Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1153 The Iron Spear Is Not Old

Chapter 1153 The Iron Spear Is Not Old


The emperor hunted in the forbidden garden, and the feather forest followed him.

A deer is driven out by Habayashi, and the emperor draws his bow.

Sanshi's bow was slowly pulled away, the emperor held his breath, and shot an arrow, hitting the deer right in the middle.

The deer fell to the ground, and the emperor laughed.

"Old Tieqiang, is my arrow technique okay?"

"Your Majesty is the enemy of ten thousand people. Back then, Yang Xuangan was known as the little overlord and number one in Chang'an, but in the end he was picked and beheaded by His Majesty. His Majesty's martial arts are well-known."

Zhang Tieqiang, who was in a white robe, was by the emperor's side and replied with his arms crossed.

"Since the last illness, I am not as good as before. I used to draw dozens of bows in a row, but now I can barely hold these three stone bows." Luo Cheng was telling the truth. He is brave and unparalleled, but after that stroke, although he recovered well, he can already feel that he will never be able to return to the peak of the past.

"Zhang Sanlang, go and pick up the deer." Luo Cheng smiled and said to the young man behind the old iron gun.

The white-faced Zhang San smiled and stepped forward.

Just mentioned the deer, only to hear the roar of a tiger, and a big tiger with a white forehead and eyes hanging out unexpectedly.


Seeing the tiger rushing out, Zhang Tieqiang was so startled that he ignored everything and rushed forward.For Zhang Chao, the adoptive son, he completely regarded it as his adopted son.

The last time I sold the formula with Yi'er, the Cui family steward tricked Yi'er and almost killed him. In order to save his son, Lao Tieqiang went out to beat the drum of Chang'an Mansion.

In the end, under the personal appearance of Chang'an Mansion Yin Changsun Wuji, his son was finally rescued, and even brought down the Chang'an Cui family.

It was also because of that matter that Datian listened, and the emperor personally intervened.In the end, they sent someone to pick up their father and son to Luoyang, and Lao Tieqiang knew that it was mainly because of Shubao's face.In the past, he was Shubao's old captain, and he was also Laizheng's personal soldier, so now Laizheng and Qin Qiong take good care of him.

Although after the Battle of Dafeichuan, he was injured, lost one eye, and quit the army altogether, but the old brothers still miss him from time to time.

What many people don't know is that during the Eastern Expedition, he originally came to protect the children's tent, and later was recommended by Shu Bao, and transferred to Emperor Luo Cheng's command for a period of time as a personal soldier.But after the Eastern Expedition ended, he returned to his hometown in Hebei, but he encountered Yang Xuangan's rebellion and was coerced into it. Later, it was a very complicated experience. After Yang Xuangan's defeat, he was incorporated into Wang Shichong's command, and later he was defeated by Li Mi with the army. The captives became Li Mi's soldiers.Later, he was defeated and captured by Li Yuan who returned from the west, and entered Guanzhong as Li Yuan's soldier.

The wives, children, and children of his hometown in Hebei were also lost in the chaos, and finally settled down in Bashang, a suburb of Chang'an, until Luo Siye captured Chang'an again.

His life experience was too complicated. He retired from the army after being blind in one eye, and had to meet Zhang Chao as his adoptive son. The father and father were very affectionate.

Now seeing his son being approached by a tiger, he jumped on him in a hurry without thinking about anything.

"Old iron gun!"

Luo Cheng was shocked, he didn't expect that such a beast would not be found in this hunting ground.

Seeing the old iron gun rushing forward with his bare hands, Luo Cheng snatched a tiger gun from Yulin next to him, and was about to step forward to rescue him.

"Your Majesty." Yubayashi's face turned pale with fright, he was dereliction of duty by not noticing that there was a tiger in the hunting ground, how could he put the emperor in danger again. "Dangerous, Your Majesty, retreat first."

Luo Cheng, who was stopped, couldn't move forward, so he had no choice but to throw the tiger gun with all his strength, trying to hit the tiger.

