Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1040 Notes on Daqin Entrepreneurship and Living

Chapter 1040 Notes on Daqin Entrepreneurship and Living


Mid-Autumn Festival has just passed.

The summer heat has dropped a little, and I will play the performance of Yan Pi, the chief supervisor, and please repair the Daming Palace.

"The Northwest War is established, so I have to return the capital to Luoyang. There is no need to build the Daming Palace. To build a Daming Palace, according to Yanbi's plan and the budget of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, it will take a year at the earliest. It will take a year to recruit millions of people. Ten million. It is too wasteful, after the war, it is not appropriate to start construction."

Inside the Qingliang Palace, the emperor pointed to the outside of the palace, "Isn't this Qingliang Palace pretty good right now?"

Although the main battle in the Northwest has ended, sporadic battles have not stopped.Cheng Yaojin waited to stabilize the three counties of Anxi, and also supported Tiele and Mo Heduo in their crusade against Shekui Khan.

The generals Feng Xiaoci, Xue Wanjun, and Guo Xiaoke are also busy stabilizing the four counties of Qinghai.

Not to mention, according to the report from Jiannan just now, Su Dingfang has crossed the Minjiang River and is fighting the Qiangs of the Western Mountains.

"Previously, Minister of Agriculture reported that Chang'an's food supply is almost exhausted, and it may not be able to last until the autumn harvest. The Huayin Yongfeng warehouse in Guanzhong and the Changping warehouse in Shanxian County have already bottomed out the grain storage."

The land of Guanzhong, in fact, has exposed many of its shortcomings since the Han Dynasty, that is, although it has mountains and rivers, it is difficult to support itself, and even the capital city of Chang'an cannot supply it.

And the outskirts of Hexi, Shuofang, and Longyou are also located in remote places with few people. In addition, the frontier fortresses must always be on guard against invasions by soldiers and barbarians, which makes these places sometimes insufficient in self-sufficiency. Transport food over.

There was no grain in Guanzhong, so grain could only be transported from Guandong.

However, transporting grain from the Kanto to Chang'an is not as good as transporting it to Luoyang. In the area of ​​Shan County, there is a section of the river that can't be crossed by water boats, and it must be transshipped by land.

Transshipment of grain by land is very troublesome, and the transshipment capacity is limited.The more civilians are recruited, the more it will cost.Under normal circumstances, it is transshipped by land every year, which is about 200 million shi at most. No matter how much it costs, the cost will remain high, and the transshipment will not be enough.

This year, in order to win the battle of betting on the fortunes of the country, the imperial court also tried their best to recruit countless people to transfer grain and grass regardless of the cost. In this way, a lot of grain and grass were transported into Guanzhong, and they were continuously transported to Hexi and Longyou , but more than half of the food was consumed on the road and eaten by the peasants.

Huayin Yongfeng warehouse and Shanxian Changping warehouse originally stored a large amount of grain for transportation to Guanzhong. In addition, Chang'an in Guanzhong also stored a lot of grain in recent years, but after a battle, Chang'an's granary was empty. , the transshipment warehouses in Shan County and Huayin are also empty, and there is still some time before the autumn harvest, and there is no food to transport in Guanzhong and Kanto.

Immediately, even the Chang'an court will not be able to supply it.

"I have decided to return to Luoyang ahead of schedule, and the common people will also return together with the Beiya imperial army and the inner government army."

Compared with Chang'an, Luoyang has a much better water transportation situation. The North-South Canal and the Yellow River all pass near Luoyang. The Grand Canal built by Yang Guangxiu originally centered on Luoyang, the eastern capital, let alone the surrounding area of ​​Luoyang. The grain lands include Hedong, Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Huainan, and Shannan. Most importantly, the river network is everywhere and the roads are flat and smooth.

In the early years when Yang Jian established the Sui Dynasty, although Chang'an was the capital, every few years there would always be embarrassment that Chang'an could not supply the imperial palace with food, so the emperor had to take hundreds of officials and the imperial army to Luoyang in a mighty way, and then allowed The people in Guanzhong went to the Guandong together, and the scene where the emperor took hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians to Henan was very embarrassing.

