Chapter 1137

It is another autumnal equinox, and it is also a bumper year.

The emperor ordered the Ministry of Rites to play Dingxiang drinking rituals, and ordered the ministers and academic officials to lead the elders of the scholar-bureaucrats to the school, and the folks in the community to do it.

Every autumn equinox is the Harvest Festival.

Every autumn, township wine drinking ceremony will be held in various places. This is a traditional custom inherited from the pre-Qin period. Now it is established and inherited by the imperial court again in the form of edict, and the autumnal equinox is designated as the Harvest Festival. On this day, the whole world celebrates. Celebrate the harvest together and drink wine with respect to the elderly.

According to the tradition, a number of elders with high morals and high prestige must be selected as the guests of the township drink, and they will preside over the activities together with the local officials.

Township drinking guests are divided into titles of Dabin, Zunbin, Jiebin, Sanbin, Zhongbin, etc., but Dabin, also known as Zhengbin, is the highest grade and must be conferred by the emperor's order.

Village drinking ceremony, of course, is not just eating and drinking to celebrate festivals, otherwise there is no need to have country guests.In fact, this is advocating enlightenment, promoting traditional social morality, and advocating the moral and ethical norms of loyalty to ministers, filial piety to sons, brotherly friendship, harmony in neighbors, trust in friends, and orderly seniority.

In some dynasties, the township drinking ceremony is held on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month and on the first day of October each year, and is held by governments at all levels.

This year, Emperor Luo Cheng issued an edict to set the Harvest Festival for the autumn equinox every year, and hold a village drinking ceremony on this day.At the same time, it is held in schools in counties, counties, and townships, presided over by local officials and respected elders elected by the local area.

The township drinking guests are inspected by academic officials at all levels, and a guest agreement is issued, which is submitted to the superior chief officer for review. After the review, it must be reported step by step, and finally transferred to the Ministry of Officials.

The township drinkers at the township level are finally issued by the governor of the province where they are located, while those at the county level are approved by the Ministry of Officials and issued to the secretary. The township drinkers at the county level are approved by the emperor himself and awarded Situation.

All the township drinking guests who were awarded Sizhao were also awarded honors by the imperial court, and the local government also beat gongs and drums to present plaques and erect archways to show their congratulations.

It can be said that it is an absolute honor to be a guest of the village, and it is definitely a local sage.

The expenses of the drinking ceremony in the township are also in charge of the county and county yamen, and the prefect and county magistrate is in charge of the pavilion chief.

The dignified guests are generally filled with official officials, and the barbarians are filled with senior and prestigious local people.

In this way, these township drinkers have committed moral faults, and the local officials will be removed if they find out that they do not check the recommendation, and the recommending officials will also be investigated and prosecuted.

At the same time, the emperor also stipulated that the rural drinking ceremony should be toasted by representatives of students, scholars, servants and soldiers.

Anyone who is elected as a guest of the village must be innocent, good-natured, highly respected, and be praised by the village sages in the village.

Being able to become a third-level township drinker in a township, county, county, or county is actually equivalent to becoming a member of the CPPCC. Not only is it an honor, but it can even have some hidden powers, such as being able to have some say in the government, and even the emperor gave it back. One of the privileges of all township drinkers is that they can participate in and discuss politics and speak out.

For example, township drinkers at the township level can directly report to the county, county-level township drinkers can directly report to the Taoist government, and county-level officials can directly report to the imperial court, which can directly reach Tianting.

Country drinkers can put forward their own opinions on local proposals, and naturally they can report some local illegal things. In fact, they have a kind of supervisory power, which is regarded as an outlaw censor.

In the farming society, the people pray for national peace, social harmony, good weather, abundant crops, prosperous livestock, abundance of goods and people, life and well-being, filial piety, virtuous and talented people to help the country and the country, and other good wishes.

Luo Cheng cleverly integrated people's emotions, social morality and national laws, and advocated good social morality with the tradition of rural drinking ceremony, so as to play a role in uniting people's hearts, harmonious society and stabilizing social order.

