Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1100 72 Battalion Habayashiro

Chapter 1100 72 Battalion Habayashiro

Li Jing summoned Liu Rengui and other Habayashiro, and announced a new military order to them.

"Don't go back to Beijing, stay in Lingnan?"

Because Liu Rengui beheaded Feng An, he has now become a more prestigious man among the hundred-feathered forest man and one thousand-feathered forest knight. He was also very surprised when he heard this order, after all, he had ordered the order to return to Beijing with the boat.

"This is a military order from the Commander's Mansion of the Lingnan Economics. This commander wants to temporarily borrow you to form the Lingnan Military Mansion. After the military mansion is established and stabilized, you can be transferred back to Beijing at that time."

All Habayashi had their own thoughts.

Some people want to return to Beijing earlier. After all, compared to Luoyang, Lingnan is too remote and wild, and they don't like the weather here. More importantly, they have heard that Li Jingliu and the others do not have the emperor's will. His actions are actually Some violations.

Liu Rengui looked at the eyes of his companions and knew that everyone wanted to hear his opinion.

"Do you want us to establish the Lingnan Mansion Army?"

Li Jing said bluntly, "Although there are soldiers from the imperial court who went south in Lingnan, there are only more than [-] people. Although Lingnan has quelled the rebellion, the situation is not optimistic. One more person will help more. Besides, you are the disciples of the emperor, and you are all for me. The elite of the Great Qin Army, if you stay and help, it will be of great help."

When Liu Rengui heard this, he immediately felt very proud.

"The commander-in-chief said it well. As disciples of the Son of Heaven, Lingnan needs us now. How can we just leave? Although Liu Rengui is only a small lieutenant, he is willing to contribute. I am willing to stay."

With Liu Rengui taking the lead, some young passionate people followed suit and expressed their willingness to stay.

In the end, Li Jing mobilized again, and Liu Rengui and others also helped to persuade them. Finally, the other Habayashi men were willing to stay, even if they didn't want to, because Li Jing had already issued a military order.Although Li Jing disobeyed the sacred decree first, but as soldiers, they could not openly disobey the orders of their superior Li Jing.

If Li Jing really rebelled, they would definitely not follow, but they were only seconded to help build the military palace, and they had no reason to disobey Li Jing's military orders.

On the boat over there.

After Li Fuguo heard the report from below saying that Li Jing had persuaded the Yulin Army to stay, he just snorted coldly.

"Isn't the father-in-law angry?"

"Why should I be angry? What I just said to Li Jing below is just to show my position. Li Jing is a person who is extremely trusted by the emperor. He can even be regarded as half of the emperor's teacher. He has lived in Lingnan for a long time. Just fought such a beautiful battle against the rebellion, he just wanted to second the Habayashi Army to form the Lingnan Army Mansion, it’s not a big deal.”

"But just now?"

"Just now, what I said was just to show my position. Li Jing can resist the decree, but we can't. We are the personal servants of His Majesty, and we are keeping an eye on ministers and generals like Li Jing for His Majesty. What he did was wrong. We must We have to object and express our attitude, but we have no personal enmity with Li Jing."

Li Fuguo is still very smart, or in other words, those who can get high in the palace are all smart people, although there are as many as ten internal servants like him in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so they can only be regarded as middle-level.

It is possible that he has climbed to this step, but it is not all due to his old credit for defending the emperor's arrows.

He had to object to Li Jing's rebellion, but if he overcame the objection, that's fine, anyway, Li Jing's rebellion was not treason.Who can say that the emperor will not agree to Li Jing's memorial, and if they insist on causing trouble, they will be the ones who will be punished.

If the emperor disagreed with Li Jing's memorial, they had opposed it anyway, and the emperor could not blame them.

Instead of competing with Li Jing, it is better to return these light cargoes to Luoyang as soon as possible. That is the most urgent task. This is a huge fortune. The emperor's internal treasury previously lent 1000 million to the national treasury, but now it is empty.

It is their great credit to have such a large amount of money back.

Several young eunuchs couldn't help but suddenly realized that they admired Li Fuguo very much.

Li Jing has a lot of things to do now.

He is now not only the prefect of the South China Sea, but also the commander of the left governor of Guangdong Dao, and the economic and strategic appeasement envoy of the three Lingnan Dao.

What he urgently needs now is to quickly establish a new and stable and reliable military system in these twenty counties in the three Lingnan provinces.

"His Majesty gave Lingnan three provinces 72 prefecture battalions. These 72 battalions will be stationed in three provinces and [-] counties, which will play a role in stably controlling the entire Lingnan."

Qin River Mouth.

Li Jing was discussing with Zheng Yuanxuan, Li Xizhi, Qiu He and others. Liu Rengui and other school lieutenants were also there.

The 72 battalions actually have a total establishment of 6000 people, which is exactly the number of three full-staffed armies after the reform of the imperial court's new army.

A battalion of 500 people and an army of 2000 people.

Compared with the [-] army in the past, the current army has been cut in half, and the number has been reduced, but it still has to play a sufficient role.

In total, with regard to the establishment of the 72nd Battalion of the three armed forces, how should the three counties be allocated?
"I think the establishment of the three armies happens to be one army and one army." The speaker was Li Xizhi, who was transferred to Guangnan Zuo Buzheng and Jiaozhi prefect.

