Chapter 1028

August [-]th.

A group of Habayashiro led a group of Habayashi cavalry out of Chang'an City and headed for Weiqiao.

By the Wei River, Siye and his party had just arrived.

Habayashi Lang Liu Rengui rode his horse across the bridge, rolled his saddle and dismounted.

"Habayashi Langyu Cavalry Captain Liu Rengui, by the order of His Majesty the Emperor, is here to welcome General Wang Kaixuan!"

Hundreds of Yulin knights are dressed in unicorn bright armor, with phoenix wings on their heads, and eight red lacquered horses hanging on their shoulders, and the red tassels on their heads are bright.

"Habayashi Knight welcomes the Great General Wang Triumph!"

Hundreds of young Habayashi riders roared at the same time, the voice was extremely majestic.

When the Great General Wang heard this call, he couldn't help but feel his blood surge up, as if he had returned to the battlefield.

"Thank you for your welcome." Siye immediately cupped his hands.

Liu Rengui, "Please ask Habayashi to guard the way for the general king!"

"You and the other Habayashi soldiers are all disciples of the emperor, how dare you."

"It is my honor to be the guard of the Great General King. The Great General King is a model for our Habayashi Army."

At this time, a Habayashi rider came to a carriage, but it was a golden carriage driven by six horses.

The big carriage is not an ordinary carriage, it is a kind of carriage that only the emperor can ride.

The emperor had a special reliance on traveling, which was called Lubo.The big chariot is a part of the halogen book. Because it is the highest specification chariot specially used by the emperor, there is a canopy on the roof and a banner at the rear. The canopy and the banner are all made of golden and yellow for the emperor Apricot yellow.

The tops of all pole heads on the car, including the shaft and flagpole, are decorated with dragon heads.

There is also a screen, a table and an armrest on the car. The screen and the table are inlaid with gold silk patterns, which are noble and elegant.The fence, handrails and decorative flower panels of the car are all made of ivory, carved with auspicious clouds and dragon patterns.

The wheels are inlaid with gold wire, and the upper and lower layers of the wheels are densely covered with hundreds of gemstones, showing the royal demeanor and imperial majesty everywhere.

This chariot can only be used by the emperor. It was originally a twelve-horse chariot, but today the emperor sent this chariot to welcome the heir, so it was reduced to six horses.

However, Jin Ren's welcome still shocked everyone on the side of the Wei Bridge.

"The Great General Wang, please board the car!"

During the Qin and Han dynasties, the emperor drove a convoy of 81 attendants, while in the Sui Dynasty, the emperor's guard of honor had to be arranged in 120 square formations.

Even if the emperor just sent more than [-] Yulin troops to meet him with a golden car, Siye also hesitated.

"Please, General Wang Dengren!"

Seeing Siye's hesitation, Qin Qiong stepped forward with a smile, "Since His Majesty sent the Habayashi Army to welcome you with golden scorpions, please sit down, Fifth Prince, this is also His Majesty's reward for your military exploits."

Siye smiled wryly, "In the battle of Helong, I had more crimes than meritorious deeds, how dare I take credit for it, let alone sit on this golden seat beyond the etiquette."

But all the Habayashi soldiers stood there and refused to move, Siye didn't board the car, they refused to leave, they were deadlocked for a while.

But Yu Chigong said, "If you are allowed to sit, you can just sit. This is not only your personal glory, but also the glory of all our soldiers. In the battle of Helong, our soldiers fought for the country and sacrificed our lives. With blood, you defeated the Hulu and defended the frontier. Now Your Majesty welcomes you with this golden scorpion. This is not your glory alone, but the glory of hundreds of thousands of soldiers in this war. You should enter Chang'an with the golden scorpion on behalf of the soldiers !"

As soon as these words came out, Siye was taken aback for a while.

"Please General Wang Dengren!" Habayashi Lang Liu Rengui asked again.

"Forget it, then I, Luo Siye, will board the train instead of the hundreds of thousands of soldiers guarding the frontier and resisting captives."

Siye got into the car and found that the car was huge and there were still many empty seats, so he simply invited Qin Qiong and Yu Chi Gong to come and board the car together.


Yuchi Gong didn't hold back, "I, Old Hei, also come to taste what this big meat is like, hahaha."

When Yuchi went up, Qin Qiong and Laizheng thought about it, it would be hypocritical not to go up at this time, so they also boarded the car with a smile.

