Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 102 The brave are invincible

Chapter 102 The brave are invincible

Liu Renmei shot down a young man with a spear.

What can be seen is that Luo Cunxiao led more youngsters into the flock like tigers, crazily pouncing and biting.The servants of various families with a larger number are retreating steadily!

Under the leadership of Luo Cunxiao and Fusan, more than sixty teenagers in the strong class in soap clothes suddenly felt like charging with thousands of horses and thousands of horses.

As they swung their long spears, Li Lao stabbed, and the servants of the various families and the local ruffians they recruited retreated in embarrassment.

Liu Renmei was angry.

Also panicked.

Luo Cunxiao had already rushed to the city gate, and if they rushed over, the city gate would be taken back by them.

The eight hundred heroes outside the city will not be able to enter the city.

He got it.

He met a guy who didn't want to die.

A desperado.

He had heard that Luo Cheng was a lunatic and Luo Shixing was a fool, but now he understood that Luo Cunxiao was a crazy and stupid guy, with such a small number of people, he dared to kill them forcefully, and they couldn't bear it if they could still kill them.

Originally thought that he had successfully captured the top of the city, opened the city gate and waited for the heroes to enter the city.

Gritting his teeth, Liu Renmei put down the bow and arrow in his hand, and he raised the horse beside him.

He bought this horse lance from Luoyang through his relationship with a lot of money. Although it is not a precious lance, it also cost him as much as a hundred guan.Usually, he likes to take out this spear to show off in front of his companions. After all, it is a great thing to have a horse spear.

If they don't try to stop Luo Lao Si, they will be finished.

With the long spear in hand, Liu Renmei felt that her courage and confidence had returned.

I have a long spear in my hand, how can Luo Laosi fight against me!

He went down to the city with a spear, and led his servants to face Luo Cunxiao against the people who were avoiding him.

"Fourth Luo!"

"you wanna die!"

Luo Cunxiao stopped and wiped the blood on his face, it was the blood of the thieves.

"Boss Liu, why are you calling your grandfather? Are you going to kneel down and surrender?"

Liu Renmei held up the lance, "Look at the lance!"

"Eat your grandpa!"

Luo Cunxiao was not polite either, just smashed it with a wave.

After some guidance from his no-nosed old master Zhao, his Lao style is no longer the same random way as in the past, and he has some faint moves, and he has hidden a lot of killer moves.

Chang Lao is fickle. Although he is not yet seasoned, he is already very powerful.

Liu Renmei usually prides herself on her bravery, but the fourth child's style of play is really too violent, smashing like a storm, mixed with some hooks, stabs, and sweeps, making it hard to guard against.

After fighting for a while, Liu Renmei was out of breath, and he even regretted that he abandoned his bow and came to fight with a lance.

Although the horse lance is powerful, it is a horse weapon after all. His horse lance is a few feet longer than Luo Laosi's Changluo, and he can't use it at all when he is holding a horse lance that is more than ten feet away.

Although the fourth child's long hair is also seven feet long, there is no obstacle to playing with the fourth child's height and bravery.

Another slam.

Liu Renmei barely approached, but she was already staring at her.

In his heart, he hoped that the heroes from outside the city would come into the city.

But they never showed up.


Lao Si took the shot, and the smashing boss Liu kept retreating, then quickly changed his moves, and Chang Lao stabbed out.

Li Lao easily pierced the leather robe worn by Boss Liu.

The blood surged wildly.

The fist on Li's body blocked Chang's piercing, but the tip of the penetrating body was more than a foot long, and Liu Renmei vomited blood.

"Hmph, overestimate your own strength." The fourth child snorted coldly, and picked Liu Renmei up with force.

He lifted him up high, but didn't shake him off.

The whole person stood in front of the wall, holding up Liu Renmei's body and roaring loudly, "Whoever stands in my way dies!"

The crowd, who were already flustered by the beating, saw that Liu Renmei had been stabbed to death several times, and they were even more terrified and speechless.