But the tiger turned around and avoided it.

"Hurry up and save people!"

Several Habayashi quickly backed up to protect the emperor, while other Habayashi stepped forward with tiger guns.

This kind of tiger spear was originally used to deal with ferocious beasts during hunting. It is shorter than the spears on the battlefield, and there are two small horizontal branches under the head of the spear, which can ensure that it will not penetrate too deep and let the ferocious beasts endanger you. .

Zhang Chao was so frightened that he almost pissed. He finally had the opportunity to meet the emperor, but today he was ordered to accompany the emperor to hunt. He was very happy.The emperor asked him to fetch the deer. He was so excited that he didn't expect a fierce tiger to jump out.

Compared with his father Zhang Tieqiang, Zhang Chao's martial arts skills are mediocre. He is usually good at calculating and has a lively mind, but he is not a tiger fighter.He was so scared that he backed away again and again, but he panicked and sat down on the ground.

At this time, the old iron gun roared and rushed forward. He wanted to pull his son away, but his son fell to the ground.

It was too late, the old iron gun picked up the tiger gun that was thrown by the emperor just now, and held the tiger gun in his hand, his whole momentum changed.


The tiger howled and swooped over.

But Lao Tieqiang stood in front of his son, neither retreating nor avoiding.

Holding a tiger gun with full concentration, staring at the tiger, not retreating but advancing, bullying forward with the tiger gun in hand.


With a loud roar, the tiger gun of the old iron gun has already stabbed out.

The tiger jumped down.

The emperor who was being pulled back couldn't help being stunned.

"Old iron gun!"

Although Lao Tieqiang had not been his personal soldier for long, he also blocked arrows and swords for him during the Liaodong campaign.If it hadn't been for the end of the Second Eastern Expedition, and the old iron gun went home on leave, I believe this veteran would have stayed by his side forever.

Several Habayashi riders took a step slower.

But when they rushed to the tiger, they found that after the tiger jumped down, it lay on the ground without moving.

"Help me push this big bug away!"

The sound of the old iron gun suddenly came from under the tiger.

Zhang Chao had just regained consciousness at this time, and crawled over in panic, "Aye?"

"San'er, I'm fine, it's just a little uncomfortable to be pressed down."

Only then did a group of Habayashi realize that the ferocious tiger was actually dead.

Everyone hurriedly dragged the tiger away, only to find out that the old iron gun had pierced the tiger's heart just now, and the tiger was stabbed to death in mid-air, but the weight was too heavy and the old iron gun overwhelmed it.

A large group of Yu Lin rushed up, Luo Cheng threw them away.

"Okay, it's all over."

Luo Cheng stepped forward, but Lao Tieqiang was the first to pull his son and asked, "San'er, are you okay?"

"Aye, I'm fine. Why did you rush up just now? It's too dangerous."

"San'er, it's good that you're fine. I've got a bunch of old bones, and the loess is buried up to my neck. Even if I feed the big bug, it's worth it if I can get you out of here."

Luo Cheng patted the dust on the old iron gun, "Old iron gun, I didn't expect you to grow stronger and stronger. You stabbed a tiger to death with one shot. I can't believe it."

"It's just good luck, luckily."

Luo Cheng sighed, although Lao Tieqiang and Zhang Chao were not biological father and son, but in a critical moment, Lao Tieqiang's bravery to save his life really moved him.

"Old Tieqiang, you have done a great job in rescuing him, and I will reward you heavily."

Old Tie Qiang chuckled, "I'm old and retired, so I have no other ideas. If Your Majesty really wants to reward me, why not reward my son for his birth."

Luo Cheng looked at the two men, thought for a while, and said, "How about this, I will confer the title of Old Tie Gun as the Founding Viscount of Lantian County, you as the third-rank Song Wangfu, and Zhang Chao as the eighth-rank official of the Song Dynasty Palace. By marriage."

(End of this chapter)

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