Chapter 1120
Hall of Billion Years.

Luo Cheng asked why Anton rebelled, Lao Jia was a little helpless.

"We also just received information. Since Anton's disarmament and the conversion of battalion soldiers to garrison guards, Anton has become a little unstable. First, the remnants of Goguryeo have more frequent activities, and then the Baekje and Japanese are also insecure."

"Don't talk nonsense, just talk about why there is a sudden rebellion. There is always a reason." Luo Cheng is not ignorant of the situation in Andong. The previous siege of Goguryeo was already a phased victory. A rebellious court, from the king to the general, was almost all encircled and killed.

On the border of the old Goguryeo, there is no longer a stronghold fort belonging to the rebels.

Silla and Baekje were also warned by the imperial court and stopped various small actions. Daqin demarcated the border on the south of the peninsula and erected a boundary marker.

Both Silla and Baekje paid tribute to Daqin and accepted canonization.

The emperor's disarmament and truce at this time is just the right time. It stands to reason that there are no special accidents. It is unlikely that the Baekje rebellion at this time will also pull the Japanese kingdom.

"Actually, it's a long story." Old Jia said with a wry smile.

In the final analysis, the problem is actually not on the side of Daqin. Previously, Baekje, Silla, Waguo and Haidong claimed tribute and paid tribute, and the court had no intention of attacking the three kingdoms. Everything was fine.

The Three Kingdoms paid a large amount of local products to the imperial court, and the imperial court also gave many things in return. This is a matter of great joy to all.

The problem was with the Baekje envoy. After returning home, the ambassador lied to the king that Daqin asked for more tribute because he was greedy for the benefits of the tribute.Originally, Daqin said that Baekje could pay more tribute, but the tribute was originally suzerain-vassal trade. They traded in the name of tribute, and they were exempted from tariffs, which was regarded as a trade preference.

This kind of tribute will not affect Baekje at all, but the ambassador is greedy for profit. Daqin's reward originally gave Baekje a lot of benefits. Give back many Central Plains merchants.

But that ambassador, together with other members of the mission, not only traded a large amount of private goods, but also embezzled most of the goods returned by Daqin. As a result, Baekje's tribute lost money.

That's not to mention, those Baekje missions even falsely passed on Daqin's will, originally asking Baekje to pay tribute to [-] boys and girls, but in the end they asked for a tribute of [-].He asked for tribute of [-] cattle and [-] horses, and agreed that there would be no time limit, but the envoy asked for tribute within one year.

All kinds of things caused panic in the Baekje government, but the king of Baekje dared not disobey, so he had to order the forced recruitment of virgins and boys, cattle and horses, and many tributes from the people.

After the king's order, many officials took the opportunity to embezzle again, and taxed them layer by layer.

As a result, there was actually a mutiny in the back.

A general in the Baekje Dynasty was dissatisfied, secretly contacted, and launched a mutiny. As a result, the king was abolished, and Buyulong, a grandson of Baekje King Fuyuzhang, was established as the king.

After the mutiny seized power, the new Baekje court immediately ordered the abolition of the original king's tribute order.

After the mutiny, many Baekje royal families and officials fled to Daifang County. They cried to Xu Shiji about the domestic rebellion and so on. Take in the remnants of Goguryeo, regardless of the previous edict of Daqin.

After Xu Shiji heard this, of course he refused.

As the suzerain state, Daqin is obliged to assist the vassals to quell the chaos.

In particular, intelligence shows that the new Baekje court did openly support the remnants of Goguryeo, and also refused to pay tribute to Daqin.

In order to maintain regional stability and maintain the relationship between suzerain and vassal, Xu Shiji then issued a call-up order, preparing to be stationed on the border of Baekje, just in case.

But his move made the Baekje rebel court on the opposite side terrified, thinking that the Qin army was going to send troops south.These terrified Baekje people simply acted preemptively. On the one hand, they armed the remnants of Goguryeo, gave them money, food and weapons, and let them enter Daifang County to harass them. On the other hand, they sent people to contact the Wa Kingdom.

In order to be able to fight against Daqin, the new Baekje king even paid tribute to the Wa country.

In the past, even the islands of Wa Kingdom were not completely pacified, and the Ainu people in the north often caused chaos. Now the Baekje people are willing to be vassals and subjects, and the Wa people are suddenly excited.

In fact, the Japanese have always been looking forward to the northern peninsula, hoping to enter the island, but Baekje and Silla are not jealous, and they are very strict.

Now that there is a legitimate opportunity to intervene in the peninsula, the Japanese immediately agreed to the request of the new king of Baekje and immediately mobilized troops.

