Chapter 1077

Guangnan Road, south of Rinan County.

To the west of Misty Ridge, Sunset Country.

On the banks of the Zhangzi River, Sunset City, the capital of the king.

King Luo Yi wore armor and rode on a war horse, followed by a group of sturdy knights of the kingdom's pro-army.Luo Yi and the knights were very happy after just winning a big battle and destroying another village that was arrogant and disobedient.

In front of the gate of the small royal capital, all the people in the city ran out of the city to welcome him.

Sunset City is relatively simple, and it doesn't even match the Royal City. It's just a small city with a circumference of only a few miles. Even the city walls are only made of earth and stone, without bricks, and there are no tall and magnificent gate towers.

At this time, the total population in Wangcheng was less than [-]. Among them, about [-] households from the Central Plains had migrated. They had national status, accounting for about half of the people who migrated.In addition, there are about thousands of slaves, most of whom are the tribes that Luo Yi conquered and did not surrender.

This place has always been owned by the Kingdom of Chenla in the past. Although the Central Plains Dynasty has always controlled the nine coastal counties such as Jiaozhi and Nichinan, it is only limited to the coastal area. There is a long and narrow mountain range in the west. , dense forests, all blocked the expansion of the Han people to the west.

Until Luo Yi left the town of Annan at the end of the Sui Dynasty, there was civil strife in Chenla and various ministries were fighting, so Luo Yi took the opportunity to send troops, crossed Wushiling, an important mountain pass in the Changshan Mountains, and led his troops to sweep the Luolun River, a tributary of the Mekong River. The river basin is hundreds of miles away, and the tribes are overwhelmed. Two counties, Sunset and Wenyang, have been established here.

However, this place is already the southernmost place in Nichinan County, and it hangs alone to the west of the mountain. Although the land is vast, it is still too remote.

Before that, the emperor suddenly fell ill and fell into a coma. At that time, the prime ministers of the court were worried that the clan king would lead the military affairs in the local area and would threaten the young prince. As a precaution, they took back Luo Yi's official position and entrusted him to the west of Wushiling. Build the Sunset Kingdom.

For Luo Yi, this subdivision is not bad, after all, this land was laid down by him himself, and he has also stayed in Annan for several years, so he is more or less familiar with this place.

At that time, the imperial court urged her urgently, so Luo Yi hurriedly sealed her.

After arriving here, what we faced was only two small and crude counties with thousands of households.It is a small county town, but it is more like a trading point, the soldiers and family members stationed here, the merchants who come here to buy ivory and other goods, and some exiles who are exiled to farm.

The imperial court allocated this small population here to Luo Yi as a closed household, and transferred the local garrison to the imperial court stationed pro-military troops in the closed country.

In addition to Luo Yi's trilogy and so on, the army of the entire kingdom is less than a thousand, and the population is less than ten thousand.

Fortunately, Luo Yi wasn't too picky. After becoming a vassal, he began to spend money, recruit people everywhere, train soldiers, and strengthen the two cities at the same time.

He also sent people to spread the word to the aborigines of the various Chenla tribes in Feng's country, and asked the leaders of the various tribes to come to visit. For those who were willing to visit, he conferred titles such as Pavilion Chief, Lizheng, and Village Chief. And let them send their children to study in the newly built school in the capital, and choose the strong and strong ones as his personal guards.

At the same time, these people are also allowed to come to Wangcheng to trade.

As for those who refused to obey orders, Luo Yi was not polite.

Soldiers first and then soldiers.

He led the royal army and his own guards to sweep them away one by one. Although the tribesmen of Chenla were also very fierce, those tribesmen like savages were barefoot, holding bone arrows, without armor and sharp weapons. Is it Luo Yi's opponent?

In the past six months, Luo Yi has wiped out more than a dozen villages and captured thousands of people.

For these captives, Luo Yi directly reduced them to slaves, and then built villages after repairing their original villages, and arranged for Han people to immigrate to live in the fields.

"This time the harvest is not small. It is actually a tribe that can drive elephants. It has seized more than a dozen elephants and so many ivory."

Luo Yi stroked his beard, "The elephant looks huge, but it's actually timid. It's really easy to deal with this kind of elephant soldiers who have no protection at all and no advantage in numbers."

To be feared by elephant soldiers, they have to be in groups. If hundreds of elephants rush over, they will still be very fierce.Of course, there is no such strong tribe in this surrounding area.

The place where Sunset Country is located is a valley between two big mountain ranges. It is three hundred miles from north to south and tens of miles from east to west. There are several rivers flowing from east to west in its territory, and there is also the Zhangzi River, a big river flowing from north to south.

The local name of this river is translated as Luolun River, but Luo Yi changed it to Zhangzi River, because there are many deer here, and there are often deer drinking water by the river.

"It is said that the Zhangshui River flows straight to the north, but the big river (Mekong River) that flows into it still flows from Qinghai through Jiannan and Yunnan?"

The person who spoke was Li Shimin. Because he refused to obey the order of the imperial court, he was finally demoted again and again until he was expelled from his nationality and became a citizen. He was finally dispatched all the way to the Guangnan village.

Later, he followed Luo Yi to Sunset Country and served as a military officer.

Luo Yi, as the king of the feudal country, does not have complete military and administrative power over the fiefdom. On the contrary, the imperial court still sends officials to serve as local officials, generals, and government soldiers in its fiefdoms. Responsible.

But correspondingly, Feng Wang still has his own set of state officials. For example, as a king, Luo Yi has Wang Shi, Wang Fu, and Wang You, two literatures, one Chang Shi, Sima, and one counselor to join the army. There is one person for the genus and one for the genus, one for the master book, one for the recorder, and one for the recorder. There are also one person for each of the six Caos who participated in the military, four for the military, and six for the army.

