Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 111 Recruiting Again

Chapter 111 Recruiting Again
The death of seven comrades is sad.

But more teenagers were excited when they returned to the village.

Especially for the two teams of strong boys who won the door with Luo Cunxiao that night, the county magistrate has already awarded each of them a heavy reward of ten guan ren in advance, and this is only the first reward.

The county magistrate said that they will ask for credit for them later, and there will be more rewards.

Although the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy had risked his life once, since he didn't die, he could only be happy.

Ten strings of money, for them, is wealth that they have never seen in this life.They happily carried strings of copper coins on their backs and bolts of silk on their shoulders. They couldn't wait to tell their family members the joy of victory and reward.

The boys who were seriously injured, in addition to the rewards, each received ten guan as a recuperation allowance, which made some of them feel that it was a pity that they were not injured, otherwise they would have received another ten guan.

Anyway, if he is injured and not disabled, he will be able to take care of him, which is ten pennies.

Luo Cheng asked these injured teenagers to be sent home by car, and gave each of them a long vacation until they recovered from their injuries. He also promised them that no matter how much they spent on medical expenses, the money would be paid by the township group in the end. pay.

This is the best promise he can make to these boys, and he does his best to do it.

After returning from the homes of the young men who died in battle, Luo Cheng sent his third brother Siye home, had a hasty meal with his mother and younger sisters, and then returned to the camp of Wang's Manor on the other side of the stream.

The recruiting flag was erected again.

I thought that with this casualty, the villagers would resist the recruitment.

Surprisingly, the county ordered 200 people to be recruited, but in just half a day, four to five hundred villagers flocked to the camp.

Luo Cheng stood inside the camp gate, looking at the long line of people outside.

Not only young men, but also many young and strong, and some old people with gray hair and tutus on their backs also came.This made him puzzled. Being a Xiangyong is also possible to die. Just now, the bodies of seven young Xiangyong who died in battle were sent back. How come the villagers are more active in applying for the recruitment than last time?

"Death is not terrible, but poverty is terrible!" Father Luo's voice came from behind.

"They came here for money?" Luo Cheng was surprised.

"Then why do you think everyone came? Those teenagers joined your township group for only half a month, and they ended up earning ten guan rewards to go home. Ten guan, you know that for many families, they may not be able to accumulate less than ten guan in their lifetime. Cash money. And the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy earned it back in only half a month, and this is only the first reward."

"But some people even lost their lives, and some were seriously injured."

"What's the point of being injured? Didn't you still give ten more allowances? You don't have to pay for the medical expenses yourself. This is earning money. Even if you die, it's nothing. Many people have been busy all their lives and have nothing to do. Especially now , the class service is heavy, the rent and tax increase, the life of the people is getting more and more difficult, and the oppressed can hardly hold their heads up."

When people can't survive, they will feel that it is worthwhile if they can exchange their lives for money.

Everyone knows that being a government soldier is the best chance for the common people to get ahead, but not everyone is qualified to be a government soldier.But now, Luo Cheng's township regiment will soon be treated like a mansion soldier.

For many people, this is an excellent opportunity.

Although there were casualties, among the 200 people, only seven died. No one believed that it was those seven who were so unlucky.If they were really one of the seven, they would still receive [-] guan pensions after they died. There was even a township group to build their tombs and erect monuments. I heard that they would also raise their heirs.

"Human life is so worthless?"

Luo Cheng questioned, the last time he met a boy named Er Gouzi, he said that he could be reincarnated in the next life if his life was gone, and that he would be gone if he lost his money, and that money was worth more than his life, he thought he was ridiculous.

But now, he actually heard similar words from his father, and he couldn't help being shocked.

"In troubled times, human life is worthless. Even in prosperous times, do you think that human life is very valuable? Many times, even if you want to exchange your life for money, there is no chance to exchange it for you."

Luo Cheng was silent.

"Father, from your words, it seems that you have experienced a lot. Your eyes are full of stories, but you can't see any vicissitudes on your face. Why?"

"There are some things that I don't need to tell you, and I don't want to talk about them either." Lao Luo said lightly.

It seems that Dad is a man with a real story.

Looking at the people who signed up outside the camp, Luo Cheng was silent for a long time.

Finally, he said to his second brother-in-law, Wang Ziming, who was in charge of the registration, "Since there are so many people here, let's choose them. Let's choose those between 16 and [-] years old. We are a township group, and we have to train in rotation anyway. They will only be on duty for one to two months, and the young and strong will let them take care of the family."

"Wouldn't it be better to have young and strong recruits?" Wang Ziming was puzzled. Last time, he couldn't help it, but now he doesn't want to be recruited by young and strong. It's strange.

"The teenagers have nothing to worry about, let's recruit some young men."

Teenagers are young and carefree, and easy to cultivate, like a piece of white paper, easy to polish, and have more room for growth.

"The one with equal strength should choose more than one son, but it is better not to choose only one son!"

"After the suppression of the chaos this time, will our township regiment still fight in the future?" Wang Ziming asked.

"Who knows what tomorrow will be like, but we have to prepare for it."

Luo Cheng didn't pick the boys himself, he didn't want to pick them himself, maybe the ones he picks out will be sent back to their mothers in the future.

A corner of the camp.

Father Luo is instructing Luo Da and Luo Er to set up the blacksmith's stove.

"Xiao Wu, a batch of iron materials has been shipped, what kind of weapons do you plan to make?"

"Fill some gun heads, and make another batch of long shields and round shields."

"Only shoot the head?" the old man asked suspiciously. "Don't you want to hit some horizontal knives and spearheads? Bikes can also be used, and I will."

Luo Cheng shook his head.

"The spear head uses the least amount of iron, is the easiest to make, and has the lowest cost. The spear head uses more iron. As for the rifle blade, the process is also complicated and the cost is high. The horizontal knife seems simple, but the material for making a horizontal knife can hit several times. What's more, the craftsmanship of the horizontal knife is relatively complicated, and the blade is long and easy to break if it is not punched properly, which is time-consuming, laborious and expensive."

As a weapon for the villagers, Luo Cheng's thinking should be as simple as possible.

Except for the youth troupe who is currently part-time in the third class of the Yamen, the rest of the recruited youths from the countryside must not be able to make up all year round. According to the rules, they have to be trained in rotation, and they are only on duty for a few months a year. They are hard-working soldiers. .

This kind of bravery does not have much time to train, nor can it be used for a long time, so his requirement is that the equipment should be as simple as possible, and the arms should be as simple as possible.

The unit with the lowest cost and the fastest training is naturally the pikemen.

By the way, it would be good to use wood to make a batch of shields and get a batch of shield spearmen. It is easy to train and the cost of equipment is fast, which is suitable for their wild way like the village regiment.

As for the equipment such as long knives, spears, bows, and crossbows, it would take a lot of time and materials to make them by ourselves. Luo Cheng still thought that he could get some from them, and he didn't expect to get much anyway.

"In that case, we won't need so much iron material." Lao Luo said.

"For the excess iron, we don't make weapons, but iron for common people."

"Is it really forging iron? For what?"

Luo Cheng thought about it, "Why don't you get some iron pots?"

(End of this chapter)

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