Chapter 1135 Corbel Tax

Snowy plateau.

Luoxie City, the newly moved capital of Tubo Zanpu.

Countless slaves are working hard to build a new palace city under the command of craftsmen.

"Please Zanpu give the temple a name!" The nobleman in charge of building this palace is the young Gal Dongzan. Although he is very young, he is loyal and loyal. Last time he escorted Princess Saimaga into Qin Dynasty, he performed well.Especially in Luoyang City, he led the Tubo warriors to thwart the vicious plot of Li Mixia, the king of Xiangxiong, and defended the princess.

After returning to China, Nangri Lunzan made an exception and promoted Dongzan's official position, making him a ten thousand householder.As Wanhu, he not only manages the people for Zanpu, is responsible for military and civil affairs, but also can make a lot of money himself. This is a great reward.

And Gar Dongzan, who returned from Luoyang, also proposed to move the capital to Luoxie. The river valley here is bigger, can accommodate more subjects and people, and can grow more crops.

Nangri Lunzan agreed, and moved here from the old capital against all odds.

At the same time, he also learned a lot about the power and advancement of the eastern empire during the conversation with Dongzan who slept in the same bed day and night, so he made up his mind to reform the Tubo system.

Although Nangri Lunzan established Wuru before, he placed 61 Dongdai together, and awarded many soldiers loyal to him and many officials and generals who surrendered to him as ten thousand households, one thousand households, etc., making them a new aristocrat , to be more loyal to oneself.At the same time, while retaining the old aristocratic territories, he also specially divided eighteen great noble fiefs, which were not affiliated with Wuru. These eighteen great noble fiefs were also reserved for the old great nobles.

Nangri Lunzan wants to send troops to Xiangxiong to avenge him for attacking and murdering the princess. He also wants to expand his army, but all of these need money.

In the past, Tubo was a tribal alliance without any real taxation system.

Now Dongzan was entrusted by him to follow the example of the Great Qin Dynasty in the Central Plains and drafted many new tax reforms for Tubo.

First of all, the first one is that all the arable lands are all nominally owned by Zanpu as Wang Tian.Then it was granted to the people of Tubo, but the land tax was paid every year for cultivating the king's land, and the tax was one out of ten.Moreover, once the cultivator has no family or is unable to cultivate the land, it must be taken back and given to others to cultivate it, so as not to go to waste.

This is an imitation of the land equalization system in the Central Plains, but the tax rate is much higher.

At the same time, Dongzan also proposed that the transaction of agricultural products should be taxed one out of ten.

In addition, the herdsmen also had to support the royal family. As for the tax on the shepherds, it was set as the cattle leg tax, but the actual tax rate was one-fourth.If you raise a cow, you have to pay a tax of one-fourth of the value of the cow. The same is true for raising sheep and horses.In addition, herdsmen also have to pay transaction tax in order to sell their livestock.

In addition to farmers and herdsmen having to pay taxes, Dongzan also proposed to actively open up trade routes, build a trade route from the Central Plains to Tianzhu via Tubo, compete with Xiangxiong for trade routes, and encourage mountain people along the way to relocate to river valleys to build towns Bazaars to strengthen commercial trade.Tubo also set up customs cards to collect customs duties, industrial and commercial taxes, and trade taxes. Both foreign and local merchants were taxed in gold, which was called the gold tax.

Even the Tubo royal family wanted to follow the example of Daqin in the Central Plains, and established an official trade caravan to strengthen trade with Daqin, and take advantage of the geographical advantage of being close to Daqin to try to become a re-export trader and make money from it.

In addition to these taxes, tribute was also collected from the vassals who surrendered to Tubo, and the amount of tribute was clearly determined for them.

Of course, to accomplish this, there is another important thing to do, that is to count the fields, count the population and households, conduct a census and register, register and naturalize, and manage in a unified manner.

Dongzan suggested that Nangri comment on praise, learn from Daqin, and set up a complete military and political official system at the central and local levels.

Dongzan proposed to imitate the governance of the Zhengshitang of the Qin State and the Chancellor of the Hanlin Academy, and set up a system of grand ministers and internal ministers.The internal phase system is responsible for internal affairs, and is headed by the internal prime minister and deputy prime minister.

In addition, it also imitated the Yushitai of the Qin State, and set up a minister of rectification, with a prime minister and deputy rectifier, who were mainly responsible for supervision and justice.

The six prime ministers and deputy prime ministers of these three major systems are collectively called the six great ministers, who lead the state affairs of Tubo and assist Zanpu in governing Tubo.

Under these six major theories, seven official positions are established according to the type, and the domains are also local officials, who govern the government affairs of the region by law.

Maben, an officer, was ordered to lead the army to defeat the enemy.

Qi Ma, Sima Officer, leads the way for the Venerable, and has good horse training skills.

Kishimoto, Du Zhiguan, is in charge of food and gold and silver property collection.

Chu Ben, who specializes in managing yaks, yaks, and camping on credit.

Masamoto, who mainly manages criminal trial duties.

Siben, the local grassroots or tribal leader, manages tribal affairs.

Six theories and seven positions, plus the Wuru 61 Dongdai system, the Tubo Kingdom can transform from the original tribal alliance to a monarchy kingdom like the Qin Kingdom.

And all officials are awarded the body, the body is divided into six materials such as gold, silver, copper and iron, and the body of the six levels is divided into size and so on, a total of twelve grades.

The corresponding grades correspond to the corresponding official positions and are strictly distinguished.

However, according to tradition, these officials of the Tubo court will be served by nobles.As for the six major aristocrats, no doubt they can only be held by high-ranking nobles. In order to maintain Zanpu's authority, Dongzan also proposed a harsh one.

It is to let the six great sages share their lives with Zanpu. Once Zanpu dies, whether it is a normal death or murder, the six shangluns who share their fate must commit suicide and be buried.

In normal times, Tubo and noble officials made a small alliance every year and a big alliance every three years, allowing noble officials to swear allegiance to Zampo.

"Dongzan, we still need a legal code. You follow the example of the Qin people, select some laws that suit us, and then combine our traditions to formulate a Tibetan legal code. Also, from now on, Xiangxiong will be our sworn enemy , Tubo will destroy Xiangxiong. I declare that from today, Tubo will abandon Zhangxiong script and use Chinese characters instead."

Gal Dongzan Zanpu trusted him, so he was naturally full of energy.

So he studied the books smuggled back from Daqin day and night, and finally drew up 120 laws. After submitting them to Nangri Lunzan for review, he thought it was too complicated, so he asked him to change them to [-].

And asked him to use part of the names of the ten virtues of Buddhism as the name of the law, such as stopping evil and promoting good, but the specific provisions are still very strict, such as one fine for stealing nine, and paying debts like a month.For another example, don't fight with nobles, fight with fines.

Although these twenty laws are few, they also involve various aspects, such as murder, such as debt, such as theft, such as lying, such as offending nobles, adultery and so on.

Moving the capital logically shows that Nangri Lunzan intends to comprehensively reform Tubo and make it truly a kingdom of plateaus.

The first thing after moving the capital, Nangri Lunzan ordered the construction of a new temple. It was said publicly that Zanpu missed the princess who married to the Central Plains, so he built this temple.

"The name of the palace is the Potala Palace."

(End of this chapter)

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