Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1139 The Princess Calls for Soldiers

Chapter 1139 The Princess Calls for Soldiers
"Everyone, there is another piece of news that I haven't informed you. Tubo Zanpu Nangri Lunzan died, and was poisoned by the old Tubo nobles."

The emperor put down his teacup and released an amazing news easily.

"No wonder the princess of Tubo was not seen at the drinking ceremony in the township today, and Nangri Lunzan was poisoned to death. It seems that Tubo is bound to have civil strife." Hou Mochen said.He turned to look at Zhang Xutuo, "Taiwei, what do you think of this?"

As a privy envoy, Zhang Xutuo was in charge of the Privy Council to divide the military power of the prime minister and control the military command power for the emperor, while only the military power remained in the Ministry of War that originally held military power.In addition, the emperor has the right to choose generals, and the military camps of the three yamen have the power to command the army.

Therefore, the emperor's control over military power is the strongest, and the prime minister has only limited military and political power.

This is actually the situation that has been restored to the Qin Dynasty. In the middle of the court, the Taiwei commanded the troops, the prime minister was in power, and the Yushi doctor supervised.In contrast, at this time, the prime minister is governed by more than a dozen prime ministers inside and outside the government, so the power of the prime minister is based on the system of group prime ministers, which is more decentralized.

The Taiwei only holds the power of military orders, and has no military power, the power to send generals and command troops. In fact, through a layer-by-layer structure, the emperor who was born as a general can be said to have a stronger control over the army than any previous dynasty.

Zhang Xutuo was called Taiwei. Firstly, he was indeed the commander of the army, and secondly, he was also the real Taiwei, the head of the three princes.

"In general, Tubo Zanpu died or was poisoned. This is a good thing for me, Daqin. Although Nang Rilun praised this person, he was young but ambitious. He fought against us before. Although he was defeated in the end, he But he is extremely decisive. Such a person is a very difficult opponent. He is young. If he is given 30 to [-] years, I am afraid that the entire plateau will be unified by him. By then, all the tribes of the plateau will be integrated, and he will become a very troublesome opponent. .Fortunately, he died."

Emperor Luo Cheng did not speak highly of Nangri Lunzan, "In fact, he is just like Yang Guang, but his ability is not even as good as Yang Guang's. He is too eager for quick success and instant benefits, and he does things in a hurry. He has not been on the throne for a few years. But he reuses all It is Niang Zanggu, Nong Tsopo, Drepung Nasheng, Ba Yuzebu, Qiongbo Bangse and other people who just joined when their father and son were in power. They are all new nobles, but Rilunzan trusts them very much, and one letter is to entrust them with a population of [-] to [-] households and let them manage a large area, which has aroused the hatred of the old nobles long ago."

"And now he supports Gal Dongzan to start promoting the comprehensive reform of Tubo, moving the capital logically, and imitating our Central Plains to establish a central monarchy, expanding the army and setting heavy taxes. He doesn't even think about it. Tubo is in the hands of his father. At that time, it was still a tribal alliance, and it was impossible for Tubo Zanpu to control the country like my Central Plains monarch. How could such a big change be made suddenly now? When Yang Guang became emperor, the reform even caused a backlash. Let alone him."

"I'm not at all surprised that he was poisoned to death!"

"Saint, how do we deal with it now, should we intervene in Tubo?"

Luo Cheng shook his head.

"Don't worry, Tubo demanded a huge amount of tribute from the Qiang Kingdom, which was vassalized by Bailan, Miyao, etc., and planned to expand its army to conquer Xiangxiong. Now that the king of Tubo is dead, we are not in a hurry to send troops to Tubo directly. To be honest, Tubo, the snow-covered plateau, many of our soldiers can hardly adapt to the climate there, and the supplies are also inconvenient."

"Now there is civil strife in Tubo, if we directly send troops to Tubo, I am afraid that the Tubo people who have just had civil strife will unite again. So we can't do such a thing at this time, we have to add fire to them and make them more chaotic. It's okay Take this opportunity to contact Miyao and Bailan, and try to get them to get rid of Tubo, and let them become ministers and vassal states to our Great Qin instead. And Supi, didn’t Prince Supi also be captured when he attacked Western Turks earlier? Are you still in Anxi? Send him to Luoyang first, and we can support this Prince Supi to go back and restore the country."

