Chapter 1080

On the south bank of Yulin River, Yongping County City.

Ning Chun braved the rain to patrol the city, and the rain soaked his clothes. Although the temperature in the land of Lingnan is also high in the first month, the rainy day is still a bit cold. Once it rains again, it will feel a bit chilly.

Ning Chun wiped the rainwater off her face.

"His mother's favorite Xiaotai is really fierce."

The rain continued, but it still hadn't completely washed away the blood on the city. Under the city walls and in the moats, there were even more corpses, including those of the siege rebels and defenders.

He looked up at the enemy camp in the distance, and couldn't help frowning even tighter.

Before the war, Ning Chun still shouted to take back Huipu County, but at the beginning, Ning Changzhen, Feng Xuan, Ning Daoming, and Tan Dian sent troops at the same time to attack Ning Chun together.

In a short period of time, Ning Chun's soldiers and horses in Yongping County lost cities and lands all the way, and were successively trapped in Dabin, Wulin, Puning, Ningren and other nine cities.

In particular, the soldiers and horses of Hepu County were spearheaded by Pang Xiaotai from Bobai, who defeated Puning, Ningren, and the original Sui'an city renamed Qin'an all the way to Yongping City.

This Pang Xiaotai used to be the captain of his father Ning Xuan, but unexpectedly, he later voted for Ning Daoming and his son, and Pang Xiaotai also took Ning Daoming's sister, so he worked very hard for Ning Daoming.

This time going north, he personally led [-] soldiers, and he led the charge with [-] Bobai soldiers all the way, absolutely unstoppable.

Fortunately, the rain came in time.

The rain prevented Pang Xiaode from continuing to advance, and also made his logistics and supplies temporarily unavailable, and the siege equipment could not be used, so he had to suspend the attack.

This can be regarded as giving Ning Chun a chance to breathe.

"Bobai's slang are the most brutal and fierce. Pang Xiaode's [-] Bobai soldiers have always been famous. This time we suffered because we didn't take precautions in time. We should withdraw the defenders of each city as soon as possible and only guard Yongping. Maybe we can still A battle."

The Prime Minister of Yongping County was an official sent by the court, a middle-aged scribe, who actually expected Ning Chun's failure this time. He had persuaded Ning Chun to join him before, saying that Guilin prefects Li Xizhi and Li Jing were still in the court, and Ning Chun was still in the court. Changzhen and the others had premeditated it, so last year the court said they were sick and would not go to court. This time they launched a surprise attack in the first month, and Li Jing, Li Xizhi, Feng An and others were still on the way and did not come back.

At this time, Yongping County should shrink its forces, concentrate its forces to defend Yongping City, and rely on Yujiang as its back. If the situation is unfavorable, it can retreat to Guilin or Cangwu.

But Ning Chun refused to listen and insisted on dividing troops to guard each city. As a result, the four counties sent troops at the same time and attacked from several directions. Yongping City could not be rescued at all.

"I still have [-] soldiers in Yongping City, and I can also recruit the young and strong in the city to help defend." The rain fell on his neck, which was very uncomfortable, but Ning Chun couldn't care less about it.

Pang Xiaotai's offensive was too fierce, his [-] Hepu troops went all the way north, and they hardly encountered any opponents, especially his [-] Bobai soldiers, who were so ferocious.

Hepu County was brought down by Ning Chun and his son in the past, so Ning Chun is very familiar with those Xidong officials in Hepu County, and he is more aware of Bobaiman's ferocity.

It's just that these Bobaiman are all on the opposite side of him now, which gives him a headache.

The wind was blowing with rainwater and a stench, which made Ning Chun feel dizzy.

Although the rain stopped the rebels' offensive and made the ground outside the city muddy and slippery, it also made it more difficult to clean the battlefield outside the city.

The savage Pang Xiaotai didn't even send anyone to clean up the battlefield, and the corpses were just thrown there.

"Is this Pang Manzi trying to cause a plague?"

