Chapter 1114

Changsun Wuji put down the watch book in his hand.

"A retired old mansion soldier?"

"Well, it's a blind disabled old soldier who called himself Old Iron Spear. He said that the steward of Cui's family bought a prescription from his family, but he didn't want to pay the remaining [-] guan, so he tricked his son away. Killed. I wanted to kill him just now, and sent someone to arrest him, but he knocked down the Cui family and came to sue the officials."

Changsun Wuji was thoughtful.

"Your Majesty issued an edict this year and reiterated that the treatment of soldiers should be improved. This iron gun is a disabled old man who retired from the army. He now says that he has grievances, and it also involves county officials under our Chang'an mansion. The other party is also a famous family. Children of prominent families, this matter must be more cautious."

"Go to the front and pass on my message, let the recorder take the case, don't write the board, first record the case, and then show it to me."

"Da Yin, just hand over such a small case to Zhang Lushi."

"This is not a small case. An ordinary retired soldier would never dare to falsely accuse Cui Gong and Cao's family."


Zhang Zhi, the secretary of the Chang'an Mansion and a member of the military, was about to have the person who had leapfrogged to the top of the ranks be marked with [-] boards first, but the entourage of the governor came over to deliver the message.

"Zhang Lushi, Dayin said that since this old iron gun has declared himself to be a disabled veteran who has retired from the army, he cannot be treated as normal."

Zhang Zhi is also a smart person, he directly intervened when he saw Changsun Wuji, so he didn't dare to be careless.

Immediately go out in person and invite the old iron gun to his public room.

"You claim to be a retired old government soldier, do you have an ID card, which army did you originally serve in, and where did you serve?"

Zhang Tieqiang's chest heaved, seeing that he hadn't hit the board, he was invited in by the official for questioning, so he immediately reported his identity.

"Before retiring from the army, he belonged to You Xiaowei. He was registered in Bashang, a suburb of Chang'an. He was a soldier of Bailu Mansion. Before retiring from the army, he was the deputy of the team."

Hearing that he was the team deputy before retiring from the army, Zhang Lushi was more polite. After all, the team deputy has an official rank. When I asked, it turned out that he was an official rank from the ninth rank before. Although he was the lowest rank, he was retired. It's different when you become an official.

What's more, he still has the honor of Zhengqi.

He was even more moved when he heard Zhang Tieqiang say that his eye was blinded by fighting Tubo and Xiqiang under the Dafei River.

"Old brother, will he have a job after retiring from the army?"

Under normal circumstances, if you have a ninth-rank official rank and a seventh-rank honorary officer, even if you are discharged from the army, you are no different than ordinary soldiers. If an officer is disabled and retired, unless he is completely disabled, he will always be arranged for some duties, such as serving in the village. A pavilion chief or Li Zheng or something like that.

Zhang Tieqiang said that he had never read a book and was illiterate, so after retiring, he also rejected the post of village pavilion chief, but returned home directly and farmed at home.

Zhang Zhi asked patiently, then carefully wrote down Zhang Tieqiang's identity, and also asked the reason for his appeal this time.

"Brother, sit down."

Zhang Zhi came out, called an official, and asked him to check Zhang Tieqiang's identity immediately and verify it.

Not long after, the official found Zhang Tieqiang's account and identity registration from the files in the yamen.

"It is true that Zhang Tieqiang was blinded in the first battle of Dafeichuan, and he also retired after that battle. He was indeed the deputy of the team before he was discharged, and he also had a seventh-rank honor."

"That's not the case. He used to be Li Yuan's forbidden army and served as an infantry captain. Earlier, he also served Li Mi, Wang Shichong, Yang Xuangan, etc., and he was the first general of the Sui Dynasty to protect his son. "

Zhang Zhi twisted his beard, "I remember that General Qin Shubao was also a personal soldier who came to protect his son?"

"The memory of the recording is really amazing. It is true. When General Qin was serving as a soldier under Laihuer, this old iron gun was his captain. I heard that the relationship between the two is still very good. General Qin once called Where's his brother?"

