Chapter 1034

When they went up the mountain, Gar and other Tubo people were downcast, feeling that they were inferior to the Qin people.

On the contrary, the Qin State Mission, all of them were elated, even a little arrogant, especially the member of the Ministry of Rituals, Wailang, even walked out with steps that his relatives did not recognize, and his eyes almost rolled to the sky.

Yongbulakang Palace is now Zanpu's other palace, and he only comes to live there for a period of time every summer.

It's autumn now, but because Princess Saimaga is in the palace on the mountain at this time, Gal was ordered by Zanpu to bring the Qin people here.

On the way, you can see many Tibetans who came to worship the mountain.

Because the Yongbulakang Palace was the first palace of Tubo, it is not only a simple palace of Zanpu, but also regarded as a holy place by the Tubo people.

The Tubo people who believe in Bon religion have the custom of turning around the mountain and prostrating their heads.

Especially if someone in the family is sick, etc., they are used to ask the master of Bon religion to divination and ask the gods for them. After asking the gods, they have to make great wishes and offer incense and tributes.If the family member recovers from illness, then the vow must be fulfilled.The most pious way to repay the wish is to kowtow all the way to Yongbulakang Palace, turn around the prayer wheel in the temple, and add a few stones and colored cloth to the colorful prayer flags on the sacred mountain.

Newcomer Liu Rengui and others have met these pious people many times along the way. Although they find it amazing that some people can come all the way from hundreds of miles away, they may have to kowtow on the road for several years. It really came all the way to kowtow.They will make preparations in advance and lead their families to drive cattle and sheep on the road. Those who fulfill their vows kowtow and go forward every day, while the rest of the family drives cattle and sheep to graze behind them. At night, they rest in tents overnight and continue the next day.

Until they reach the temple and fulfill their vows in front of the Buddha, this process is as short as one or two months and as long as three to five years.

"These are some devout believers."

The Chinese monks and Taoists who came with the mission could not help being amazed at their devout beliefs after learning about it.

On the side of the road, apart from these pious believers, you can also see some caravans from time to time, as well as tribal farmers and their slaves in the fields beside the road, as well as some herdsmen.

The Tubo people were originally a tribe of farmers who mainly cultivated, and then gradually expanded to develop a powerful country with both agriculture and animal husbandry.

Most of those Tubo merchants went to Tianzhu and Niboluo, and the main commodity they sold was salt.Selling salt to Tianzhu also has great benefits.In the past, it was the Subi people who sold salt to Tianzhu.But now, this lucrative business is occupied by the Tibetans.

"Is Tianzhu on the other side of the mountain?" Liu Rengui asked.

"To go to Tianzhu, you have to go all the way to the south, and then cross the Snow Mountain."

"Is Tianzhu a country?"

"No, there are many countries in Tianzhu. In recent years, the four most powerful countries in the north of Tianzhu are the Tannisha Kingdom, the Murik Kingdom, the Gundam Kingdom, and the Malaba Kingdom. The strongest of the countries now is The Sun King of Tannisha Kingdom."

"In the north of Tianzhu, there is also a country on a high mountain, Nivala. Although the country is not big, it is very powerful. It has always been married to me, Tubo."

At the end, Gar didn't forget to add, "I, Tubo, also have contacts with King Jieri, and we have a good relationship."

Liu Rengui chuckled, but didn't take this sentence seriously.

He doesn't know much about Tianzhu, he only knows that Tianzhu is the birthplace of Buddhism introduced to the Central Plains. Much of the people's understanding of Tianzhu in the Central Plains comes from the stories of those Tianzhu monks who came to the Central Plains, as well as some people who ventured to Tianzhu to learn Buddhist scriptures and then returned to the Central Plains. It was introduced by the monks who came back from the Central Plains.

It is said that Tianzhu is a very rich place with fertile plains and boundless.

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty once wanted to open a southwest silk road to connect Tianzhu, but later this silk road encountered obstacles from the Nanman in Yunnan and failed.

After that, the Central Plains Dynasty did not try to get through the reason to go to Tianzhu.

Liu Rengui’s understanding of Tianzhu was still in the period of the Southern and Northern Dynasties in the Central Plains. A unified dynasty emerged in Tianzhu. It is said that this dynasty named Gupta unified almost the entire northern Tianzhu. Established the Gupta Dynasty, conquered small countries by force, and unified North Tianzhu. After that, it also conquered several countries by land and sea, and reached its peak.

After listening to Liu Rengui's doubts, Gar said that although the Gupta Dynasty was strong, it only existed for two hundred years. They perished about 70 years ago, and then Tianzhu returned to the chaotic state of many states, until now it has formed the four great powers.

"It's so powerful that it collapsed all of a sudden?"

"Before the Guishuang Empire in the west of Tianzhu was weak, so the Gupta Dynasty sent troops to seize a lot of its land, and some land was captured by the Yanda people. At first, the Gupta Dynasty formed an alliance with the Yanda people to attack Guishuang, but later After the destruction of Guishuang, the Gupta people were in civil strife, so Yanda took the opportunity to invade the east, defeated the Gupta Dynasty repeatedly, and seized a large amount of territory. It was all taken by the nasty people, and Northern Tianzhu was divided into countless small countries. In the past few decades, the countries have been fighting constantly, so there are four major powers in the North."

Compared with the Central Plains, which is far away from Tianzhu, they don't care much about this side, so they don't know the history of Tianzhu, but as Tianzhu's neighbors, the Tubo people who are only separated by a mountain know the situation on Tianzhu's side very well.

"Oh, by the way, we are also known as the White Huns! About ten years ago, they were attacked by the Western Turks in the Western Regions and the Persian Sassanid Dynasty. Later, Persia and Western Turks fell out, so Western Turks united with Rome to attack Persia, and finally Western Turks took all the land.”

Liu Rengui asked Yuanwailang, "There is also a White Hun? What does it have to do with the Hun in the Han Dynasty?"

That Yuanwailang knew a little bit about this, and said, "The White Huns were originally in the north of the Great Wall of China. They were descendants of the Dayue clan in the Han Dynasty. Creeping, active in the west of Jinshan, defeated Persia and forced the Persian king to pay tribute. When they were in their heyday, they stretched from Congling to Tianshan South Road in the east and the sea in the west. They were extremely powerful. When the Northern Wei Dynasty was strong, they dared not beat them Front."

"The Yanda people have the custom of polyandry and brothers sharing wives. In this regard, the Tubo people also have the same custom."

Liu Rengui exclaimed, "Unexpectedly, the White Huns who were expelled from the northern part of the Great Wall by our Han family and fled to the Western Regions were so powerful. The defeated generals of our Han family entered the Western Regions, but they were able to defeat such big countries as Persia and Gupta. .”

And such a powerful White Huns was finally defeated by the Western Turks, but the Western Turks who destroyed the White Huns were just defeated by the Great Qin. So, um, the strength of the Great Qin is really far beyond What Persian Sasanian Dynasty, Eastern Roman Empire, Tianzhu Gupta Dynasty and so on.

"Western Turkic is now a vassal vassal of my Great Qin. So, the Land of Ian is now also my Great Qin's land?"

"Western Turks later defeated Persia, took down the entire land of Nada, and called it Tochara. Earlier, the Great Qin Emperor conferred on Mo Heduo the Khan of Western Turks, and at the same time named him the king of Tocharia. Come on, the land of disgust is naturally my Daqin's."

All the Daqin missions became extremely proud again, but the Tubo people like Garr felt deeply lost again, going around, no matter how they all belonged to Daqin.

(End of this chapter)

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