Chapter 1156 Liu Wenjing

The dome is very fortified.

Xiangxiong King Li Mixia brought a group of ministers to the Daqin Embassy in person.

Dozens of slaves came with dozens of boxes of gifts.

"Please tell Liu Yuanwailang, Xiao Wang, please see me."

Standing outside the embassy were six guards of the Qin army, wearing bright armor and holding Zhangbabu lances, majestic and majestic. Although they were in the territory of the Xiangxiong people, the Emperor Qin had already sent a note to all the envoys.Daqin's embassy is in the territory of the vassal state, but it also belongs to Daqin.Embassies under the Qin Banner have extraterritoriality and are regarded as the territory of Great Qin.

Although this article is very unreasonable, the feudal vassals dare not violate it.

Even today, there are many businessmen from the Central Plains who have set up guild halls and shops next to the places where many Daqin embassies are stationed in the feudal vassals, thus forming a Qin Street. Qin Street was leased directly from the local vassals, forming the Qin Concession.

The entire concession has extraterritorial rights.

Therefore, even if King Xiangxiong came, he would not dare to break into the embassy, ​​and he had to be careful and observe the etiquette.

"Your Majesty, please wait a moment, I'll go pass the message." The gate guards just crossed their hands in return, and didn't let them in.

In the embassy, ​​Liu Wenjing laughed when he heard that King Xiangxiong came to visit and brought many gifts.

"Why is the ambassador laughing?"

"Li Mixia wants to send troops to Tubo, but he is still worried about me, Daqin. This is because he wants to pull me to work hard, so I will give some benefits first."

The officials were puzzled, but Liu Wenjing asked everyone to follow him to meet him.

When Liu Wenjing came out, she looked very polite when she saw Li Mixia.

"Your Majesty has something to do, so why bother to come to the door in person? You don't dare to accept it if you don't get rewarded for nothing."

Li Mixia also had a smiling face.

"It's true that you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do. I really have an important matter to visit Liu Yuanwailang today, and I want to ask Liu Yuanwailang for help."

Welcoming King Xiangxiong into the embassy and offering hot tea.

Li Mixia didn't beat around the bush, and said straight to the point, "Earlier, the emperor sent an edict to Xiao Wang, saying that there was a civil strife in Tubo, and asked Xiao Wang to lead the Xiangxiong army to send troops to Tubo to help Xinzanpu Qizong put down the chaos. After receiving the edict, Xiao Wang did not dare to be negligent, and immediately issued a conscription order, ordering the cavalry to go out everywhere. However, although Xiao Wang also hopes that the neighbor Tubo will settle down as soon as possible, but he is also worried that Tubo will misunderstand us and invade by chaos. Another thing, Xiao Wang He is young and has little experience in commanding troops. I heard that Liu Yuanwailang was once a brave general who once commanded tens of thousands of troops. Therefore, Xiao Wang came here and wanted to ask Liu Yuanwailang to be the marshal of my Xiangxiong army and lead my army. The Xiangxiong army entered Tubo to quell the chaos."

Liu Wenjing picked up the teacup and gently blew the froth in the cup.

"Your Majesty, drink some tea."

Seeing that he refused to answer, Li Mixia took a sip of tea, put down the teacup and continued to persuade, "Liu Yuanwailang, I, Xiangxiong, are loyal to the Emperor of Great Qin, but in the matter of sending troops to Tubo, if Daqin was not at the head, I, Xiangxiong, Don't dare to move lightly."

"My lord, how about this tea?"

"Good tea."

"It's good tea. On this snowy plateau, in the dome and silver castle, drinking tea every day is still very leisurely. The king wants me to give up this leisurely life and run to lead the army to fight, which is difficult for a strong man. Besides, The duty of this envoy is to be the ambassador to Xiangxiong, responsible for contacting the suzerain vassal, it is not my duty to lead the army to fight, and I cannot easily leave without authorization."

"Mr. Liu is working for the Holy Son of Heaven."

"You're embarrassing me like this."

"I also ask Liu Yuanwailang for help. As for the emperor, Xiao Wang will play Chen Ming at the meeting. If I, Xiangxiong, can defeat the Tubo rebels by then, it will be a great contribution to Liu Yuanwai."

Liu Wenjing pretended to be very embarrassed, talked about him from left to right, and talked about it for a long time, before finally agreeing to be the military observer, not the commander.

Li Mixia heaved a sigh of relief, no matter what, if he brought this envoy of Qin into the army, then he would be able to raise the tiger skin as a banner.

After Li Mixia left, Liu Wenjing looked at the lease in front of her with a smile on her face.

"This Li Mixia, it's true. We proposed several times before that we should rent the street in front of the embassy for Qin merchants to operate, and wanted to be the Qin concession, but he just refused to agree. Now we have to ask Yuanwailang, He agreed happily, not only renting this street, but also renting the huge open space beside it to us."

Liu Wenjing said with a chuckle, "This street is originally located in a corner of the city, and it is relatively remote. Now we rent it, and he does not lose anything. Even if we give us another vacant land, we organize Qin merchants to build shops and houses, and he can charge more. Some rent tax."

As for the extraterritorial rights in the concession, anyway, with the strength of the Great Qin Dynasty today, Xiangxiong did not dare to directly deal with the Qin Shang who committed crimes in the Qionglong Silver Fort, and usually notified the embassy for a trial together.In most cases, these Qin merchants who committed crimes can spend money to get rid of their crimes, and most of them are handed over to the embassy for disposal.

Therefore, it is nothing to demarcate the concession now, determine extraterritoriality, and implement the Qin law in the concession.

Li Mixia got what he wanted, so of course he became generous.

Liu Wenjing knew clearly that Li Mi Xiafei asked him to join the Xiangxiong Army, in fact, to fight the banner of Daqin.

"How many troops does Xiangxiong want to send?"

Li Mixia said that he would send [-] troops, but in fact, the current Xiangxiong has long been weak, and he may not even be able to take out [-] troops.Although they occupy the Axiangshung Plateau, the agricultural conditions on the plateau are not as good as those in U-Tsang. The Xiangxiong, which is mainly engaged in animal husbandry, has only now taken advantage of the convenience of the Silk Road and has become a little richer.

"Xiangxiong's soldiers in the whole country are only about [-]. This time, he actually plans to send [-] troops, which can be regarded as a big investment. Li Mixia will lead the troops in person and invite me to be an observer."

"Ambassador, should this matter be reported to the court first?"

"It doesn't matter, Zhang Zhung's sending troops to Tubo is originally an imperial edict. As the ambassador to Zhang Zhung, I will be an observer of the army and make sure not to overstep."

Liu Wenjing is not an ordinary civil servant. As an important minister of Li Yuan's Tang Dynasty, he is good at strategy.Even if Asamizuhara was defeated, it didn't affect his insight ability.

He is also not willing to be a member of the Ministry of Rites of the sixth rank in Daqin, Yuan Wai Lang, that is, besides the quota, nowadays, the ambassador to the vassal, or the envoy of the envoy to the vassal state, usually confers this member of the Ministry of Rites. It can be said that it is an extremely worthless position.

If you want to go up, or even fulfill your dream of being a prime minister, you can't do it step by step.

Liu Wenjing is an ambitious person. At the beginning he voted for Li Yuan, but in the end Li Yuan failed. It can be said that this was his worst loss. Now that the opportunity is in front of him, he would not miss it.

Even if King Xiangxiong didn't come to him, he would still take the initiative to find King Zhangxiong.

It's just that he expected that King Xiangxiong would definitely come to him first, so he sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and waited for the fish to take the bait.

(End of this chapter)

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