Zhang Zhi doesn't understand, since Lao Tieqiang has such a good relationship with Qin Qiong, why is he staying alone in Bashang now.

"I'm not sure about this, but I heard that General Qin would go to Bashang Lao Tieqiang's house every time he returned to Beijing Chaoji and passed Chang'an. It should be that the relationship is still very good."

In the Sui Dynasty, under Lai Huer's command, he was a member of the army, served as a general under Li Mi, and served as a lieutenant in Li Yuan's forbidden army. In this dynasty, he was only a deputy of the team and retired from the army. This old iron gun has really extraordinary experience. .

Zhang Zhi hurriedly went to see Changsun Wuji and reported what he had learned.

"I didn't expect this old iron gun to have such an experience. In this way, what he sued the Cui family is probably true."

Changsun Wuji thought for a while, and took a pen to write a note.

"Immediately send someone to Cui Cong's Fumanlou to search for the whereabouts of Zhang Tieqiang's righteous son Zhang Chao. In addition, bring Cui Cong and the people who shot Zhang Tieqiang back for interrogation."

"Da Yin, the situation is unknown, how about bringing the Cui family back directly?"

"What's wrong? I know you're concerned about Qinghe Cui's name. Hmph, what year is it now? Are there still five surnames and seven sects? If this incident is found to be true, even if it's just the work of Cui Guanshi, Cui Shanfu's This time, I have nothing to do with escape."

Under such circumstances, how could Changsun Wuji stir himself into this muddy water for the sake of Cui Shanfu, an outdated branch of the Cui family?
He will not be labeled as a cover-up subordinate.

"If Cui Cong refuses to tell the truth, then he will directly use torture and beat him to death. Just don't beat him to death."

In general cases, Changsun Wuji would not directly intervene, but now this case is obviously not simple. He not only involves retired disabled veterans, but also involves five surnames Cui and General Qin Qiong.

Qin Qiong is the emperor's cousin, and his older brother was involved, and his eldest grandson Wuji had to handle the case well.

Fulou is full.

Cui Cong is directing his subordinates to transfer Zhang Chao from the firewood room.

But who would have expected that before he left the house, there would be a brigade of Chang'an government servants coming over there.

The one at the front is the bad handsome Chang'an.

"Chang'an Mansion is on official business, so everyone must not act rashly."

Although the bad guys are just low-level officials, but in the city of Chang'an, the bad guys are the people with all-hands-on-the-eyes, especially for the bottom of the market, these people are simply street tigers.

"Cui Cong?"

Fatty Cui swallowed, "What wind brought Zhang Shuai here?"

"Don't get close, it's useless. You've caused big trouble this time. Not only will you kill yourself, but your master will also be killed by you. Did you know that Cui Shanfu has been suspended. For the sake of friendship in the past, Be honest and cooperate, and I won't make things difficult for you, tell me, where is Zhang Chao?"

Fatty Cui still wanted to pay for bribes, but Zhang Xiaojing, the bad guy, just snorted coldly and knocked him down with a punch.

"Openly bribing officials and servants, the crime is aggravated, come here, block Fumanlou for me, search!"

The unscrupulous people who are like tigers are like tigers, and Zhang Chao was quickly searched out from the backyard.When he was discovered, he was wrapped in a sack, his hands and feet were tied, his mouth was gagged, and he was still unconscious.

Seeing Zhang Chao being carried over, Zhang Xiaojing took out the portrait for comparison, and after confirming that it was him, he sneered at Cui Cong.

"Seize Fumanlou immediately, and take everyone back for interrogation!"

This case is too simple. Of course, Dayin personally intervened and took care of the case. Otherwise, if it was an ordinary case, I am afraid that Zhang Chao would be sunk into the Wei River today, or buried alive in some desolate hill.

A mouthful of cold water was sprayed on Zhang Chao's face.

"Where is this?"

Zhang Xiaojing looked at him with a smile, "Brother Sanlang, this is Fumanlou, and I am Zhang Xiaojing, the bad commander of Chang'an. Don't worry, we have already rescued you."

(End of this chapter)

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