Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1149 The Japanese Army Destroyed

Chapter 1149 The Japanese Army Destroyed
The black fire spread.

Soon the entire Japanese fleet, more than 300 ships, were swallowed by the black fire.

The stone grease produced in Yan'an will burn when it encounters fire, and it cannot be extinguished by water, and it can even burn on the water of the river.The Japanese had never seen anything like this, and they tried in vain to pour water on the fire, but it just got worse and worse.

Whether it is a ship or a person, once it is contaminated with this black fire, it cannot be extinguished at all, and it can only be watched as it is swallowed by the flames.

It was like a hell on earth, with screams and wailing everywhere.

Prince Laimu's boat was relatively large. He tried to rush out of the sea of ​​flames, but the front and back were all boats swallowed by the black flames. Some boats even rammed around in order to escape, smashing many boats, but causing the boats to mix together. Block the way in and out.

Some of the broken pieces, stained with black flames, also floated along the current to other ships, igniting other ships.

Rush left and right, but still can't escape.

Several Japanese generals called the prince to jump off the boat, but the prince couldn't swim at all.This time, he was ordered by the Prince Regent's brother to be the General to lead the Japanese army, but that was only because of his high status, and the Crown Prince Regent did not want someone from the Soga family to serve as the General.

But who would have thought that it would be a bad start.

"What exactly is this?"

"That's a demon released from hell, Qin people are all demons!"

Several Japanese generals didn't care about other things, picked up the prince and jumped into the sea.

south bank.

The Baekje people looked at all this in astonishment.

More than 300 Japanese boats disappeared in an instant.

At least half of the [-] Japanese troops boarded the ship. Before, they were extremely arrogant and wanted to encircle and wipe out the Qin fleet.

"Drumming! Landing!"

Wei Zhongxian looked at the Japanese fleet buried in the sea of ​​fire, his face flushed with excitement, this was a great feat, this fire burned hundreds of Japanese ships, at least four to five thousand Japanese pirates.

The drums were beating.

On the top of the mast of the flagship Bohai, three red flags for attack have been raised.

The black fire is ruthless, but the Bohai Fleet, which is already upstream, is unscathed.

The fleet was split in two.

The big treasure ship began to approach the south bank, and put down teams of escort soldiers to land, while the smaller armed merchant ships continued to cruise on the river, shooting the Japanese pirates who fell into the water with their bows and crossbows.

"No one can stop us!" Wei Zhongxian laughed.

Cheng Mingzhen, who had put on his armor, threw his hands at him, "My subordinates will go ashore first and seize the city of Mu'an for Duke Wei."

"Okay, okay!" Wei Zhongxian didn't argue this time.

There are thousands of Japanese people on the shore who were too late to board the boat just now, and there are also one or two thousand Baekje people.

The Japanese have been discouraged.

Although there were thousands of people on the shore, none of them came to try to intercept the Qin people who landed upstream.They were still in great shock.

Thousands of people and more than 300 boats are gone?

What the hell is that damn black fire?
Nobody knows.

Many Japanese yelled about ghosts and devils, and even knelt down and wept.

The little pirate, who had never seen the world, was dumbfounded.

Cheng Mingzhen jumped ashore on his war horse, and directly picked up his weapon, Morning Star.This is a meteor hammer, made like a flail, but the flail at the front end has been changed into a fist-sized hammer, and it is covered with spikes.

Especially the long handle of his hammer is very long. This is a two-handed long-handled meteor hammer. With the iron chain in the middle, it can almost ignore shield defense and armor. , basically no one can block a blow.

The heavily armed Qin people quickly formed a team on the shore, taking advantage of the gap when the Japanese were still confused, they killed them unceremoniously.

It wasn't until the Qin army had killed the Japanese that they were no more than a hundred steps away that the Japanese finally panicked.

Someone was yelling and cursing loudly, and the pirates began to form a team.

They carried bamboo bows, wore leather armor, and some even had only bamboo armor and cloth clothes, and many Japanese were barefoot.

Those holding wooden shields and iron knives stood in front, those holding bamboo bows stood behind, those holding long-handled naginata stood on both sides, and the officers on pony horses stood behind and led the formation.

Nearly a hundred steps.

The formation of the Japanese is still very chaotic.

But the crossbowmen of the Qin army had already begun to release their crossbows.

At such a long distance, the Japanese never thought that the Qin people could shoot over, and many people looked at the crossbow that the Qin people shot into the sky in doubt.

As a result, the next moment, crossbows rained down like rain.

The short crossbow nails covered the front of the Japanese with a sharp piercing sound.

The Japanese with no armor tasted the power of the Qin crossbow in an instant, and most of the front line was emptied in an instant, and those who hit a vital point died immediately. The ground screamed happily.

But the Qin people did not let them go.

After the first round of crossbows, the second round came again with almost no pause.

Qin Jun moved forward slowly.

After three bursts of crossbow arrows, it was already very close.

At this time all the infantrymen began to shoot with their bows.

Another triple shot.

Thousands of Japanese troops have been staggering, and the formations are also sparse.

The Japanese finally collapsed, and some people started to turn around and run away.

After all, they were ignorant and fearless, so seeing how powerful the Qin people were, they were left with nothing but fear.

Cheng Mingzhen laughed loudly, and holding his Morning Star Meteor Hammer, he rode out from the infantry's wings. There were not many light cavalry, only a few hundred.

But at this time, the pirates who had already lost their morale could not bear the chasing and impact of Qingqi.

The meteor hammer hit left and right, like smashing melons and fruits in the ground, smashing and shattering.

Cheng Mingzhen killed so happily that he couldn't care less about the steps behind him and didn't keep up. He just led hundreds of Qingqi and directly defeated thousands of pirates, killed them scattered, and then rushed directly to the foot of Mu'an City .

The people of Baekje were fleeing into the city crying for their fathers and mothers, and the guards in the city couldn't even close the door.

Hundreds of Qin Qi came roaring forward, forcibly stepping out a bloody path.

Holding shields in their left hands and swords in their right, the knights galloped into the city.

The city gate guards abandoned the gate and fled.

When the infantry arrived, the Baekje officers and soldiers in Muan City had already fled and surrendered.

Muan County City, captured.

It only took about an hour to defeat the Japanese army and the Baekje army, but it took three days to wipe out these remnants of the enemy.

Three days later, the remnants of the enemy were finally wiped out.

Of the 2000 Japanese soldiers, more than 7000 died in the sea of ​​fire or at the bottom of the Rongshan River, and more than 2000 were captured. Among the more than 300 Baekje troops, more than [-] died in battle, and the rest were captured.

More than 300 Japanese boats were all burned down.

Although Muan County is a city near the sea, it is only a small city with a small population. Fortunately, the people of Baekje prepared a lot of money and food for the Japanese army, which made it easier for Wei Zhongxian and Cheng Mingzhen.

The Bohai Fleet captured Mu'an City, defeated the Japanese-Hundred Allied Forces, captured [-] enemy soldiers, more than [-] civilians, and killed [-] enemies.

Wei Zhongxian reported the victory to the emperor himself excitedly, "Great victory, I have led the Bohai Fleet to attack Baekje first, and defeated the Japanese pirates!"

(End of this chapter)

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