Chapter 1070

Sima Li Keshi of Luoyang Mansion is a rather peculiar official.

He is the younger brother of General Li Jing, who was the prefect of Yunzhong County before, but although he is the Sima of Luoyang Mansion now, he is an old dude, and his favorite thing is to hold an eagle and lead a dog.He likes hunting and keeping birds.

The most proficient is the language of birds and beasts. Every time he goes out, he can easily imitate the language of birds, and even attract a hundred birds to chase after him like a phoenix. Therefore, he has a nickname in the capital, called Bird Thief.

Like a playboy who doesn't grow up, Li Keshi is fun, delicious and luxurious.However, what the emperor valued was one of his professional skills, which was his ability to raise and tame birds. Therefore, long before the establishment of Daqin, when the emperor was still in a corner of Liaodong, he asked him to start domesticating pigeons to send messages.

Up to now, Daqin's flying pigeon system is very good. There are pigeon towers in big cities and towns such as six capitals and more than ten prefectures.

There are long-distance flying pigeons and pigeons flying in the same city. For example, in the city of Luoyang, there are more than 100 watchtowers, and each watchtower is also a pigeon tower. There are many pigeons in the pigeon cages. You can fly pigeons to communicate with more than ten nearby watchtowers.

Through such a Feige interconnection, more than 100 watchtowers have both monitoring and communication functions. Compared with fast horses and running to deliver messages, I don’t know how many times faster, and there is no limit to traffic jams.

The imperial court even specially issued a regulation on carrier pigeons, such as prohibiting private domestication of such carrier pigeons, and prohibiting anyone from hunting and killing such carrier pigeons, otherwise they will be severely punished.

As Li Keshi, who has carried forward the carrier pigeons and continuously improved the breed, he has filed a record with the emperor for this alone, which is very important.

But Mr. Li Ke is just a fun guy. Although he is an official Sima of Luoyang Mansion, he is also an important official, but he usually doesn't care much about official affairs.

Mr. Li Ke lived a chic life and lived a comfortable life.

But today the emperor specially summoned Li Jing, who came to Beijing Chaoji, not to talk about Lingnan, nor the San Francisco in the south of the Yangtze River, but about this bird thief.

"The bird thief is unrestrained and unrestrained, very unrestrained, but he is a little too careless with his sons. Do you know, what do your nephews, Li Dashan, Li Dahui, and Li Dazhi, three brothers, usually do? They rely on one The great general's uncle, the father of Luoyang Sima, my third brother was originally an official in the dark, and served as a bodyguard in the inner government army, but he didn't care about being a errand, but liked to hang out in the market."

"The three Li Dashan brothers even set up a club in Xishi, Beishi, and Nanshi respectively, recruiting rascals from the market, and even recruiting a group of dandies from noble officials. They bullied the market and even collected money from merchants. They also secretly engaged in smuggling and selling prohibited items.”

"A few days ago, Li Dashan's Jishantang actually kidnapped the daughter of the warehouse owner in order to get the money from a warehouse. In the end, the warehouse owner gave the money, but they still sold the girl to a brothel in Xingyang."

Li Jing is only in his 50s, but these few years he has been fighting everywhere. Since he led his army south to Lingnan a few years ago, he has been living in Lingnan for a few years.

Today the emperor told him these things, which surprised him.

He never thought that such a family of generals like them would produce such unworthy children.

"Perhaps the Li Dashan brothers still regard Daqin as the Sui Dynasty, and want to learn from what the Guanlong nobles did in Chang'an before, secretly supporting gangs and clubs, doing all kinds of evil and evil things, ignoring the laws of the country Smuggling, kidnapping, extortion, even prostitution, murder, these are capital crimes.”

Li Jing couldn't say a word.

"Pharmacist, you are the general I rely on. In the past few years, you have been in Lingnan, so that the three roads of Guangnan, Guangxi, Guangdong and Guangxi are stable. Li Keshi came to vote for me earlier, and he has done a lot of things for me over the years, especially This carrier pigeon has helped the imperial court a lot. Back then when the Turkic people surrounded the clouds, Li Keshi also performed extremely well, holding on to the death battle and never retreating. But now, I am very disappointed."