After getting the support and affirmation of the Wa country, the Baekje rebellion court became more confident.

Xu Shiji's side hadn't finished gathering yet, but Baekje had already crossed the border and invaded Daqin's Andong Road Daifang County.

"The king of Baekje sent Xue Wu and Gao Yanru, the remnant of Goguryeo, to lead [-] soldiers and horses as the vanguard to attack the belt!"

"Goguryeo's remnant sword Mucen was still in Baekje, and Ansun, the grandson of the Goguryeo treasure king and the son of Yuan Pure Land, was established as the king. After the restoration of Goguryeo, the Baekje king Fuyulong and the Japanese queen Utabe both recognized Ansun as the king of the restoration of the country.

The three kings also signed an offensive and defensive alliance to fight against Daqin together.

"Your Majesty, although Wa is ruled by an empress, in fact it has always been jointly governed by his nephew Prince Sugato and his uncle Soga Mako. She is the half-sister of Emperor Tuigu."

"What messed up relationship?" Luo Cheng frowned.

"Actually, to put it bluntly, although the empress is in power now in Wa Kingdom, in fact it is the Prince Sugato and the great nobleman Sugamazi who are in power jointly, but the Prince Sugado and Sugamazi are at odds with each other. Prince Sugado sent The envoy went to the Sui Dynasty in the Central Plains to learn the advanced system of the Central Plains, and then he carried out major reforms in the Wa Kingdom, with the purpose of getting rid of the surname system and changing the inherent powerful coalition regime of the Wa Kingdom into a centralized monarchy system in the Central Plains.

He set up twelve levels of crowns, wrote seventeen articles of the constitution, vigorously promoted Buddhism, quoted allusions and idioms from Confucianism, Legalism, and Taoism in the Central Plains, and even the twelve ranks of crowns also cited the five virtues of Confucianism to distinguish official ranks. , The twelve grades are great virtue, small virtue, great benevolence, small benevolence, great gift, small gift, great faith, small letter, great righteousness, small righteousness, great wisdom, and small wisdom.The crown clothes are distinguished by different colors such as purple, lavender, blue, light blue, red, light red, yellow, light yellow, white, light white, black, gray and their shades.

"Is this stable household prince quite discerning?" Luo Cheng said.

"Your Majesty, after Empress Tuigu came to the throne, he was the person closest to the empress's blood, so he was established as the crown prince, and then he was appointed as the regent. However, the powerful nobleman Su Ermazi has controlled the government for many years, so he wants to get rid of Su. My family's control, this is how I learned from my Central Plains reform."

Luo Cheng said disdainfully, "Since you learned from me in the Central Plains, why did you still send troops to unite with Baekje to fight against Qin?"

"Sending troops to fight against Qin was the intention of Su Womazi. Before that, he sent troops across the sea to attack Silla several times, intending to force Silla to become a vassal and pay tribute."

In any case, the current situation is that the Baekje mutiny and the rebels supported the prince Fu Yulong as the new king, and under the strong interference of the ruling Soga Mako, the Wa Kingdom assembled [-] people regardless of the opposition of the Queen Tuigu and the regent Prince Shotoku. Thousands of soldiers and horses are going north to attack Qin.

"Where's Silla?" the emperor asked concerned.

"Return to Your Majesty, Silla has not moved yet."

Luo Cheng looked at the map of Haidong Three Kingdoms in front of him.

"Since the Japanese have sent troops to Silla several times, Silla and Wa are great enemies. Now that Wa and Baekje have rebelled against Qin, we can bring Silla over."

"Your Majesty, although the Baekje allied with the Japanese to oppose the Qin Dynasty, the imperial court would be able to destroy the two thieves as long as it sent troops. Why bother to win over Silla?"

"Of course it is easy for the imperial court to destroy the Second Feudal Domain, but the problem is that the imperial court cannot concentrate on going to the peninsula to fight such a big war. I don't have the energy and spare energy now. To pull Silla and use the barbarians to control the barbarians, the imperial court doesn't need it. Adding additional troops to the peninsula will be enough to deal with the situation there, and maybe we can take the opportunity to weaken the strength of the three countries. It would be even better if we can pull Silla to wipe out Baekje in one fell swoop."

"In this way, send someone to tell the king of Silla, surnamed Jin, to let Silla send troops to help counter the rebellion. After Baekje and Wa Kingdom are destroyed, Wa Kingdom will return to Silla, and Baekje will return to Daqin."

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid the people of Silla will not agree. It's not easy to destroy the Wa country."

"Then promise that after Baekje is conquered, Daqin and Silla will each get half."

(End of this chapter)

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