Chapter 1127 Queen

Xu Shiji arrived in Seoul from Pyongyang.

"Jin Baijing said he wanted the land south of the Han River?" Xu Shiji narrowed his eyes in the prefect's mansion of Daifang County in Seoul and asked in a cold voice.

"Under the festival, Jin Baijing specified the land south of the North Han River."

There is still a great difference between the Han River and the North Han River. The Han River is a large river that flows through Seoul, and it is also the fourth largest river on the peninsula after the Yalu River, Beishui, and Nakdong River.

"You heard me right, he did ask for the North Han River, not the South Han River?" Xu Shiji asked again.

"How dare you not be clear about this kind of question? Naturally, he asked clearly. What he really wants is the land south of the North Han River."

Xu Shiji shook his head, "It's really a big tone."

The Han River has two upstream sources. The South Han River originates from Mount Taebaek, while the North Han River originates from Mount Geumgang. The North and South Han Rivers are far apart, but they join near Seoul and finally flow westward into the sea.

In the era of the Three Kingdoms of Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla, for hundreds of years, the three countries have tried hard to compete for the Han River Plain, because the river here is an important trade route to the Central Plains. At the same time, the middle and lower reaches of the Han River also have extremely fertile Han River Plains Peaceful Plains.

The peninsula is originally a mountainous place with many hills and few plains.

Therefore, in order to compete for the Han River Plain, there have been countless wars between the three countries, and the Han River Plain has repeatedly changed hands.

Until Goguryeo was destroyed by the Central Plains, he was still using troops to Silla, and successfully captured more than 100 cities in Silla, and took back the Hanjiang Plain.

The Han River Plain is mainly in the south of the North Han River, in the middle and lower reaches of the South Han River.

Originally, after Qin destroyed Goguryeo, it completely occupied the old Goguryeo, and the boundary line was naturally based on the actual boundary line before Goguryeo's demise.

It is also actually occupied.

Silla has always hoped that the Daqin court could return to them the Hanjiang Plain that was seized by Silla before the fall of Goguryeo, but how could it be possible to spit out the meat that had already been swallowed in Daqin's belly.

Therefore, the imperial court has always ignored the requests of the Silla people.

Up to now, the previous borders are still maintained.

The border with the Baekje people is the watershed of the Cheling Mountains.

The border with Silla is also bounded by the Cheling Mountains, and the easternmost is Wutai Mountain in the Taebaek Mountains.

Such a division actually puts the Pyeongtaek Plain once owned by Baekje and the Hanjiang Plain once owned by Silla into the hands of Daqin.

Whether it is the North Han River or the South Han River, the two rivers, the north and south sides of the river, are in the hands of the Qin army, and even the place where it originated is in the hands of the Qin army.

Now the situation on the peninsula has changed dramatically. Baekje united with Japan to rebel against Qin, and the imperial court ordered Silla to send troops to help quell the chaos. As a result, Silla King Jin Baijing actually opened his mouth.

Da Qin was required to use the North Han River as the boundary, and assign all the land in the south of the Yangtze River to Silla.

This is not a small amount of land. If it is planned according to this, then half of Daifang County in Daqin will be gone, and it will not even border Baekje in the future.

"It seems that Jin Baijing has been in power for decades?"

"He has been in office for 44 years."

"No wonder, kings who reign for a long time are always prone to fainting. Even Emperor Wu of Han fainted in his later years, let alone the king of Silla. I remember this Jinbaijing without heir?"

"Well, Kim Baekjeong is the No. 20 sixth-generation monarch of Silla, the grandson of King Jinheung, the son of Prince Tonglun, and the nephew of King Jinzhi. Because King Jinzhi had no heir, he was made king. Kim Baekjeong reigned for 44 years, but No son, only two daughters, the eldest daughter, Princess Deman, and the second daughter, Princess Shanhua."

Xu Shiji shook his head. He heard that the Silla Kingdom had a peculiar system of bones, which divided the people into holy bones and real bones, and there were six-headed five-headed and four-headed bones.