"Your Majesty, although the minister is their uncle, he is not strict in discipline. Please resign from the official position."

"Then what about Li Dashan and the others?"

A look of pain flashed in Li Jing's eyes. These nephews are too lawless. As the emperor's bodyguards, the sons of noble generals, they secretly support gangs and do all these evil things. The emperor should investigate this kind of thing. It can implicate the entire Li family.

"Your Majesty, please investigate and punish the crime."

Luo Cheng shook his head.

"I have also thought about it carefully. After all, these people are only young people in their early twenties. If they are arrested and interrogated publicly, the matter will become serious. I have decided to send the three brothers to Lingnan and give them to you to discipline them. But you take them away Before them, I will let the Huangcheng Division secretly arrest the three brothers and put them in the prison of the Huangcheng Division. I will suffer some hardships first. After they repent and realize their mistakes, I will deprive them of their official positions at that time. Remove the people for citizenship, and then hand it over to you to take to Lingnan. When they arrive in Lingnan, they are Changliu troops, three brothers, one in Guangdong, one in Guangxi, and one in Guangnan."

"As for Master Li Ke, I will add him to the conferment list this time and let him leave Luoyang for the Xishan fiefdom."


"This matter has nothing to do with you, so you will return to Guangnan after the next year. I know that the situation in Lingnan is a bit complicated. In order to let them surrender, I also gave a lot of conditions. Now these people still hold soldiers and horses. Holding the military and political power, some Lingnan heroes such as the Ning family and the Chen family only want to be the emperor of the country, which is impossible."

"You are in the south of the Five Ridges, so be careful. If anyone dares to fight against the imperial court, you will send troops to conquer them for me. If you are willing to hand over your military power and accept the imperial court's adjustment, I can keep wealth for them, but I will never tolerate those who oppose the imperial court."

In fact, with the implementation of the imperial court's policy on the Lingnan counties, those local emperors are extremely dissatisfied. They refuse to hand over their private soldiers, let alone hand over their actual power.

Of course, the imperial court would not allow it, so these people began to openly confront the imperial court. Now, under the stubborn resistance of Ning and other magnates, the imperial court can not only carry out military reforms, but also cannot implement tax reforms. Taxes cannot be collected. The army is out of control, and local administration is completely controlled by these people.

Apart from the appearance that it has already belonged to the Great Qin and is under the rule of the imperial court, in fact it wants to be the emperor of the land and build a country within a country.

In their view, this has a historical tradition. Whether it was the Wei and Jin Dynasties or the Southern Dynasties, they all came here in this way. They surrendered to the central government in name, and the central government also handed over the land to them. Everyone is good.

Now the Great Qin court insists on breaking this tradition, which is violating their prohibition.

Especially the Ning family in Hepu, who made the loudest noises.

It is said that if the emperor insists on messing around, they will not even pay the taxes in previous years.

"The Three Ways of Lingnan, I have entrusted them to you. Li Xizhi and Feng An are your deputy commanders. After you go back, train your troops as soon as possible. Once you are ready, destroy the Ning family first."

The appeasement of the imperial court to the three feudal lords in the south of the Yangtze River was considered weak by the Ning family in Lingnan. They also saw that the imperial court had suspended peace negotiations with Tubo after the war with the Western Turks last year, so it was even more believed that the imperial court was seriously injured. rule.

The emperor didn't want to deal with the San Francisco in the south of the Yangtze River for the time being, because the territory controlled by the San Francisco was huge, and the whole body would be affected by a single move.However, these eunuchs in the counties in the south of the Five Ridges had already attached themselves to the imperial court, but now they wanted to split, Luo Cheng would never agree.

Whoever dares to jump out, Luo Cheng must immediately let Li Jing beat him down.

(End of this chapter)

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