The four great generals who made great contributions stood together in the car.

Habayashi Lang Liu Rengui was personally responsible for driving, and three hundred Habayashi cavalry guarded the front and back, with six cavalry in one column, 25 in front and back in each.

The team marched all the way to Chang'an City. Along the official road, there were more and more business travelers.

When everyone saw the Habayashi Army and Jin Ren from a distance, they thought it was the emperor coming, and they all bowed to salute. Some even worshiped the emperor, kneeling directly and shouting long live.

Siye stood on the car and had to shout to the people along the way, "I am Siye, not the emperor!"

After explaining along the way, the team came to the south main gate of Chang'an City.

Here, thousands of soldiers of Shenwei Shence and the Beiya Army stood along the road, every five steps a soldier of the imperial army, they were dressed in neat military robes, shiny armor, and held spears and flags.

As soon as Suiye's convoy arrived.

A Shence Army officer shouted orders.

"Congratulations to the triumphant entry of the Great General Wang into the city!"

Countless Shence Army soldiers stood at attention.

On both sides of the road, a Beiya imperial guard stood in five steps.

As Siye Jinren passed by, every imperial guard raised his right hand and clenched his fist, knocked on his left chest and bowed his head to show their respect.

Right fists struck the left breastplate one by one, making clanking sounds.

Standing on the pedestal, Luo Siye couldn't help but burst into tears.

How could he, Luo Siye, have any virtue?
Yu Chigong also returned the same military salute in the car, he glanced at Siye, "Why are you crying, you are representing hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the Northwest battlefield, you have to show the victorious vigor of the future, you can't give it to the brothers You are ashamed and let the soldiers and civilians in Chang'an see it as a joke!"

Qin Qiong also nodded.

"Cheer up, we are receiving this honor on behalf of hundreds of thousands of soldiers."

The chariots and horses entered the city gate, and in front of them was the Suzaku Royal Street with a width of fifty feet and a length of ten miles.

"Jin Wu Guard welcomes the great general Wang Triumph!"

Li Junxian, who had just been transferred from the captain of the pro-army to the general of the Jinwu Guard, was wearing armor and straddling a horse. He stood behind the city gate, drew his sword and shouted.

Numerous generals and schools of the Jinwu Guard stood in line on both sides of Zhuque Street, shouting in unison.

Siye nodded, holding back the tears of excitement in his eyes.

The carriage moved forward.

On both sides of Suzaku Avenue, behind the welcoming team of the Jinwu Guard, is the Qianniu Guard.

Behind Qianniuwei are Zuowuwei, Right Yuwei and other soldiers.

Today, all the military guards of the three yamen sent their most majestic soldiers to line up to welcome Siye and his party to triumphant return.

Even the emperor issued an imperial decree that after Siye triumphantly entered the city, the south gate of Chang'an Waiguo City was renamed the Arc de Triomphe.

Jin Lu arrived in front of the imperial city.

The guards and soldiers of the Qinjun Mansion, each of them is a big man over 1.8 meters, and Xiong Wuzi, who is praised as a big Han general, personally opened the Suzaku Gate, the gate of the imperial city, for Siye.

Behind the door are the knights of the Habayashi Army.

"Invite the Great General to enter the palace."

After passing Shuntian Gate, and then Chengtian Gate, the car arrived in front of Taiji Gate.

"Your Majesty, General Wang Siye has entered the palace." The servant reported.

Luo Cheng stood up, "I want to welcome you in person!"

After walking a few steps, Luo Cheng stopped again, "Change clothes for me, I want to wear formal clothes, and change into a crown."

After the founding of the Great Qin Dynasty, the laws of the Great Qin were promulgated, including laws on clothing.There are strict regulations on the clothes of the emperor and the officials and subjects, and the colors and styles of the clothes are limited.

Fourteen for the emperor, three for the empress, four for the prince, three for the concubine, twenty-three for the ministers, and six for the wife.

Dagon Mian is the second in the fourteen kinds of clothes of the emperor, second only to Daqiu Mian.

All kinds of sacrifices and worship to the ancestral temple, sending generals, requisitioning, celebration banquets, enthronements, crown ceremonies plus yuan clothes, canonization of queens, and Zhengdan grand court gatherings all wear gun crowns.

The palace people hurriedly fetched the emperor's crown and replaced it for the emperor.

Putting on formal attire, Luo Cheng personally rushed to Liangyi Gate to welcome Siye.

(End of this chapter)

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