Chapter 1102

Li Fuguo was very aggrieved, and searched hundreds of boats of gold, silver, jewelry, spices, rhinoceros horn, elephant tooth, longan, and longan from Lingnan for the emperor. They were all good things.

Which of these things is not of excellent quality, as soon as the boat arrives in Luoyang along the canal, it will immediately drive the noble officials in the city crazy.

But now the emperor issued a decree, although he commended his loyalty and hard work, he said that if the treasures of this ship were sent directly to Beijing, they would become as worthless as dung.

He couldn't understand, how could the big and bright Hepu pearls be worthless?

A string of selected Hepu pearl necklaces must arouse the madness of many ladies.

And that spice, what a wonderful spice, pepper can be exchanged for a liter of money in Luoyang.

I don't understand.

But Li Fuguo has an advantage, that is, don't think about things that you don't understand, especially if you don't understand the things that the emperor confessed, then execute them.

While adjusting the fleet's return plan, he began to explain to the people below why he had to change. At the same time, he did not forget to send his confidant to return to Lingnan by speedboat.

After the emperor said that money and silk were actually more valuable, and even slaves were good things, he decided to get back those things that he despised before.

Li Jing had already returned to Nanhai County at this time, and when he saw the words brought by the people sent by Li Fuguo, he couldn't help being stunned.

He was also surprised by Li Fuguo's sudden backlash, but in the end, he agreed to Li Fuguo's request and agreed that those prisoners of war and slaves should still be returned to Li Fuguo, and they would be transported away when he came back.As for the money and silk, Li Fuguo was willing to exchange pearls and tortoise shells, and he finally agreed.

Li Jing has no time to dwell on these trivial matters now, he is now fully deploying the soldiers.

The location of the 72nd battalion has been selected, and now the commanders of each battalion have also been selected, and at the same time, the officers of each battalion, such as Chang Shi, Sima, Jianjun, Dutou, and Duizheng, have also been selected. All pulled up.

The key now is the shortage of soldiers.

Regarding the more than 2 government soldiers who were sent, everyone had different opinions.

Ru Qiuhe believed that the 72nd Battalion should be assembled as soon as possible, so he believed that it was entirely possible to fill in the elite from among the handsome private soldiers.

But Li Xizhi believed that all Han people should be selected.The imperial court exiled many people before, some of them were soldiers, and some were even officers. He thought he could choose from them.

Li Jing is now ordering the commanders and key officers of each battalion to take some soldiers to the station first, and at the same time ordering the counties and counties to cooperate in the construction of military camps and transfer supplies, food and grass, while continuing to solicit everyone's opinions.

Not long after Li Fuguo's people came, there was finally a decree from Luoyang.

The emperor first reprimanded Li Jingqiang for ignoring the court system, but finally put it down lightly, and the matter was exposed.The emperor finally agreed to keep more than a thousand Yulin troops in Lingnan, and said that he also transferred a group of officers and non-commissioned officers from the three yamen to the south to supplement the strength of the soldiers of the three government offices in Lingnan.

For the soldiers that the 72nd Battalion lacked, the emperor meant to choose them on the spot.

But the emperor also reaffirmed the criteria for selecting government soldiers. Surrendering rebels are not allowed, criminals are not allowed, exiles from the south of the Five Ridges are not allowed to be selected, people of humble origin are not allowed, and barbarians are not allowed to be selected. Do not click on the barbarians of the feudal state.

In a word, even if you select soldiers in Lingnan, you have to be rooted in Miaohong. You must ensure that you are a good citizen on the Daqin household registration, have no criminal record, and have never been a bad person. Do not order.

At the same time, he is still the third child, Dejia Yin, Ding Duo, strong and brave.

The purpose of the emperor's edict is to ensure the status of the soldiers, and not let those criminals, ruffians and bad people mix in.At the same time, the treatment of the soldiers must be guaranteed. The emperor told Li Jing that once the soldiers were selected according to the conditions, they would be guaranteed a hundred acres of land.

No matter how much local government land is, it is necessary to ensure that the red line of granting [-] mu of land to the army after selection by the government soldiers cannot be broken. Even if the local people can only average [-] to [-] acres of land, the [-] acres of government soldiers must be guaranteed.

Another one is to guarantee the status of Lingnan soldiers and their glory.

For example, the House of Fubing has to nail a plaque of glory, and the soldiers who died in battle have to engrave a stele of heroes.

And the rewards of the government soldiers are even more indispensable. The soldiers have to be awarded honors or officials according to the system. Both military positions and honored officers have to be rewarded with land according to the system.

"If the Lingnan army's mansion is full of scumbags, exiles, criminals, beggars, and vassals, not only will it not be able to guarantee combat effectiveness, but in the future, the children of good families will be ashamed to join the army again. And if you can't cash in the meritorious rewards, you should prepare your own The army of weapons will also go bankrupt."

"Who will enter the military mansion again in the future, and who will defend the country again?"

Strictly restricting the eligibility for selection of Fubing, and at the same time guaranteeing the meritorious rewards of Fubing, this is the root of Fubing's combat effectiveness.During the Sui and Tang Dynasties, the government soldiers were invincible.

But in the Xuanzong Dynasty, the imperial court issued an edict to send criminals into the army, and even those who reported crimes with meritorious service could be discharged from the army and exempted from enlisting the people. Many beggars and vassals, they are no longer the sons of landlords or self-cultivators with good family conditions, they are no longer strong fighters who have practiced martial arts since childhood, and they are strong and able to prepare their own equipment. There are no soldiers available in Weifu.

In the end, we can only start recruiting soldiers. The recruited soldiers no longer have a good future like the Fubing. They serve as soldiers only for money and food.

In the late Tang and Five Dynasties, soldiers were even tattooed on their faces to prevent them from escaping.

Until the Song Dynasty, soldiers had to have their faces tattooed, and they were called thieves in the army.

Although Luo Cheng had already set up the Beiya Forbidden Army and the Neiya Pro-Army to recruit soldiers outside the Fubing, the soldiers in the Beiya and Neiya were actually more strictly selected than the Fubing.

Lingnan is a complicated place. Han and slang are mixed here. For a long time, it has been almost half-ruled.

Since Lingnan was used twice, the establishment of the military mansion this time must be done in one step. It is necessary to select the most loyal, reliable, and most able to fight Wuyong children of the Han family.

After reading the letter from the emperor, Li Jing fell into deep thought. He was Li Jing from Sanyuan, and he was also a general of Guanlong.

"With your Majesty's edict, Lingnan will have no worries from now on." Li Jing couldn't help admiring.

Guaranteeing the purity and honor of the soldiers of the Lingnan Mansion will naturally guarantee the combat effectiveness and loyalty of the army mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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