Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1089 If you want to fight, then fight!

Chapter 1089 If you want to fight, then fight!
Tan Dian, the prefect of Yulin, led the barbarians of Yulin County down the Yujiang River, and even broke through the two cities of Dabin and Wulin in the northwest corner of Yongping County, while Ning Chun in Yongping City was still considering whether to abandon the city and retreat to In the Jiangbei period, Tan Dian quickly crossed the river with the momentum of a great victory, swept Suijian on the south bank of the Yujiang River (the new county was opened up in the Sui Dynasty, formerly known as Suijian) and the second city of Chunmin, all the way to the west of Yongping City, and fought with Pang Xiaotai's army. join forces.

Taking advantage of the power of the great victory, Tan Dian went to the west of Yongping City, had someone write a wooden sign and sent it into the city, with a few large characters written on it arrogantly.

"Ning Xuan's son, come out of the city to fight!"

When Ning Chun saw this sign, he burst into flames. When his father Ning Xuan was the prefect of Hepu, Tan Dian and Pang Xiaotai were both his father's subordinates. When they saw him, they respectfully called him young commander.Now one by one, soldiers are forcing the city down.

Immediately, he wanted to send troops out of the city to fight, but the magistrate tried to persuade him again and again, and threw a handwritten sign outside the city, which said, "If you want to fight, come and fight!"

At this time, Ning Chun calmed down and became more and more flustered.

He has already begun to regret in his heart, feeling that he should not be too high-profile, even if he is not willing to rebel against Ning Daoming and others, he should not shout so loudly, and he should not stick to Yongping City.

The tenth day of February.

Tan Dian joined forces with Pang Xiaotai, and they had [-] soldiers in their hands, forming a complete siege on Yongping City. Tan Dian also brought the food Pang Xiaotai needed.

After receiving the reply from the sign that you want to fight, come to fight, Tan Dian, the southern barbarian, immediately ordered to attack the city.

However, before the siege of the city, Tan Dian specially asked someone to make a doll about ten feet tall, wearing a woman's costume, wearing a bun on the head, and a flag on the back, which read Ning Chun, the daughter of Ning Xuan. .

It is clear that Ning Chun is regarded as a cowardly woman.

Although there were still no siege equipment in Tan Dian, the rain had stopped at this time, and although the ground was still slippery and muddy, the rebel army attacked the city from several sides at the same time, relying on the large number of people.

In particular, Tan Dian hurriedly made several simple catapult carts, lit a lot of wet firewood, and then threw them into the city. As a result, firewood smoke was everywhere inside and outside the city wall, which not only blocked the sight of the defenders, but also choked people. .Some firewood even ignited the houses near the city wall, making the defenders and people in the city busy.

The horn sounded, Tan Dian and Pang Xiaotai's rebels began to attack the city.

The siege of the city was very fierce, and Ning Chun had no way to retreat at this time, so he also launched a ruthless attack, personally went to the city to supervise the battle, and killed anyone who dared to retreat.

Another county town organized young and strong people to go up to the city to help guard, and arranged for women to help cook and work for the army. At the same time, he announced that reinforcements were coming and asked everyone to stick to it. He also said that if the rebels entered the city, they would slaughter the city and loot, etc , making everyone share the same hatred, and for a while they tried their best.

The attack continued until dark.

The rebels attacked the city several times, but they were all beaten down by Ning Chun. It has to be said that Ning Chun's ruthlessness was still a bit of a southern barbarian style.

The soldiers under his command, especially the Fengshan bureaucrats he brought from Hepu, are even more fierce than Bo Baiman.

When the battle got dark, the spirit of the rebel army gradually lost. At this time, it started to rain again, and it was pouring rain when it rained. Tan Dian had to order the troops to withdraw.

"It's really a timely rain. It would be great if he rained a few times every day."

Ning Chun returned to Yazhong from the city, threw down the iron helmet on his body, and asked his servants to unarm him.

The county magistrate took the brochure and looked at the statistics on it. In today's battle, more than 500 defenders in the city died, and more than 300 young and strong people in the upper city died.

More than 800 people died in battle in one day, which is an astonishing casualty.

But he estimated that the casualties of the rebels under the city were no less than theirs.

"Jun Cheng, when will the reinforcements come?" Ning Chun couldn't help asking Jun Cheng again.

