Chapter 1094


"Pang Xiaotai, Prime Minister of Hepu County, beheaded Ning Daoming, and asked for his head to surrender."

In Yongping City.

Zheng Yuanxuan, the prefect of the county, was organizing the women in the city to be busy lighting a fire and cooking. It was rare that today was sunny and good weather, so he simply set up a large pot at the gate of the city and set up a chopping board.

Live sheep and pigs just off the ship are slaughtered on the spot.There were also chickens, ducks, geese and fishes that were also busy slaughtering and processing. Everyone was very happy, and some women even sang folk songs while cutting meat and bones.

Amidst the bursts of singing, the aroma of the rice pot also began to waft.

On the top of the city, Li Jing and others sat on the tower to discuss the military situation.

A success story is played.

Feng Xuan's head had been delivered by Liu Rengui himself, and Feng An personally confirmed that it was indeed his brother's head.

Li Jing was also very happy, and immediately wrote a merit memorial for Liu Rengui, and then ordered Feng Xuan's head to be packed in a wooden box, soaked in mercury, and immediately sent to Luoyang to present to the emperor along with the merit memorial and the letter of success.

Feng Xuan's head was sent away, and his body was found on the battlefield. The headless body was specially put on Feng Xuan's armor, and then hung on Yongping City for public display.

"This Pang Xiaotai, does Governor Ning understand him?" Li Jing asked Ning Chun.

Ning Chun has already changed into a clean robe. He is wearing the purple robe and jade belt bestowed by the emperor. He has also been dressed as a civil servant, his face has been washed clean, and he has taken the time to shave his face and trim his hair and beard. He is in good spirits. many.But Ning Chun was not too happy in her heart.

Because Li Jing also brought an imperial edict for the emperor of Luoyang, and Ning Chun was appointed as the commander of Guangxi Daoyou, and at the same time he was appointed as the prefect of Yulin County.

He did not get the post of prefect of Hepu County.

"This Pang Xiaotai is an unfaithful and shameless person. He used to be my father's personal guard. He is from Bobai County, Hepu County. There is a whole group of Bobai barbarians under his command. They are very capable, but this person is the most shameless. Originally, my father served as a personal guard, but after my father died of illness, he hooked up with Ning Daoming and his son and seized Hepu. After that, he married Ning Daoming's sister, but now he cut off Ning Daoming's head. Such people Small, a certain thought that he could never surrender and should be killed."

Li Jing just laughed twice, he has been in Lingnan for several years, of course he knows that there is such a number one person as Pang Xiaotai, and he knows that this person is very fierce.

He didn't care about the dispute between Pang and Ning Daoming and Ningchun's nephew.

And since Ning Chun hates Pang Xiaotai so much, he thinks he can keep this person for now.

"Where is Pang Xiaotai now?"

"After Pang Xiaotai beheaded Ning Daoming, he retreated to Chunmin County. Not only did he have [-] Bo Baiman under him, but he also had about [-] Hepu soldiers under Ning Daoming. He hoped that the commander-in-chief would pardon him and his subordinates for their crimes, saying As long as they are pardoned, they will offer the city to surrender, and they also said that they are willing to send Ning Daoming's head first to show their sincerity. They also said that as long as the imperial court is willing to pardon them, they are willing to seek rebellion for the imperial court."

"Marshal, Pang Thief will never be pardoned!"

Ning Chun objected loudly.

Li Jing ignored him, but asked again, "Where is the thief?"

"Back to Commander-in-Chief, the thief Tan went to the direction of Suijian, took about ten thousand defeated soldiers, and retreated westward in embarrassment."

Li Jing nodded.

"Although Feng Xuan and Ning Daoming are dead, Tan Dian and Ning Changzhen are still alive, and the rebel army is defeated but not completely wiped out. Our target now is Tan Dian and Ning Changzhen. As for Pang Xiaotai who is willing to join, Its surrender is acceptable."