Originally, the chief envoy was not in charge of the military, but Li Xizhi was an old man in Lingnan after all, and one of the commanders who quelled the chaos this time. No matter who will be the commander of the left and right in Jiaozhi in the future, it is impossible for him to have a higher prestige than Li Xizhi.

Qiu He had always been working in Jiaozhi, but now he immediately objected to stationing an army in each of the three provinces. The reason was that there were only four counties in Guangnan Province, and they had nine counties in Guangxi Province, so it would be inappropriate for one army to be stationed in one province.

"Although there are only four counties in Guangnan, Guangnan is a frontier. There are Linyi in the south and Zhenla in the east. They are often invaded and harassed. Prefect Qiu should be the most experienced in this regard. Guangnan has a heavy task. Deploy more troops, only station one army, and take care of the other two, otherwise, half of the 72nd Battalion should be stationed in Guangnan."

Qiu He, who was transferred to Guangxi Zuo Buzheng and Guilin prefect, still fought hard, saying that although Guangxi is not a border, there are many barbarians in Xidong in Guangxi, and the situation is very complicated, and more troops must be stationed to suppress it.

The two chief envoys were arguing non-stop there, but the commanders and envoys of the two departments were not present. Li Jing didn't let the two governors, Feng An and Chen Longshu, attend the meeting, because the imperial court was to guard against them. Now he is transferred from Guangdong to Guangxi to serve as the commander of the left and right governors, and he is not given the post of prefect, which is obviously a set-up without real power.

Of course, they cannot be allowed to participate in this important meeting to discuss the deployment of government soldiers.

"If we don't divide them by counties, there are 72 counties in three counties, 32 battalions, and three and a half battalions in one county. Our nine counties in Guangxi should be divided into [-] and a half battalions, so we can give them [-] battalions."

Qiu He fought very hard.

Li Xizhi was even more dissatisfied with this plan. There are only four counties in Guangnan Province, so can only be divided into 7000 battalions?There are only 5000 people, which is [-] fewer than the previous division of an army.

Finally, everyone asked Li Jing for his opinion.

Li Jing actually had his own ideas, but he was unwilling to say them directly, so he named Liu Rengui.

"Liu Yulin, what do you think?"

Although Liu Rengui was only a lieutenant, but after all, the emperor's Habayashiro cut off Feng Xuan's head last time, and everyone still gave him face as a disciple of the emperor with no bright future.

"The humble official believes that the purpose of setting up military mansions is to guard the frontiers and suppress places. Therefore, it is best to set up military mansions in the frontiers and inland passes, as well as in important cities and ports."

Li Jing slapped his hands and said with a smile, "Sure enough, he is indeed a disciple of the Son of Heaven. I heard that Liu Yulin is highly valued by His Majesty in Yulin Palace. As expected, the establishment of the military mansion is indeed the case. I don't think we should fight for anything. The first army, or the counties will divide equally. We will follow what Liu Yulin said, and distribute according to need."

Important large cities must be organized to set up military mansions, such as the county towns of various counties, which must be stationed, such as Nanhai City, Guilin City, and Songping City.There are also some important ports and passes that need to be garrisoned. For example, the Wuling Passage from Lingnan to the Central Plains naturally needs to be garrisoned.

Another one, such coastal places as Haiyang (Chaozhou), Haining, Haifeng, Baoan, Xinhui, Gaoliang, Haikou, Sanya, Qinjiang, etc., must be camped.

Then the frontier lands, such as the four counties in Guangnan are all frontier areas, there must be more garrison mansions.

Li Jing and others surrounded the sand table in Lingnan, planted a small flag here, and planted a small flag there. Soon, the 72 small flags representing the government barracks were almost planted, and finally there were more than a dozen small flags left.

"Three roads have to station a few battalions at the traffic center to support the four directions with rapid maneuvering."

72 small flags have been planted.

"Do you have any objections to these deployments?"

After a discussion, a few simple adjustments were made.

As a result, the military camps deployed in Sandao are almost the same. Although Guangdong is not a frontier, it has many seaports and large cities, while the situation in Guangxi is harsh, with dangerous mountains and remote areas.

The position of the 72nd Battalion has been negotiated, and the next step is the real big head.

The Qin army in Lingnan has a total of only 2 people, and now it will expand to [-].This means that there must be more than [-] vacancies, and additional recruitment must be made.

Everyone hoped that they could share more veterans, especially experienced officers, and Liu Rengui's one hundred feathered lieutenant officer and one thousand feathered forest sergeant immediately became sought-after meat and potatoes.

In order to be able to compete for these outstanding lieutenants and non-commissioned officers, these people even offered attractive conditions directly.

"Liu Yulin, come to Guangxi, and I will show you as the commander of the first battalion!"

Liu Rengui was just a lieutenant, so even if he completed his three-year training from Habayashi Palace, he would at most be a deputy capital or join the army.

But now Qiu He directly said that he would give Liu Rengui a battalion commander, but he was in charge of 500 people.

"Come to Guangnan, I will not only let you be the commander of the battalion, but also the commander of the regiment, so you can manage several battalions."

One hundred Lieutenant Habayashi Lang, all of them have become sought-after, battalion commanders, battalion commanders, long history, at least they are all heads.Even those non-commissioned officers of the Habayashi Cavalry directly offered attractive positions such as team leader and deputy captain.

(End of this chapter)

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