Chapter 1086

There are fewer and fewer nobles in Luoyang City, and another group of nobles are entrusted with land, and they go to their own fiefs to become vassals.This time the fief is mainly in the Xishan area to the west of Jiannan.

The emperor sealed 72 princes in one breath, including a clan.The emperor's princes are still very young, and the other houses have been entrusted for the first time, but this time the emperor still entrusted the eldest son.

The eldest son of the emperor was born to Concubine Yan Shu, and he was also the eldest son of a concubine. Before the emperor ascended the throne, Luo Changqing had already been adopted to Luo Yi as his grandson. However, after the emperor ascended the throne, Changqing became the eldest son of the emperor. Many ministers believed that this lineage could not be broken like this. So he proposed that Changqing should also shoulder the burden of two, just like Luo Cheng did back then, Yan was Luo Yi's daughter-in-law, and Shan Binbin was Luo Gui's daughter-in-law, with two big heads and each inheriting a house.

Now Changqing is required to do so.

Originally, regardless of whether Changqing chose the two sects, he was not yet old enough to be an heir.

But a few days ago, when Luo Cheng went to Changqing's palace to visit him, he found that the child was a little too pampered now. It was lunch time when he went that day, and Changqing was eating.

Seeing his lunch, Luo Cheng's expression immediately dropped.

At noon, ordinary people don't even eat it, and even if they eat it, they eat it casually.Even if it is said that there is an old custom of eating four or even five meals in the family of emperors and princes, but Changqing's lunch is too extravagant.

A red goat stick, a braised shrimp dish, a calf cooked in water, and a chicken with green onion and vinegar.

It was said that it was only four dishes, but the red sheep stick was a whole roasted lamb. The body of the lamb supported by the four hooves was roasted until it was golden, and it had to maintain that standing posture.

Guangming Shrimp Roasting is to roast live shrimps on the fire, and the luster and transparency cannot be reduced.

As for the water-refined calf, it is to stew the whole calf in clear water, and it needs to be roasted to the fullest, and the meat must be stewed until the meat is rotten without losing its shape.

Chicken with green onion and vinegar is similar to boiled chicken. After the chicken is steamed, it is mixed with green onion and vinegar, which has a unique flavor.

Luo Chengcheng has never eaten all these dishes, such as water calf, he has never eaten.

For a lunch, Chang Qing, who was only a child, actually ate such a sumptuous four-course meal.

The emperor was very angry. He talked about pomp and luxury at such a young age, which shows that the people around him did not teach him well.Luo Cheng immediately exiled all those people in the palace of Chu to the outskirts of Luoyang.

At the same time, he also reprimanded Yan Shi.

Then in this enfeoffment, Luo Cheng also added Changqing to it, and granted him five hundred miles of land in Xishan to build a country. Changqing's fief was in the Bailongjiang section of the upper reaches of the Qiang River, between Minshan Mountain and Xiqing Mountain. At the same time, it is also between Tuyuhun, Longyou and Jiannan, flowing in a northwest-east direction.

This is a relatively poor fiefdom, with high mountains and deep valleys, and inconvenient transactions. It has always been a three-way zone where the Qiangs are distributed.Now the emperor assigns the land where the three borders meet to Changqing, and asks him to build the White Dragon Kingdom and make him the King of the White Dragon. This is also a punishment.

However, if the Bailong River can be dredged, then the rich resources such as timber, medicinal materials, and fur can be flowed down the river to reach Guangyuan in the middle of Shu, and then connect to the Yangtze River.

The emperor entrusted Changqing here, not just to punish him. The Bailong River originated from Xiqing Mountain, which is the watershed. On one side is the Tao River, and on the other side is the Bailong River. The Tao River is an important river in Longyou, and the Bailong River is connected to the Minjiang River. into the Jialing River.

This area is surrounded by Xiqing Mountain in the north, Minshan Mountain in the south, Qinghai in the west, and Han and Shu in the east. It is a real strategic place.

After all, Changqing was still young, so although the emperor demoted those around him and gave him a title, but for the time being, he was only ordered to leave the palace to live in the mansion, and did not directly let him become a feudal vassal.

His fiefdom will be temporarily managed by the emperor's servants from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he will go to the kingdom of the vassal after the minister's full age.