"Soon." That's all Jun Cheng could say. Although he is an official sent by the court, not a local commander like Ning Chun, he is also trapped in the city now, so he doesn't know what's going on outside. It was mid-February, Li Jing and the others should have returned to the South China Sea, so the reinforcements should arrive soon.

Fortunately, they are guarding the Yujiang River now, reinforcements can go along the river, and once reinforcements are made, it will be easier.

"Jun Cheng, I'll tell you the truth. Although we managed to defend the city today, we had a bit of luck. If it wasn't raining, I'm afraid we might not be able to keep it. But this kind of luck can't happen again and again. Today, our casualties It’s too big, if such casualties happen a few more times, the morale of the army will collapse.”

"I know, but please don't insist on Ning Shuai."

Night falls.

The rebels outside the city still retreated to the camp separately, Pang Xiaotai's army retreated to the south of the city, and Tan Dian's army retreated to the west of the city.

Tan Dian sent someone to invite Pang Xiaotai to discuss.

"Your sons suffered a lot of casualties today, this damned Ning Chun is really determined to go all out." Tan Dian said.

This handsome man is different from handsome men like Ning Changzhen and Feng An. He is a real handsome man.As early as the Kaihuang period of the Sui Dynasty, Wang Zhongxuan, the commander-in-chief of Guangzhou at that time, rebelled. Chen Fozhi responded. At that time, Wang Zhongxuan led his troops to surround Guangzhou.

Mrs. Xian sent her grandson Feng Xuan to rescue Guangzhou, but Feng Xuan led the troops and stood still, refusing to rescue, and instead exchanged letters with Chen Zhilue in secret.Mrs. Xian changed commanders just before the battle, arrested Feng Xuan and imprisoned her, and sent her young grandson Feng An to take command.

After Feng An sent troops, he led Feng Xian's two coalition forces to quickly defeat Chen Fozhi, and joined forces with Chen Fozhi to break the siege of Guangzhou.

After Chen Fozhi was killed, his son Chen Longshu fled to the west mountain of Longzhou. Tan Dian heard the news and brought Dong Ding back to Huaide to avoid disaster.Later, Tan Dian sent someone to send him to Anzhou to join Ning Mengli.

After Chen Longshu went to join the Ning family, Tan Dian quickly took over the traditional sphere of influence of the Chen family, becoming the leader of Zhudong in the Yunwu and Yunkai mountains, and expanded to Luozhou to Luozhou, Gaozhou, and to Hebei in the southwest. In the state area, the power has increased greatly.

When there was great chaos at the end of the Sui Dynasty, all parties competed for supremacy.

In the end, the strong dragon of the Qin army entered the country, and all the heroes Qu Shuai surrendered or died. Tan Dian occupied the Yunkai Mountain in the early years, and he also listened to Ning Xuan of Hepu County. Afterwards, he was awarded the prefect of Yulin, and the imperial court transferred him from his old nest, Yunkai Mountain, to Yulin further west, separated by the Ning family's territory.

Chen Longshu defected to Ning Mengli back then and asked the Ning family to send troops to attack Feng An, but Ning Mengli refused. Later, Chen Longshu held a grudge in his heart, and when the Qin army went south, Chen Longshu took the initiative to surrender. After returning to Qin, Chen Longshu, the prefect of Cangwu, But he has always wanted to return to the old place of the Chen family, namely Yongxi and Yongping counties.

But this has long been Tan Dian's sphere of influence, even if he went to Yu Lin to be the prefect, how could he let it go to Chen Longshu.

"I guess Chen Longshu is going south." Tan Dian said with some worry.

Chen Longshu didn't go south to rescue Ning Chun in Cangwu, so he might not have good intentions, but this man is a wolf, Tan Dian helped him back then, and later the two turned against each other, and the two had long been enemies.

The Chen family never forgot to take back the family's hometown, and this old place has long been occupied by Tan Dian. Now Tan Dian is the prefect in Yu Lin, and its territory is divided into Ning Chun and Feng An as prefects. This time Tan Dian fought so easily because Under Yongping County, there are many streams and caves that are his old department.

In fact, after the Qin army entered Lingnan, Li Jing played for the imperial court and conferred the palace of Tan with power in the Yongxi area to Yulin, Feng Xuan to Yongxi, and Ning Chun, whose territory was in Hepu, to Yongping. Hepu of Ning Chun's family was conferred to Ning Daoming for management, which actually laid the groundwork for today's division of Shuaishuai.

(End of this chapter)

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