Chapter 1046

Li Xian is an eunuch who entered the palace as early as the Sui Dynasty, but this eunuch is not a feminine person. In addition to having no beard, he is extremely tall and burly, and has the ability to ride and shoot, especially to be able to read and write Art of war, this seems very strange.

However, he entered the palace when he was young, and grew up in the imperial stables since he was a child. Later, he left the palace and went to the royal ranch to be responsible for raising horses.During the chaos of the Sui Dynasty, there were bandits who wanted to attack the pastures and snatch the horses, but Li Xian actually organized the shepherds to teach and train them day and night, and let him train [-] light cavalry.

He led the [-] light cavalry to repel the invading bandits several times, and once made the bandits from far and near never come again.

Later, he led his troops to join Luo Cheng and presented the horses from the ranch, which was regarded as a certificate of honor, and the emperor also granted him a post in the palace.In the past few years, he has been very efficient in handling affairs, which has won the appreciation of the emperor.

The last time the Qinjun mansion was dismantled into three, the emperor chose Li Xianneng as the admiral of the Imperial City Department.

It's just that the emperor didn't expect that within three months after Li Xian took office, he would sue Zhang Liang, the first governor of Jinyiwei.

"Is there any evidence? Although I let Jin Yiwei and the Imperial City Secretary monitor each other, I don't want to see you fighting each other. If there is no evidence and it's just a false accusation, then you will be punished."

The emperor said coldly.

Although decentralization of supervision has advantages, it also has disadvantages, that is, it is easy to infighting and buck-passing.

The emperor didn't want to open such an opening.

"Your Majesty once issued a decree that the generals in the army are forbidden to raise adopted sons privately. The original adopted sons are ordered to return to their original surnames and separate from the relationship. However, Zhang Liang once raised five hundred adopted sons privately. After His Majesty's ban, not only did he not follow the order to let the five hundred adopted sons leave Instead, they all secretly swear allegiance to him forever, and even let each of the five hundred adopted sons accept several or dozens of adopted sons."

"Most of Zhang Liang's adopted sons served in the army in the Sanya, and the adopted sons of his adopted sons were all soldiers in the army, not orphans or young children."

"One more thing, Zhang Liang secretly recruited more than a dozen warlocks and wizards. Zhang Liang once told the warlock Gongsun Chang that his name fulfilled a prophecy, 'a king with a long bow should be a different capital'."

"Zhang Liang also told another sorcerer, Cheng Gongying, that he has dragon scales growing on his arm. If he does something, does it mean he can succeed?"

Li Xian is a ruthless person, although he has no eggs, but if he doesn't make a move, Zhang Liang will be killed if he makes a move.

He reported Zhang Liang's treason and listed three pieces of evidence. One was that he violated the prohibition and raised a large number of adopted sons in the military academy privately. It became a big taboo.

Second, Zhang Liang also secretly recruited sorcerers to slander his teachers, which is also evidence of conspiracy.

Third, what he said to the two wizards revealed his treasonous heart.

"Warlock Gongsun Chang and Cheng Gongying are already in control of our Imperial City Division, and they also confessed the truth and are willing to testify against Zhang Liang."

The emperor's face became very ugly.

It has been a tradition since the Wei and Jin Dynasties to adopt adopted sons in the army, especially after the Five Husbands, Hu Feng became more and more popular, so no matter Hu and Han generals, they all like to adopt adopted sons in the army.The adoption of adopted sons in the military is completely different from the adoption of adopted sons by the people. Generals who adopt adopted sons usually choose those elite, brave and capable military schools as adopted sons directly from the army under their command. If the father is still old, it is more mainstream for those who are of the same age.

This kind of adoption of adopted sons is actually an extension of the military generals in the past. The generals regarded the army as a private army, so they strengthened the control of the army by adopting adopted sons.

These adopted sons are either their personal guards to protect their safety.Or it is devolved into military positions to help control the army.

When Luo Cheng first started his family, because his army was full of recruited teenagers or orphans, when they died in battle, Luo Cheng promised to find orphans for them to raise on their behalf, to be their stepson, and to inherit their incense.Later, when they collected more, some soldiers also took the initiative to claim them and help them take care of them, which can be regarded as a reserve of young reserve soldiers for the army.

At that time, Luo Chengcheng took the lead in adopting three adoptive sons and a foster daughter. They were Wang Xiong's sons, and now they are all governors.

Later, Luo Cheng adopted a few more, adding up to thirteen adoptive sons, and now the lowest position is the commander of the regiment capital.

In the early days of Luo Cheng's team, all the officers basically had adopted sons, but these adopted sons were different from the adopted sons of traditional military generals, that is, they did not directly accept the subordinates of the army as adopted sons.

Later, when the orphans and teenagers in the Yier Camp grew up, they also entered the army as the officers' attendants and became trainee officers.

After Luo Cheng became emperor, he felt that the practice of adoptive sons in the army was actually a military doctrine, so he issued an edict to prohibit military officers from adopting adopted sons in the army, but allowed some orphans and abandoned babies to be adopted by the people, etc. Being a adopted son, the age and number of adopted sons are strictly limited. Even if there is no child or daughter, the number of adopted sons cannot exceed three.

If the number of adoptive sons received earlier exceeds the number, or does not meet the requirements, is a subordinate, or the age difference between the adoptive son and the adoptive father is less than 15 years, the relationship must be resolved.

After the promulgation of this edict, the effect is still good. It has suppressed the bad habit of adopting sons in the army in the past, and the mountains in the army are not so strong anymore.

Luo Cheng knew about Zhang Liang's five hundred adopted sons. Back then, Zhang Liang was ordered to form a secret guard. In order to develop his work, he recruited many subordinates according to the usual practice in the army, and then selected five hundred elites from among them. Those who are capable will be accepted as adopted sons.

However, Luo Cheng did not expect that today, Zhang Liang obviously pretended to obey the edict to terminate the relationship with the five hundred adopted sons, but secretly asked them to swear allegiance, and even made these adopted sons deliberately violate the imperial edict, secretly each He took in six or seven adoptive sons, all of whom were subordinate soldiers who violated the order and were recruited from the army.

If it's just about recruiting warlocks, it can only be regarded as some minor problems, but the five hundred righteous sons and three thousand righteous grandsons are all serving as soldiers in the three armies, which makes the emperor very afraid.

In addition, now the emperor has handed over such an important secret service agency as Jinyiwei to Zhang Liang. The emperor trusts Zhang Liang so much, but Zhang Liang's behavior undoubtedly makes the emperor extremely disappointed, and even secretly a little terrified.

Zhang Liang is very good at intelligence, and he is also a desperate man who was born in poverty.But this man is not good at fighting, especially commanding. If he is a leader of 200 men, he is still very fierce in charge, but if he is given tens of thousands of horses, he will be difficult to dispatch.

"I want to see the evidence, like a mountain of iron evidence!"

The emperor only said this short sentence to Li Xian, the admiral of the imperial city, but this sentence was full of murderous intent.

(End of this chapter)

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