Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1096: The Sun Never Sets Pirate Wild Hope

Chapter 1096: The Sun Never Sets Pirate Wild Hope

However, it is very dangerous to go directly to Nanyang, let alone Tianzhu and the Persian Gulf. Generally, maritime merchants only run their own fixed routes, and few of them run such long routes between fixed ports. Therefore, their goods It was also resold and cost more.

"With the big treasure ship, the risk of going to Nanyang can be greatly reduced. I believe that as long as we are willing to pay a high price, we will be able to dig out a few capable guys. Then we can also try to go south. Our past from port to port , we can always reach the Kunlun Sea, and we can also find spice islands, and then we will capture one or two spice islands, and then use local Kunlun slaves to grow spices, and then transport them back to sell.” Li Shimin described a very good prospect to the captain .

"Without charts and routes, it would be very dangerous for us to run by ourselves, and there are only one or two people on a general ship who can grasp the route, and they will never leak it easily."

"I don't steal other people's routes. I only look for people who can recognize stars, understand charts, and have rich experience in sea navigation. We can also find our own routes."

Li Shimin believes that the routes are all out of the way. In the past, ships could only use the monsoon to go to the Persian Gulf. Now the shipbuilding technology is so good, with watertight cabins, nautical compass, and astrology boards These, even treasure ships can sail against the wind, so as long as you have the courage to try, you will be able to create your own route.

After all, they were sailing along the coast, not into the deep sea.

"Where is the Sunset King?"

"We run the boat for the Sunset King, and he has a share of the profits. He won't object, not to mention that the Sunset King wants to adopt me as a foster son." Li Shimin said.

Before coming out this time, Li Shimin didn't have these bold ideas.

However, the experience of the pirate leader in the past two months made his heart uneasy again.

It is an incomparable freedom to sail a boat across the sea.

And the pirate plunder is so exciting.

"Halong Bay will be our base camp from now on, and Dragonstone Island will be our base. Old Hei, follow me. Let's be the Dragon King of the South China Sea."

"Do it." The chief mate, Old Hei, is also a bold man. Anyone who ventures into the sea and runs a boat is not without courage. At sea, it is a gamble of life. can't come back.

"Captain, we need more ships, treasure ships, and more sailors."

"Sailors?" Li Shimin chuckled and pointed to Halong Bay, "There are so many Dan people here. Their ancestors have lived on the sea for generations and have never been on land. They are the best sailors. Let's recruit from these people. As long as the conditions we offer are good enough, we can have as many sailors as we want."

"We still need soldiers."

The 1000 people that Luo Yi lent them must always be paid back.

"Choose some strong slaves and train them."

"Old Hei, you stay on Longshi Island and train those Dan people sailors and slave fighters for me. I will take the boat to Jiaozhi first, and after the transaction is over, I will return to Puyang Port in Rinan County and send the Sunset King's things to you. Go back. After I have a good talk with the Sunset King, I will come back. At that time, we will sail to the sea together and head south to find the Kunlun Sea and the Spice Island."

A grain of pepper is like a grain of silver beans. Lao Hei's eyes lit up, and he nodded repeatedly, "Okay, I'll wait for you to come back, and leave it to me here."

"Damn, this spice is so profitable, it must not be monopolized by the Royal Merchant Marine." Old Hei was indignant.

Now on the market, one liter of pepper is worth six cents in silver, how much is Kaiyuan Tongbao in six cents of silver?It’s about 960 renminbi, which is about [-] yuan. Although it’s not as good as mixing silver shavings in pepper to pretend to be pepper in the past, the price is still astonishing.

One stone transported back is worth a hundred guan, even if it is transported a hundred koi back in a boat, it is worth ten thousand guan.

In history, when Yuan Zai, the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, was convicted and ransacked his home, he confiscated [-] stones of pepper, which made the emperor's eyes turn red.

In front of Pepper, Li Shimin and Lao Hei didn't even look down on the native rhino horn, elephant tooth, pearl and longan.

Guangnan Road, Sunset Country.

Luo Yi has been busy training soldiers and horses during this period. When the northern Central Plains was just about to plant the first season of rice, Sunset Country had already harvested the first season of rice.

Taking advantage of the fine weather, the golden Champa rice is harvested, threshed, dried, blown and put into the warehouse.

After the first season is harvested, the field is immediately replanted and the second season is planted.

This side's double grab was almost completed, and Luo Yi's side began to recruit young and strong middle school boys, and began to gather and train.

More than a month ago, the Chenla Man crossed the Dahe River to attack Wenyang City. Although the surprise attack failed in the end and the strong attack failed, the Manzi quickly sent reinforcements in Sunset City, and then withdrew across the Dahe River.

But for Luo Yi, Zhenlaman actually dared to stroke his tiger's beard, so he really didn't want to live.

Not to mention, although the Chenla Man retreated, they destroyed the crops in several villages outside Wenyang County, and the rice that was about to mature was trampled and destroyed, which made Luo Yi extremely angry.

After the Chenla Man retreated, they toppled the stele that Luo Yi had erected on the east bank of the Great River, and erected their stele in Chenla, wanting to declare their sovereignty.

Luo Yi led his troops to Wenyang, but he failed to fight against the barbarians, but he remembered his grudge. He led his troops out of the mountains and inspected the upper and lower reaches of the east bank of the river. The village that refused to surrender before captured thousands of barbarians and went back.

But Luo Yi has never crossed the river, he has limited soldiers, only five hundred soldiers in the mansion.

His own bodyguards are only two hundred.

But Luo Yi didn't intend to let it go. He was waiting for Li Shimin to come back. The thousand soldiers and slave soldiers he brought with him were a very important force for the Sunset Kingdom.

At the same time, he is also busy waiting for the double robbing. After all, Sunset Country has a total population of [-]. If troops are sent during the double robbing season, it will affect this year's harvest.

Wait and wait, wait for two months.

Fortunately, Li Shimin finally came back.

Luo Yi personally rushed to Wushiling Mountain Pass to meet him.

There were thousands of people when Li Shimin went, but there were more than 5000 people when he came back.

"Why are there so many people?" Although I have received several letters from Li Shimin before, I know that Li Shimin has gained a lot from going out this time, but seeing so many people, and there are many elephants and mules and horses. shocked.

"Fulfilling the mission, I have gained a lot from going out this time. It is that Ning Changzhen waited for the traitors to be too useless. There was a lot of thunder and rain, and they were wiped out in a total of three months. Ning Changzhen hanged himself in fright. Shame."

"If they persevere, I can gain more." With that said, Li Shimin took out a list and handed it to Luo Yi.

Luo opened it and saw that there were all kinds of materials brought back, craftsmen, slaves, etc. He was most looking forward to textile craftsmen, porcelain craftsmen, gold and silver mining craftsmen, and there were many of them. Then the number of slaves a lot of.

"Originally there were three thousand bureaucrat slaves. I was afraid that it would be difficult to manage, so I traded a group of Kunlun slaves in Jiaozhi."

(End of this chapter)

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