Chapter 1062

The efficiency of the No. [-] restaurant in Luoyang is extremely fast. When an order is placed here, a few chefs and a team of dozens of people are immediately sent to follow Dongzan over there.

Dongzan came in to report to the princess.

The princess has changed into a suit of clothes and even her hairstyle.She changed into a Tang suit, consisting of a yellow Luo silver clay skirt, a five halo Luo silver clay shirt, and a single silk Luo red ground silver clay skirt.

Wearing a shirt, wearing a skirt, holding a tie, and changing into a ponytail style hair bun.

The princess's face was also washed out of the ochre, and even if you look closely, you can see that the eyebrows have been trimmed, the face has been smeared with fat, and lipstick.

Gal Dongzan was almost unrecognizable. The one in front of him was the vigorous Princess Semaga who could ride a horse and shoot arrows. She was a middle-earth aristocratic woman.

"This is the Han clothes sent by the servants sent by the Emperor Qin just now, as well as jewelry and rouge, etc., and the palace servants changed my clothes and makeup for me. I like it very much."

Dongzan suddenly felt a heartbeat.

"The princess is so beautiful."

"Dongzan, what happened to what you went to do?"

"I found the best restaurant in Luoyang North City, and ordered a 58-course Shaowei Banquet. I also ordered a meal for the members of the mission, but the price was a bit expensive. A 58-course Shaowei Banquet It costs 580 guan, and the lunch of the mission is always served for one person.”

The princess didn't care much when she heard it.

"We came from Tubo, so we can't be underestimated by the Chinese. Take 120 taels of gold from me and give it to the store. The extra is considered a reward. Don't have to work hard to make it better."

A total of 880 taels of vegetable money, only 110 taels of gold is enough, but the princess gave an extra [-] taels, and offered [-] taels as a tip, which is really generous.

Dongzan went to lure the guy from the store to come over, but the shopkeeper didn't come in person, he just sent a clerk over, and also invited a clerk from a big bank to inspect the gold, and at the same time sent several guards to escort the gold.

When the gold was taken out, the gold store clerk took a look, "These golds are a bit mixed in texture and shapes, I need to spend some time to inspect them, please wait a moment."

Gold is not a currency in circulation. Daqin also forbids the outflow of gold, silver, and copper, but gold, silver, and copper are not allowed to flow in. However, under normal circumstances, Hu Shangfan envoys are required to go to gold shops or banks to exchange them for Daqin's currency, such as gold dragon coins and silver coins. Tiger coins and Kaiyuan copper coins, or silk.

Of course, the merchants are more concerned about customers, so the restaurant directly invited the banker's assistant to come over to check.

Gold ingots are no better than gold coins. The gold coins of Daqin are minted and issued by the imperial court. The fineness and denomination are specified. They have an anti-imitation relief design and can be scratch-resistant. As long as the gold coins are not damaged, they are traded directly at face value, and if they are , can only be weighed, but the value of the weight calculation is much lower than the face value.

However, the gold and silver brought by the barbarians, whether they are Persian gold coins or Roman gold coins, are irregular gold coins, so they cannot be counted by face value, but can only be weighed. Priced according to the color.

The clerk of the bank has a set of special tools to test the fineness of these golds by means of needle pricking, cutting, melting, etc. After a while, he gave his results.

The gold weighing 120 taels can only be converted into one hundred and five gold dragon coins.Each of Daqin's Golden Dragon coins has a denomination of one tael, but the gold content is actually only 80.00%.

"This batch of gold has a lot of impurities and is not pure enough." The man said.

This time Dong Zan couldn't help but feel embarrassed again. Just now he said that there would be an extra ten taels as a reward, but now the result is still five taels short.

I have to make up more than five taels.

Dong Zan said awkwardly, "I'll make up ten taels." The shortfall will be made up in less than six taels.

The princess said, "Dong Zan, take another 20 taels. If there is more, it is still a reward. I, Sai Maga, am not a person who does not keep his word."