It is precisely because of this that after Yang Guang succeeded to the throne, he insisted on building Luoyang, the eastern capital, although the lack of food in Chang'an was only one reason for him to build a new capital.

Although Daqin had six capitals, the emperor still focused on Luoyang, the central capital, and the other five capitals were just accompanying capitals.Raising the standard is also strengthening the control over these important cities.

The chancellors in the mansion did not have any objection to this, Chang'an City was indeed inconvenient everywhere.

The Taiji Palace in Chang'an is low-lying and hot, and it is not conducive for the emperor to live in and recover from his illness. Chang'an City is also a bit dilapidated, especially since the Sui Dynasty moved into the new Chang'an City in the first year of Kaihuang, and until the ninth year of Daye, it took nearly 30 years. Chang'an The city has barely repaired the walls of the outer city, but there are still many supporting facilities that have not been built.

Not to mention, after the chaos of the Sui Dynasty, there are very few people in Chang'an City today, and the large squares in the south of the city still have no houses and houses, and they are just farmland and vegetable gardens surrounded by square walls.Not to mention, since the Buddhist and Taoist reforms promoted by the emperor, the hundreds of large temples and Taoist temples in the Sui Dynasty have all moved out now, making Chang'an City even more depressed.

Although there are ministers like Yan Bi who were born in Guanlong aristocrats, they have a lot of affection for Chang'an, and they proposed that the imperial court should use Chang'an as the capital to enrich the population of Chang'an and restore the prosperity of the past.

But all the prime ministers have no interest in this. Luoyang City has recovered well in the past few years, but now they want to abandon Luoyang and manage Chang'an again. who is it?It's not the old aristocrats from Guanlong, nor the Guandong gentry from the Jiangnan gentry, but the powerful Shandong group.Most of these people are the group of people who followed the emperor in Shandong. Most of them were powerful and small landlords at the beginning, and many of them came from poor families. They followed the emperor to fight and made great achievements. My ancestral hometown is in Shandong, and most of my industrial family members are in Luoyang. Who would want to come to Chang'an, which is in the middle of the pass?

One army was stationed in Anxi, another army was stationed in Tuyuhun, plus the army sent by Jiannan, except for these three armies, there were 2000 people. The Neiya pro-army returned to Luoyang and the Liujing garrison.

"Wei Zheng."

The discussion ended, and the emperor left Wei Zheng behind.

The emperor and Wei Zheng strolled in front of the palace together, watching the yellow leaves of ginkgo fall.

"It has been four years since Daqin was founded. After this battle, Daqin has temporarily solved the foreign enemy. Within ten years, it can be said that there will be no enemy that can threaten Daqin. The world has truly stabilized. "

Wei Zheng nodded.

Whether it is the San Francisco that is still harsh in the south of the Yangtze River, or the Western Turks who have gone to Qianquan, or Tubo, Zhuqiang, etc., after this battle, they will not be able to endanger the court.

Tuyuhun was dead, and the four counties of Qinghai were established.

The three prefectures of Anxi were established, and the Western Turks were divided. She Kui would have no time to take care of himself, and Tubo had already surrendered to the Great Qin.

"It's a pity that this battle came too early. If it was ten years late, even if it was five years late, the court would still be able to reap all the merits."

"Yes, although we have won this battle, we have no energy left to expand our victories. We cannot regain the Western Regions in one fell swoop, and we cannot take advantage of the situation to destroy Tubo. It is indeed a doubt, but we are satisfied." The emperor leaned on the dragon stick, "Outside The crisis of the crisis is temporarily lifted, and then we have to focus on the interior of the Central Plains, rest and reproduce, and restore people's livelihood and national strength. Of course, it is also time to summarize."

The emperor gave Wei Zheng a mission.

"Although you were not the first to follow me, you followed me when I was still in my infancy. You watched how I fought this Great Qin with swords and guns, and you also saw with your own eyes how the previous dynasty was bit by bit. Breaking down, I hope you can write two history books, one is called Daqin Entrepreneurship and Living Notes, and it will write about how I created the Great Qin Dynasty. The other is Sui History, you will be the main author, and write a biography for the history of the previous dynasty , can be regarded as drawing an end to the previous dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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