This place connects three lands. Originally, the imperial court planned to set up counties and counties directly under the jurisdiction. The emperor originally planned to assign the Norgai Grassland, that is, the Songpan Plateau, to Changqing as a fief. It was allocated to Changqing, and at the same time, the Nuoergai Grassland was set as a pastoral supervisor directly under the imperial court.

These two places are strategically important places, and the emperor was worried about handing them over to others. Nuoergai is the main traffic route to Gan-Daiqing. It is located in the north to the Hehuang Valley, south to Minjiang River, Dadu River or east to Jialing River to reach Sichuan. The triangular area of ​​the basin has an important position in transportation and trade. It has always been the frontier of communication between the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the mainland, and it is a place that military strategists must contend for.

Especially now that the imperial court wants to conquer the Qiangs and fight against Tubo in the future, this place is even more important.

This grassland belongs to the eastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, with an altitude of more than 3000 meters. It is considered a plateau, but compared to the Minshan Mountains in the east and the Qionglai Mountains in the south, it is surrounded by mountains and is a basin on the plateau.

The terrain here is flat and wide, with abundant water sources and luxuriant water and grass, which is very suitable for grazing. Therefore, Luo Cheng designated this area as a pasture to raise army horses for use by the surrounding military mansions.There has always been a lot of good horses here, and the horses belong to the Hequ horse breed, which is one of the world's famous good horse breeds.

And there is still arable land here, which can reclaim more than [-] mu of land, and the food produced can also be used by the surrounding military mansions to avoid the difficulty of foreign transportation.

Two important lands, the Bailong River Valley with poor conditions but important location, were entrusted to the eldest son of the emperor, Changqing, but managed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the other was designated as a royal pasture, also under the name of the emperor.

"Your Majesty, the eldest son of the emperor has caused trouble again."

"What's going on?" Luo Cheng was looking at a sand table of the Western Mountain terrain, and frowned when he heard the servant's report.

"Just now, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince went to the palace to send the eldest son out of the palace to open the palace. As a result, an argument broke out for some reason, and the Crown Prince beat the eldest son."

"The prince beat the White Dragon King, so why do you say that the eldest son caused trouble?" Luo Cheng asked.

"It was the White Dragon King who scolded His Highness the Crown Prince first, and then broke the jade that the Crown Prince gave him, so the Crown Prince beat the White Dragon King."

Luo Cheng frowned when he heard this. King Bailong is the eldest son of a concubine. He is more than a year older than the crown prince Jiawen. He usually sees that their brothers are very harmonious, especially the prince, who looks mature and stable. Unexpectedly, the brothers fight.

"Bring both the prince and the White Dragon King."

When the two princes came over, they both had bruised noses and swollen faces.

The White Dragon King scolded the Prince, and the Prince beat the White Dragon King, and then the White Dragon King was unconvinced and scuffled with the Prince. Although the people next to him separated quickly, they were still a little injured.

"It's amazing, you two brothers, you are still about ten years old, you already know about brothers fighting?" Luo Cheng said with a dark face.

Although the two brothers were still staring at each other, it could be seen that the emperor was angry, and they both knelt down to plead guilty.

"White Dragon King, your crown prince is a brother, and you are an elder brother, but you are still princes, you must pay attention to the rules of the monarch and his ministers, you are the king, and Jia Wen is the crown prince, he is the prince of the country, so even if he is your younger brother, you should respect him, Do you know what kind of crime it is that a subject insults the monarch or even beats him?"

"I will punish you to go back to the mansion to repent. You are not allowed to leave the mansion half a step within a month, and you have to copy the names of the hundred characters a thousand times. At the same time, you have to write a [-]-character letter of apology to the prince. You have to be sincere. In addition, the smashed For that gift, you also pay one to the prince. Alright, let’s go out.”

Changqing bowed his head and stepped back.

Only the emperor and the prince remained in the palace.

"Jiawen, you are the crown prince, but you are also the younger brother of the White Dragon King. Why do you beat your elder brother? This is disrespectful. Is it the virtue of a crown prince?"

"You are the prince, you have to remember one sentence, you have to endure small things."

Jiawen looked up at his father, still a little unconvinced, "It's okay for the White Dragon King to insult his son and minister, but he also insults his son and his mother. It was he who was unfilial first, and the son and minister taught him on behalf of his mother."

"Haha, it's not your turn to make a move. Remember, you have to endure small things."

"Father, what are we going to do with that big event?"


Luo Cheng pinched his chin, "Be patient with small things, and be ruthless when it comes to big things!"

Young Jarvan was thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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