Jun Cheng said, "They don't clean up, we have to clean up, we have to send civilians out to clean up the corpses and clear out the moat."

"But in this rainy day, I can't even burn it. It's all wet, and it's not easy to dig a hole."

"But it's not okay to just leave it outside the city like this. This place is no better than the Central Plains. Although it's still the first month of the month, but in this weather, the corpses will rot in a few days, and there may be plagues at that time. We stay in the city, yes most unfavorable."

"Then wait for the rain to stop, and send civilian husbands to move all the corpses to the riverside, and throw them all into the Yujiang River." Ning Chun said.

Ning Chun looked at the camp in the distance, "How about we withdraw to Jiangbei now?"

Jun Cheng shook his head.

"If it was feasible to retreat before, and the strength was not damaged, it would be okay to retreat to the north of the river and wait for reinforcements. But now we only have this few troops, and we will be chased by Pang Xiaotai as soon as we leave the city. By then, we will be blocked by the river. I have to be driven down the river to feed the fish. What's more, it was reported that Tan Dian had come from the west and attacked the two cities of Dabin and Wulin in the north of the river one after another. Now our north bank of the river may not be safe. We have reached the north of us, and we have no way to go across the river. It is better to stick to Yongping City and wait for reinforcements. Although there are few soldiers in Yongping City, the city is tall and strong, and there are many bed crossbows. Defending the city is the best policy. .”

"If it rained a little harder, it would be fine for a few more days." Ning Chun looked up at the sky, ignoring the inconvenience caused by the humidity caused by the rain, he just wanted to make the rain worse If it is bigger, it is best to let Yu Jiangshan skyrocket again, and then the outside of the city is also flooded.

"I don't know when General Li and Prefect Li will arrive."

Ning Chun was looking forward to the arrival of the reinforcements with a headache. Although he had sent reinforcements to Guilin, Cangwu, Xiping and Nanhai counties early, but now that several generals are not there, it is estimated that the reinforcements will not be dispatched easily.

At this time, Ning Chun thought bitterly, why the hell did they come to beat him, why didn't Ning Chang really hit Qiu He who had intercourse?Why didn't Tan Dian go to attack Guilin County, why didn't Feng Xuan go to attack Nanhai County.

Why the hell did they come to beat him up?

Haikou boasted earlier, now only remorse is left.

If he had known this earlier, he would definitely not have divided his troops to defend Zhucheng, and would have transferred all of them back to defend Yongping.

Not far outside Yongping City is the Hepu Army Barracks.

Pang Xiaotai was also watching the sudden rain.

All the way to the north, he broke through three cities in a row, and the morale of the army was high. As a result, it was raining under Yongping City. He led the army to attack the city in the rain, but the attack continued for three days.

The morale of the army also declined again and again, and they could only retreat ten miles to suspend the attack.

Pang Xiaotai originally thought that Yongping City could be captured in one go, but who knew that Yongping City's resistance was very tenacious, and the fighting was very tragic.

His [-] Bobai soldiers also lost several hundred, which is almost a big loss that he has never experienced since he led this army.

When the Qin army went south, he followed the Ning family to send troops to attack Li Guangdu and others. He led the 500 Bobai soldiers. , his men only suffered more than [-] casualties, but this time Yongping City suffered more than [-] casualties in the next battle.

This is nerve-wracking.

"Why are the soldiers and horses of the other generals so late?"

Pang Xiaotai was a little unhappy, and agreed to destroy Ning Chun's Yongping first, and then seize Nanhai County.

But he, Pang Xiaotai, fought all the way here and fought a fierce battle under Yongping City, but the other soldiers and horses were delayed, and even the food, grass, supplies and military equipment Ning Daoming gave him could not be supplied.

"It's probably due to the rain, so we might as well wait." Several military academies persuaded.

In the next battle of Yongping City, more than [-] elite Bobai soldiers lost more than [-]. The generals already dare not underestimate Yongping City. They rushed forward, but now they have encountered a tough bone, but no one is willing to fight recklessly.

(End of this chapter)

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