The emperor also issued a special decree, asking the officials to select one hundred healthy and respected elders who have reached the age of 70 from all the guests in the countryside. As a gift, each of these one hundred old people will be given a six-rank honor, and a special reward of ten thousand coins and one hundred pieces of silk.

In Luo Cheng's view, it is necessary to promote traditional virtues and promote positive energy.

The Harvest Festival is combined with the village drinking ceremony, which not only celebrates the harvest, but also promotes traditional virtues. Further strengthen local supervision and control.

Especially in the countryside.

In the past, township drinking ceremonies were mainly at the prefecture and county levels, but in the township, it was not so grand, but more lively, but now Luo Cheng even selects seven or eight township drinking guests from each township. The point of not going to the countryside will be broken, allowing the imperial power to penetrate deeper, and cooperate with the village pavilion system to grasp the deeper and lower-level trends.

"Your Majesty, the guest of honor has been sent to the Imperial College."

"More than a dozen prime ministers from the mansion have also arrived at the Imperial College, preparing to preside over today's township drinking ceremony. In addition, the hundred outstanding young scholars selected by His Majesty and the hundred veterans who have won many battles are also ready."

While Luo Cheng was dressed by the palace man, he listened to the report from the servant.

"Are the queen and the prince ready, as well as the concubines, princes and princesses? Today is my first harvest festival in Daqin, and it is also the first time I hold a grand village drinking ceremony. The imperial court has prepared with high standards, and my royal family must also be fully prepared. attendees."

"It's reported that the concubines and princes and princesses have all dressed up, that's right."

"It's what it is, just say it."

"It's the King of Song. The people in his house reported that King Song was sick, with abdominal pain and diarrhea, so he couldn't go."

"Have you sent an imperial doctor to see it?"

"The imperial doctor said that King Song is not sick."

Luo Cheng frowned, the palace people were too scared to move.

"Has King Song not changed at all?"

"Saint, ever since Concubine Yan Shu was grounded, King Song has been losing his temper, and no one can persuade him. Even his Master Wang Fu was often beaten and scolded by him. Both of them were so angry that they refused to go to King Song's mansion because of their illness."

"Rebellious son, wicked beast."

Luo Cheng cursed angrily.

"It's already ten years old, don't you know anything? I gave him some leeway before, but he didn't know how to repent at all, and he even got worse. Where is Concubine Yan!"

"Concubine Yan is still grounded, and she was not notified of the drinking ceremony today."

Luo Chengqi's hair was dizzy.

"Send someone to tell Concubine Yan to make her dress up, and then tell her to go to Song Wang's mansion, and take Song Wang to Guozijian to attend the township drinking ceremony."

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid Concubine Yan won't obey the order."

"Then tell her, if the two of them insist on going against me today, then I won't be polite anymore. Tomorrow, I will depose Changqing as a commoner and exile in Yunnan! Concubine Yan will also be deposed as a commoner."

"Saint calm down."

The provincial eunuch in the palace can be regarded as the emperor's confidant. Seeing that the emperor was really angry, he quickly persuaded him.

"This is the exact words!"

At this time, an eunuch came in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, Admiral Li, the Secretary of the Imperial City, has an urgent matter to see you."

Li Xian brought a piece of news that surprised Luo Cheng. Tubo Zanpu talked about Zanpu every day, and the young and ambitious Zanpu died.


"It was poisoned."

The comprehensive reform of Nangri Lunzan finally angered the old nobles, so the subjects of the father's family rebelled, and the subjects of the mother's family also rebelled, and even Sun Bo, Su Pi, Nie Ni, Dabu, Gongbu, Niangbu and other tribes all rebelled !

"Your Majesty, Tubo Zanpu was killed, and all the ministries rebelled. Great joy."

Luo Cheng chuckled, "Eunuch Wang, go and inform Princess Saimaga of the news, and let her mourn. If she doesn't want to participate in the township drinking ceremony today, she can stay in the palace without going."

(End of this chapter)

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