Chapter 1042

"Your Majesty, hundreds of thousands of soldiers have been disarmed and returned to the government. They have dispersed one after another. It's just that their meritorious rewards have not yet been honored. But now that the treasury is empty, I don't know how to honor the IOUs in the hands of the soldiers."

The left servant of the Shangshu shot Du Ruhui to play to the emperor in Zichen Hall.

When fighting, they don't care about everything, so they can only recruit soldiers and horses, mobilize civilians, and transfer money and food.Now that the war is over, Daqin has also won, but the aftermath is still very troublesome.

Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and millions of civilian husbands were mobilized. The soldiers wanted rewards, and the civilian husbands also wanted wages. These were all promised by the imperial court before the war.

Not to mention the rewards of money and silk for the soldiers, but the real achievements of the soldiers must be honored. Those martyrs who fought for the country and died in foreign lands and buried their bones in different places must provide compensation for their families, and those who were injured and disabled for the country Disabled soldiers, most of them will be retired from active service, and many of them will always be disabled in the future.

The imperial court must grant compensation.

The imperial court has special regulations and detailed standards for the pensions for the war dead and the disabled, but the problem now is that although the imperial court does not want to renege on their debts, it cannot provide rewards.

The imperial treasury was completely emptied.

"I remember that when Yang Guang was besieged by the Turkic army at Yanmen, he promised a lot of rewards to the soldiers defending the city, but he couldn't get any rewards after the war. It can be said that it chilled the hearts of the soldiers of the world, and this also laid the groundwork for him to be killed by Xiaoguo later." Luo Cheng knew very well that rewards and punishments are clear, this is a must matter.

If the rewards and punishments are unfair, then the army will lose that spirit.

Previously, the imperial court couldn't come up with money to cash it out, so it had to reward all the soldiers for their merits first, and then issued a white note to the soldiers, telling the soldiers that the imperial court would cash it in later.But the treasury is really empty, and the amount of IOUs in the hands of soldiers and civilian husbands is really too large.

"How about not cashing the IOUs in the hands of the peasants first, and then allowing them to deduct [-]% of the two taxes they pay every year, and the discount will be completed in ten years?" He is not the prime minister, but as the chief of Chang'an, he can still participate in the government affairs.

"Inappropriate." Wang Ziming said.

But the emperor directly gave his brother-in-law a childish comment.

"At the beginning of the promulgation of the two tax laws by the imperial court, it has been stated that the share of the Ding will go to the mu, and the Ding's service will be converted into the mu, and the common people will no longer bear free Yao labor and miscellaneous labor. This system has only been implemented for a few years now, but is the imperial court going back on its word now? So where is the imperial court's credibility?"

"Your Majesty, it's just a temporary expedient measure, and besides, it's to let them deduct the tax money." The eldest grandson argued.

The emperor shook his head and said, "Tax discounts, unless it is a one-off discount, but the amount of IOUs in the hands of many people is not small. Some of them have served for the court for several months in this war, and the discounts can be several thousand dollars." , this is not counting the other rewards granted by the imperial court in order to commend and motivate them."

Millions of civilian husbands all have IOUs in their hands. The few are a few hundred dollars, and the many are thousands or even tens of thousands. taxes.After the imperial court implemented the two-tax system, the tax revenue was divided into three tiers, and one third was reserved in counties and counties to be used as government funds, including the salaries of local officials.The other third is paid to the Dao, which is used for distribution by the Dao Sansi Yamen.

The last third is turned over to the Ministry of Civil Affairs of the imperial court and deposited in Taifu Temple and Sinong Temple. This tax is used to support the Sanya army, the royal court expenses, the salaries of the imperial court officials, etc. .

Money is available, and the two taxes of the imperial court are basically fixed, not living within one's means or living within one's means.The land tax for one mu of land and the tax and service money allocated to it are fixed, which means that there will be no changes.The household tax has changed, but there will not be much increase or decrease.

If the IOUs of millions of people are deducted from the two taxes, it means that the local counties, roads, and central courts of the imperial court will lose a lot of income, especially the local counties, which may not even be able to pay the salaries of officials.

And Changsun Wuji said that the ten-year discount means that the imperial court deceived the peasants. After all, this is wages and rewards, and your tax discount is already too much. How about a ten-year discount?
In this way, next time something happens, who is willing to actively contribute to the court?

This victory was also achieved by the active response and efforts of the millions of civilians.If it is really like Yang Guangzheng's Liaodong, everyone tried every means to escape, even beheaded their hands and feet to avoid serving, then this imperial court will not be far from the chaos in the world.

"I have previously issued an edict to exempt the people of the whole world from this year's land tax. Later, I issued an edict to exempt the household tax of Guanlong River, Shuohe River, East Mountain, South Jiannan, Henan Huainan and other roads. However, tax exemption is tax exemption, and the promised reward You still have to pay wages and wages.”

The new Secretary of the Ministry of Civil Affairs is Cui Junsu, the father of Emperor Cui Concubine. Although this is also an old official in the officialdom, she is also a clever woman who cannot afford food. "Your Majesty, the treasury is indeed empty. , not to mention that this year His Majesty has been kind enough to exempt the whole world from land tax for one year, and also exempted most of the world from household tax. The two taxes this autumn can only collect household tax from some places, not much at all."

The emperor frowned.

"What about this year's salt, tea, wine and mine tax, this year's city ship tax, and this year's industrial and commercial tax."

"Your Majesty, the imperial court was in a hurry to spend money because of the tight war, so it has already collected all the monopoly tax, industrial and commercial tax and city ship tax for this year in advance."

Taxes have been levied and money has long since been used up.

"Your Majesty, the imperial court can no longer pay the salary." Cui Junsu reminded the emperor that he wished to resign from the position of minister.At the beginning, he was awarded the position of Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the title of Jiaping Zhangshi, and the prime minister of Zhengshitang, which made him very excited. He was happy for a while, but now facing the empty treasury, he was so worried that he wanted to scratch his hair. up.

The imperial court can no longer pay the salaries of hundreds of officials, and the military salaries of hundreds of thousands of soldiers of the Beiya Imperial Army and the Neiya Pro-Army cannot be paid over there.And there are still so many migrant workers and soldiers whose IOUs have not been honored.

The situation is already very critical. Although everyone can understand a little bit, if the imperial court fails to honor the white bills and pay the Beiya and Neiya troops on time, something will happen.

After all, the soldiers of Bei Ya and Nei Ya are no better than those of Nan Ya. The soldiers of Nan Ya are government soldiers, and the family still has land to grow.The soldiers in the Beiya Neiya are recruited, and they are paid without granting land. The whole family depends on this salary.

"Where's my internal treasury, have the people run out of money?" the emperor asked.

(End of this chapter)

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