Zhang Xutuo nodded.

"What the sage said is that there are also the Qiangs of the Western Mountains. Now that there is civil strife in Tubo, they can no longer support them in secret, so they just take advantage of the situation to defeat them and force them to surrender."

"Let me hint to Li Mixia, king of Xiangxiong, and see if he is willing to take advantage of the internal turmoil in Tubo to send troops. As long as Tubo and Xiangxiong fight, and the two tigers fight, one will be injured. When they fight for real, no one can fight." If you have the energy to covet the Qinghai, Anxi, Xishan, and Yunnan four ways of my Great Qin."

However, Luo Cheng still emphasized once again, try to control the intensity, do not engage in direct interference, let alone expand it.

"The imperial court has no spare capacity for another plateau war. We need to recuperate. We let them fight against themselves, and we just watch the fun from the sidelines."

After returning to the palace from Guozijian, Princess Saimaga came to see him and asked the emperor about the current situation of Tubo.

"I heard it was very chaotic. After your father was poisoned, now the old nobles are rebelling, and the old and new nobles are attacking each other. Now there is no leader in Tubo, and there is chaos."

"Dabo, Gongbu, Niangbu and other places have now been occupied by the rebel old nobles, and the old capital Qiongba has also been occupied."

"And what about my mother and my brother?"

"Your mother and your younger brother were escorted by the new nobles such as Qiongbo Bose and retreated into Houzang, but the situation is worrisome."

The princess wept and said, "Please ask the sage to canonize my younger brother as Tubo Xin Zanpu, and send troops to help Tubo quell the chaos."

"Your younger brother is only five years old this year, can he handle this heavy burden in this mess?" Luo Cheng asked.

"Please rest assured, my father is my younger brother. Qi Zongnong has been smart since he was a child, and my uncle Lun Keer and the minister Shang Nang are both his teachers. They are very loyal and capable. Now my father has been poisoned by conspiracy. There is great chaos, but those insidious villains will not be proud for long, as long as the situation is stabilized, they will soon defeat the rebels and put down the rebellion."

"But now Tubo doesn't even know who poisoned your father, not to mention that the prosperous old capital Qiongba has fallen into the hands of the rebels."

"Please ask the saint to send troops."

Luo Cheng twisted his beard, "I can issue an edict to designate your brother Qi Zong Nong as Tubo's new Zanpu, but the people of Tubo may not be convinced. As for letting the Great Qin send troops, it may be difficult for the time being. There is still a gap between the Great Qin and Tubo." Zhu Qiang. Zhu Qiang originally surrendered to Tubo, but now the situation is unclear."

Luo Cheng has no objection to the princess's request to canonize his brother Qi Zongnong as the new Zanpu. After all, although Qi Zongnong was Songtsen Gampo in history, his father died many years earlier than in history, and he is only five years old now. .At such a young age, canonizing him as Zanpu will only exacerbate the current civil strife in Tubo.

"Perhaps, I can issue an edict to Xiangxiong King Li Mixia to lead Xiangxiong's troops east to Tibet to help put down the chaos!"

The princess was shocked, "Saint, you can't. If Zhang Xiong is allowed to send troops into Tubo to quell the chaos, they will definitely take the opportunity to invade Tubo."

"Princess, don't be prejudiced against King Xiong. After all, Tubo and Xiangxiong have been on good terms for generations. Now that there is civil strife in Tubo, Daqin is too far behind. If Xiangxiong can send troops to quell the chaos, it will also solve the urgent need."

"Please ask the sage to lend me tens of thousands of troops. The concubine is willing to be the commander in chief and lead the army back to quell the rebellion. After the rebellion is quelled, I will return to Qin Palace."

Luo Cheng admired the princess's passion, but it was impossible to agree.

He patted the princess on the shoulder, "Let's leave the war to the men!"

(End of this chapter)

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