The three surnames Park, Kim, and Se are the largest nobles in the Silla ruling group. They can not only inherit the throne, but also monopolize the entire bureaucratic system and have supreme power.The royal families of Pu, Xi, and Jin have the highest status and are called "sacred bone" (the first bone), and the nobles and nobles are divided into "true bone" (or second bone), six-headed, five-headed, and four-headed, etc. Four grades. "Holy bone" nobles can inherit the throne.Each bone product is self-enclosed and does not intermarry with each other.

As for the civilians, it is three to one.

However, the power among the six nobles will inevitably ebb and flow. In order to expand or ensure the existing power, nobles in the same class will marry each other and achieve the goal of political alliance by means of intermarriage.

The blood of the child born of the holy bone man and the holy bone girl is the first bone level, that is, the royal family.Each bone product is self-enclosed and does not intermarry with each other, and even bone products and non-bone products do not intermarry. "Bones do not marry each other", many large families have implemented this hierarchical system.

In order to maintain its royal power, the Silla royal family practiced special blood marriages, that is, blood marriages, such as uncles marrying nieces, nephews marrying aunts, etc. There are even many cousins ​​marrying cousins.

Central Plains China has known for a long time that intermarriage of close relatives is likely to produce deformed and sick offspring, so at most it is intermarriage of cousins, and intermarriage of blood relatives is absolutely impossible.

However, the Silla people have been doing this for bone products, and the result is that they often give birth to deformed children. The Silla Kingdom has been passed down to the present, and there have been more than 20 generations of kings.

"You said that Jin Baijing, who has been in power for 44 years, can't even give birth to a son. What face does he have to ask the court for the Hanjiang Plain?"

"Furthermore, the king of Baekje, Fu Yuzhang, is known as the Tiger King. After the previous queen died of illness, Silla tried to mediate a truce with Baekje. Jin Baijing also deliberately married his second daughter, Princess Shanhua, to Baekje and made him the second queen of the Tiger King. Now that Baekje rebelled, Fu Yuzhang was killed, and Princess Shanhua fell into the hands of the rebels, Jin Baijing doesn't want to send troops to save her daughter, but is still here to bargain with the court and ask for benefits?"

"It's true that Jin Baijing is old and faint, but judging by his appearance, it seems that he can live for another ten years without any problem." The subordinate officer said.

"In this case, it will be troublesome." Xu Shiji sighed, "But no matter what, we are unlikely to agree to the request of the King of Silla to cede the south of the North Han River. he?"

"But this Jin Baijing is getting dizzy. He said that if we don't reward Silla with the south of the North Han River, he won't send troops."

Xu Shiji was speechless, really crazy.

"This kind of idiot dares to threaten the court at this time. It seems that he is really in a daze. Saints have always been soft-tempered. If he threatens the court like this, I'm afraid it will burn him."

"Under the festival, there are rumors that if the imperial court does not agree to Silla's request and does not cede the south of the North Han River to Silla, then Silla will not only send troops to help our army suppress the rebellion, but even ally with Baekje. Princess Hua remarried to Fu Yulong, the anti-king of Baekje."

"Fu Yulong is the grandson of Fu Yuzhang. Let the grandson marry his grandmother? How could Silla and Baekje do such a thing?" Xu Shiji was a little confused.

"Under the festival, the rebels killed Fu Yuzhang, and his grandson, Fu Yulong, came out to be the new Baekje king, and I didn't see him prefer death to submission. Now that he is asked to marry his concubine grandmother, he probably won't refuse. I heard that Princess Shanhua is only slightly older than Fuyulong."

Xu Shiji scolded his mother straight away, what a mess, but considering that Silla people have a tradition of blood marriage, it is really possible.

"Damn, if the King of Silla really played with us, he would be really passive."

"You said, if the king of Silla suddenly died suddenly, then he would have no heirs, who might succeed?"

"Princess Deman, she is the eldest daughter of Jin Baijing, and she has a very good reputation in Silla."

"Did Silla ever have a queen?"

"The 26 generations of kings in Silla have been passed down to the present. From the Park surnamed to the former surnamed king to the Jin surnamed king, the 26 kings have never had a queen."

"That's it. Since there was no queen before, how can we guarantee that Princess Deman can become queen? Does the princess have a consort?"

"The princess is not married."

Xu Shiji frowned, thinking about it.

"Come and help me with my staff and see if it works!"

(End of this chapter)

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