However, because the princes did not directly manage the power of the feudal country, military, government, taxation and other powers, this system of state officials is actually equivalent to name, with little real power.

The military service that Li Shimin taught is also a visual grade, and there is no actual grade.

But actually, the feudal princes are far away in the wilderness of the frontier, and the situation is complicated, and Luo Yi is the first generation of conferred kings, and he is a person of high prestige, so here, the two county magistrates of Ninan Kingdom and The school lieutenants in the garrison are more obedient to Luo Yi.

Several times sent troops, Luo Yi was called to help out, but in fact he was commanding the troops.

"Your Majesty once said that the Zhangzi River is [-] miles long from its source in Wushiling to the big river where it flows. And that big river is even more remarkable. It originates from the plateau in the west of Jiannan and flows into Jiannan It flows south, passes through Yunnan, and then enters Chenla, etc., and then goes all the way south, and finally enters the sea. It is said that the total length is thousands of miles long, longer than the Yellow River and Yangtze River in our Central Plains."

Li Shimin couldn't help but tsk-tsk. After coming to this wild land, he felt much more at ease. He wore a black eyepatch for the blind eye, and he also took off the imitation of the hand that was broken in Lingnan. Instead of a wooden hand, it was changed to an iron hook. He felt that although the iron hook looked ugly, it was quite practical.

"The length of thousands of miles, doesn't that mean that as long as we attack all the way up the river, we can reach Tuyuhun and even return to Longyou?"

"That's what I said, but it's thousands of miles away, and there are dense forests and mountains over there, it's difficult."

The dense forests and mountains here are terrifying, especially those giant pythons, poisonous mosquitoes, and blood-sucking leeches. What the hell is the rainy season here? When it comes to the rainy season, it rains non-stop and there is water everywhere.The weather is hot in summer, and it is easy to get sick if you are not careful.

Fortunately, after he came, he kept in mind the emperor's instructions, boiled the water for drinking, and built a house on stilts as much as possible, and brought a lot of medicines to prevent snakes, insects and poisons.

To settle down and take root in this place, the biggest enemy is not those barbaric and backward Chenla people, but the dense jungle, the high mountains, the countless snakes, insects, ants, etc., and the terrible weather.

"My lord, congratulations on your triumphant return."

The county magistrate Sunset was dressed in a green robe and stepped forward to greet him with a smile.

"Is everything okay at home?" Luo Yi dismounted.

"Well, there is another war in the north. The four counties of Ningyue, Hepu, Yulin, and Yongxi have rebelled. The imperial court has ordered General Li Jing and others to send troops to quell the chaos. Now Doctor Qiu is the left governor and prefect of Jiaozhi in Guangnan."

"Rebellion again? Is Qiu He the prefect of Jiaozhi?" Luo Yi nodded, Qiu He is his old subordinate. When he first came to Annan, Qiu He was his county magistrate in Jiaozhi. After all these years, Qiu He He also became Annan's top leader.

"Since there is a fight, we can't watch the excitement here. I will write a letter to Qiu He, asking the Rinan Kingdom to send troops to the north to help fight the chaos."

"Erlang, can you write this letter for me?"

Li Shimin seemed to be distracted.

Luo Yi said it again before he came back to his senses, "No problem."

Looking at the back of Li Shimin going away, Luo Yi seemed to be thinking too, "Dare to raise an army and rebel, I really don't know how to live or die!"

After entering the city, regardless of being tired all the way, Luo Yi immediately sent someone to invite the Sunset County Magistrate and the battalion commander of the Sunset Mansion Garrison.

In addition, the inspector censor sent by the imperial court also came together. This censor was sent to the fief by Yushitai. He was responsible for supervising the princes, and also in charge of criminal justice. He was also a powerful figure in the fief.

Coupled with the county magistrate and county lieutenant, the meeting began soon.

"I just came back and got the news that the four counties in the South of the Five Ridges rebelled. As a prince of the Great Qin Dynasty and a clan, I will certainly do my best to put down the rebellion. I hope everyone here can support it!"

The young county magistrate first took a look at the inspecting censor. The county magistrate was of the seventh rank, but this censor was only of the eighth rank, but the imperial censor was specially appointed by the central government.

The censor in the green robe is no longer young, and his beard and hair are half white. It is not easy to be an official in a barbaric place like Sunset, but in order to further his official career, this censor also volunteered to be released to the frontier , so as to add a touch to one's qualifications and reduce the time for grinding.

Hearing that Luo Yi said that he was going to send troops, he couldn't help but ponder.

Many of the behaviors of the Sunset King in the fiefdom have actually crossed the line, but after all, this place is not comparable to the mainland.

Now this guy is about to send troops north again, and he said in a bit of a dilemma, "It's a big deal to send troops out of the border. You have to ask the imperial court first, get an official order from the Privy Council and a military amulet from the Ministry of War before you can send troops. , as treason."

"I don't know this. It's just that there is a rebellion in Lingnan, or the rebellion in the four counties. This is not a trivial matter. We should act urgently and send troops first at the same time."

The commander of the government soldiers has always listened to Luo Yi. After all, Luo Yi's prestige in the army is not comparable, or even if the commander does not listen, the capital below probably still listen to Luo Yi.

"The government soldiers should not be lightly adjusted." The county magistrate persuaded, "But if there is a different method, it may work."

"What way?"

The young county magistrate has a more active mind, so he will offer a plan now.

Luo Yi couldn't help nodding after listening, "It sounds good, and it doesn't violate the court system."

(End of this chapter)

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