In their eyes, Luo Cunxiao at this time was like an evil ghost killed in hell.

Some people are frightened, some people are frightened.

With a clang, someone threw away the ring head knife in his hand and fled into the darkness.

Many more are on the run.

"Fourth brother, take back the city gate first!" Fusan shouted hastily.

The fourth child nodded, shook Liu Renmei's body aside, and led the team to continue forward.

No one can fight anymore.

Be flustered and act like birds and beasts.

Fan Xing watched Liu Renmei being killed from the top of the city, but he was helpless, and he didn't dare to come to rescue him.

Luo Cunxiao easily seized the city gate.

"Close the city gate quickly!"

A group of teenagers pushed the door, and a group of teenagers lifted the bolt.

The door closed slowly.

Through the narrower and narrower cracks in the door, one could see a fire coming from a distance outside the city.

"The thief is coming!"

"It's a pity they came a step late!" Luo Cunxiao laughed loudly, showing his big teeth.

Almost at the same time, in the direction of the city, Luo Cheng, who received the news, hurried over with his third child, little six, Du Da and others.

Approaching the bottom of the city, I saw corpses all over the ground, blood flowing all over the ground.

When he saw that the gate of the city was closed tightly and the fourth child was coming out with his hands, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nice job!" he praised.

"That's natural. I keep watch at night. Who dares to sneak attack?"

"How's the situation?" Luo Cheng asked again.

"Liu Renmei at the city gate has been killed by Lao Tzu, and a group of his subordinates have also dispersed like birds and beasts. But there is still Fan Xing and a group of people on the top of the city!"

Luo Cheng nodded and patted the brother on the shoulder.

"Thank you for your hard work, take a good rest, and leave Fan Hu on the top of the wall to us."

The fourth child smiled and said to the third child, "I'm sorry third brother, let us drink all the meat, you can drink the leftover soup!"

"Fourth brother, you are awesome this time, and third brother will also convince you." The third child said with a smile.

This word of service made the fourth child feel that the pores of his whole body are comfortably opened, which is rare.

"By the way, when the door was closed just now, I saw that the thieves had already arrived. The number is estimated to be several hundred. Be careful." The fourth child reminded.

"As expected, I have already had Captain Jia notified. Let's get rid of the rats in the city first."

Fan Xing gathered about 60 to [-] people at the head of the city, and wanted to hold back stubbornly, waiting for the heroes from outside the city to enter the city.

But Luo Cheng no longer gave him this chance.

"Xiao Liu, lead the shield team to the front, and throw flying guns when you get close, Du Da, you lead the sword team to follow behind."


As soon as Xiao Liu waved his hand, thirty shieldmen of the shield team held large wooden shields to form a shield wall.


The shieldmen huddled behind their shields and marched forward, shouting in unison.

Fan Xing and the others stood on it, helpless in the face of such a formation of tortoise shells.

In a hurry, there is no kerosene or stones, otherwise these all wooden shields are not indestructible.

"Flying guns are ready!"

Xiao Liu looked at the distance through the gap between the shields, and he could already see Fan Xing and others holding swords and guns not far in front, and he shouted.

The shield opens.

Xiao Liu was the first to throw a four-foot flying spear.

The flying gun roared out, and went straight to Fan Xing who was holding a ring-headed broadsword.

A shot hit the chest, and the huge force even came out through the body, and then pierced into another person's body.

Thirty shield players also threw their flying spears, and there was a loud sound of piercing through the air. The thirty flying spears instantly pierced the thieves standing on the top of the city.

Seeing this, Du Fuwei couldn't wait any longer.

He jumped out, slapped the round shield heavily with the ring knife in his right hand, and gave the command to charge.

"Follow me, kill!"

Thirty saber and poker players jumped out one after another with a round shield in one hand and a saber in the other.

After a while, there was no longer a bandit standing on the top of the city!

Luo Cheng climbed to the top of the city, condescending.

Under the city, hundreds of thieves had just arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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