Ning Chun's objection was useless. For Li Jing, he was shouldering the heavy responsibility of quelling the rebellion this time. The court's request was to quell the Lingnan rebellion as soon as possible, and it could not be delayed for a long time. Additional plans to send troops to Lingnan.

Li Jing transferred 2000 people here this time. Although it is not all the troops, there are many bureaucrats here, and after a long time, other troubles will easily occur.

Li Jing sent a message to Pang Xiaotai, not only pardoning their crimes, but also conferring on him the post of Captain of Hepu County.

Pang Xiaotai was also in a panic in Chunmin City.

He was defeated in a surprise attack by the officers and soldiers, and fled in embarrassment. In the end, Ning Daoming turned his anger on him, blaming him for not guarding the camp well, and even said that he would kill Pang Xiaotai.

Pang Xiaotai was also born in a white man with a fierce personality. Seeing that the rebel army was about to be defeated, he would not be willing to die in the back at this time. Thinking that Ning Daoming wanted to kill him before, he became ruthless, so he simply acted first.

Taking advantage of the chaos, he led Bo Baiman's confidants directly to surround Ning Daoming's personal guard camp. In the end, he cut off Ning Daoming's head with his own hands, and then begged Li Jing to surrender.After receiving Li Jing's reply, Pang Xiaotai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"General, beware of the Qin general's deceit."

"Li Jing has been in Lingnan for many years, and his credit has always been good. There is absolutely no reason to lie to me." Pang Xiaotai comforted his subordinates, but in fact he had no other way out.

Immediately, he ordered the opening of Chunmin County, and then led more than [-] defeated soldiers under his command to surrender.

After the surrender, the Qin army kept the agreement and did not kill him, and let him continue to command the seven thousand defeated soldiers, and asked him to gather other scattered soldiers.

Over there, Tan Dian fled westward with ten thousand defeated soldiers. After running to Sui Jian City, he was only able to eat a mouthful of warm food.

When he gathered the defeated soldiers, he sent people to inquire about the news, and when he heard that both Feng Xuan and Ning Daoming had been killed, and that Pang Xiaotai surrendered again, Tan Dian couldn't help but look ugly.

"Li Jing only used more than [-] people to defeat us yesterday?"

After hearing the news, Tan Dian's face became even more ugly.

There were 7 to 7 of them, and they fought for two months, not even a single Yongping County was destroyed, but it only took Chen Longshu half a month to take away Feng Xuan's Yongxi County. They defeated [-] to [-] people.

How to fight this battle.

"I heard that the emperor transferred tens of thousands of forbidden troops to Li Jing this time, and many of them were Habayashi soldiers named disciples of the emperor."

"It's no wonder we lost so badly. It turns out that's the case. In this way, it's not a shame to lose."

"Master, what shall we do now?"

Tan Dian thought for a while, "Since Pang Xiaotai surrendered, then we surrender too."

This can also be regarded as the usual practice of Lingnan commanders throughout the ages. They rebelled if they were slightly dissatisfied, and surrendered when they could not defeat the imperial court's counter-rebel army.

In the past dynasties, whenever they surrendered, the general court would accept it in order to stabilize the place, so each of them was at ease with each other.

Of course, there is a price to be paid for this kind of surrender, such as surrendering some city land and population, but as long as there are green hills left, there is no fear of running out of firewood.

Tan Dian, as a commander-in-chief, from the Chen Dynasty to the Sui Dynasty to the current Qin Dynasty, has reversed all dynasties, and finally surrendered.

"I personally wrote a letter of surrender to Li Jing. As long as I am allowed to surrender, I am willing to lead my headquarters to conquer Ning Changzhen for the court, and I am also willing to send the children of the clan to Luoyang."

Please send the letter of surrender to Yongping City. After Li Jing has read it, someone will reply to Tan Dian to accept the surrender.