The hotel clerk laughed all of a sudden, 20 taels of Tubo gold, according to the fineness just now, can be exchanged for seventeen and a half golden dragons.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness, for the reward!"

The clerk of the gold store checked the supplementary 20 taels again very seriously, and nodded after confirming that it was correct.The restaurant clerk wrote a note to him. The 140 taels of gold would be taken away by the gold store, and then the gold store would pay the restaurant 120 five and a half gold dragons.

This is also to abide by the imperial court's industry management system. Merchants are not allowed to use gold and silver other than gold, dragon, silver and tiger as direct transaction currency. Collect it, and then exchange it into gold and silver coins or cash and give it to the restaurant.

Of course, the gold and silver shop will not make this trip in vain. At that time, they will still have to take a commission for the 120 five and a half gold dragons.

The gold store clerk took the gold away, and the restaurant clerk started to let the cook team into the kitchen to cook.

"Dong Zan, just now the emperor's servant brought me something and said that after the Lantern Festival, he will welcome me into the palace."

Dong Zan nodded, "After the Shangyuan Festival, we will also return to Tubo, and the princess will stay alone in the Han Palace."

"Princess, Zhang Zhung's mission arrived earlier than us. I heard that they have reached an agreement with the Qin people. From Qinghai Lake to Qiemo, and then into Zhang Zhung, the trade routes to Tianzhu and Persia will be fully opened. These damn things Xiangxiong, Li Mixia is really a coward."

The princess just shook her head, holding a bronze mirror in her hand, looking at the strange self in the mirror.

"Don't worry about Xiangxiong. Now that the Qin people are using troops in Xishan, the tens of thousands of people in the Dangxiang Tuoba Department have been taken into slavery by the Qin people, and their land has also been conferred by the Qin Emperor as a feudal land for meritorious officials. Now the Eighth Department of the Dangxiang Department has been sealed. The three under the leadership of the Ministry belonged to the Qin people, and the other four did not, but they would definitely not be able to resist the Qin army."

"Dongzan, you must tell my father when you go back that the intention of the Qin people is very obvious. They want to wipe out all the Qiang tribes, push the Qin border to the foot of the snowy mountain, and stop letting us Tubo conquer the Qiangs and take their tribes to seize it." It’s an opportunity for its land. Tell my father, Tubo can’t offend the Qin people openly, can’t clash with them again, can’t fight with them, but we can’t let the Qin people eat up the Qiang people step by step like this, we have to send people Go and contact the Qiangs and let them unite against the Qin people."

"We Tubo dare not fight head-on with the Qin people, can the Qiangs do it?"

"Build fortresses and blockhouses, guard dangerous points, don't take the initiative to fight decisive battles with them, just guard those high mountains and dangerous valleys, guard the blockhouses, and wait for the opportunity to disturb their food supply. It will be difficult for the Qin people to quickly destroy the Qiangs. If the battle is decided quickly, the Qiang will have a chance."

This princess has come all the way, and she has a deeper and deeper understanding of the Qin people, and gradually understands the Qin army's combat mode.The people of Qin were good at fighting big battles, face-to-face battles, and decisive battles. With a large number of soldiers and excellent equipment, it was almost impossible to have their opponents.

But such a powerful Central Plains army suffered many defeats outside the Liaodong Pass, and lost countless troops. The Goguryeo people who made them suffer so much were because of the distance outside the pass and the inconvenient supply of the Qin people. Defensive counterattack.

The princess believes that Tubo can't fight the Qin army directly now, but it can't give up the Qiangs. Tuyuhun has already given up. If the Qiangs give up again, then the Qin people will really go directly to the plateau, and Tubo will be in danger of destroying the country at any time. .

We have to find a way to support the Qiangs to withstand the attack of the Qin people and keep the Qiangs, so that Tubo has a buffer zone.

"The Han people have a saying that the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. You must never give up the Qiangs. Remember."

(End of this chapter)

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