed soldiers of the Qin army were like wolves smelling blood.

Slaying generals and capturing the flag is the most important military achievement. It is higher than climbing first when attacking a city, and even higher than jumping in the field. Especially for an enemy general like Murong Ke who is a king-level general, if he can slay the general and capture the flag, That can directly confer the title of marquis.

Yu Chigong, who was charging, also saw this sweat flag from a distance, he retracted the long sculpture he stabbed out, and smiled.

Chang Leng pointed at the Khan Flag, "Boys, follow me to capture the flag!"

To the south, Laizheng has already killed several people in the Tuyuhun camp, and just once again broke through the enemy's formation and gathered his troops again, "General, the Tuyuhun Khan Banner is up, look, it's over there!"

Turn around and take a look, sure enough.

"You are so brave, you dare to set up a flag of sweat, come with me, and capture Murong Ke alive!"

All the knights roared like chicken blood, brandished their scimitars and spears, mobilized their horses, and rushed towards the sweat flag.

One after another, the Qin cavalry gathered all their strength to kill the Khan Banner.

God blocks and kills God, and Buddha blocks and kills Buddha.

Tianzhu King roared again and again, "Hurry up and take down the sweat flag, take down the sweat flag!"

However, it's too late.

(End of this chapter)

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