Feng Xuan was beheaded outside Yongping City, Ning Daoming was beheaded by his general Pang Xiaotai in Chunmin City, and Tan Dian led his troops to surrender in Suijian City. In the next few days, Yongping County was originally captured by rebels, and the rebels in the city flocked Surrendered to the army, Yongping regained.

And Chen Longshu regained Feng Xuan's Yongxi County one step earlier.

Only Hepu County and Ningyue County remained.

When the news of the defeat of the rebel army came back, Chang Ning was really panicked, and hoped to surrender like Tan Dian.

Ningyue prefect's mansion, study room.

Ning Yue was writing the surrender form when the study door opened.

"Didn't I say don't disturb, get out." Ning Changzhen cursed without raising his head.

As a result, the person who came in not only did not withdraw, but came here instead, Ning Changzhen looked up, but only saw that it was his concubine whom he usually loves, so he put away the fire immediately, "I have business, you step back first."

The concubine smiled at him, which made him a little strange.

On the same day, an astonishing news came out of Qinjiang City in Ningyue County. Ning Changzhen committed suicide in fear of crime.

After Ning Changzhen died, the Ning clan members in Hepu County and Ningyue County, as well as Xitong slang chiefs, were in chaos. There was no leader for a while, and the imperial army to suppress the rebellion had already moved south from Yongping.

A few days later, both counties surrendered.

A rebellion by the commander-in-chief who had risen up and occupied less than half of Lingnan was quickly put down again.

From the initiation of the rebellion to the surrender of the two counties of Ningyue and Hepu, the entire rebellion lasted only three months.

But for Li Jing, although the rebellion on the surface has been quelled, he knows that Lingnan has not completely settled down because of this.

Chen Longshu, Feng An, Tan Dian, Ning Chun, Pang Xiaotai, these are still handsome and powerful in Lingnan, and their strength is still very strong.

But this time, taking advantage of the quelling of Ning Chun, Ning Daoming and Ning Xuan's rebellion, it can further strengthen the imperial court's control over Lingnan.

"Divide Yulin County into two, with Yujiang as the boundary, Yulin County to the north, and Nanning County to the south."

"Give Ning Chun the prefect of Yulin County, the commander of Guangxi Daoyou Commander."

"Teach Tandian as the prefect of Nanning County."

"Give Zheng Yuanxuan the prefect of Hepu County."

"Give Chen Longshu the prefect of Ningyue County."

"Give Pang Xiaotai the captaincy of Hepu County."

Li Jing sat in the prefect's mansion of Hepu City by the Lianjiang River in Hepu County, Beibu Bay, and wrote memorials, presenting to the emperor some of his suggestions to appease Lingnan.

He also suggested that Feng An and Li Xizhi be swapped, that Feng An be the left governor of Guangxi and the prefect of Guilin County, and Li Xizhi be the prefect of Gaoliang County.

Through these swaps, the control of these slang chiefs and handsome men on the traditional territory was disrupted.

"The minister asked the imperial court to issue an edict to exempt the newly-organized people in Lingnan Liao from the two taxes for five to ten years, so as to attract them to accept the state's household registration, household registration, and registration of population farms and houses."

"Taking advantage of this rebellion suppression, I plan to carry out military reforms in the Lingnan counties first, fully implement the military garrison system, capture the private soldiers of the generals, and reorganize them into various battalions of the government soldiers. Your Majesty's Habayashiro Habayashi and others served as officers at all levels of the battalion."

Let the scumbags join the ranks, ban private soldiers, and garrison the army. At the same time, set up new county offices and township pavilions in the mountain streams where the scumbags gather, build roads, and attract these southern barbarians to trade local products. This will not only increase tax revenue for the Lingnan government, but also drive commerce and trade. It can also increase the income of those southern barbarians and change their backward life. Li Jing believes that as long as the reform of the imperial court can make these local people feel that their lives are better, then They have no reason to keep rebelling.

(End of this chapter)

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