Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1162 Longevity Medicine

Chapter 1162 Longevity Medicine

In Luoyang city.

The weather is getting colder every day, and the people in the city have already started to add clothes.

When the emperor woke up in the morning, he felt that his nose was a bit congested, and he couldn't help laughing at himself. He hadn't been on the battlefield for a long time, and he still neglected to exercise after all.

Thinking back to the past, every day when the sky was slightly bright, I would get up and exercise for an hour in the morning.

But now, the emperor can no longer insist on getting up early every day. It's not that the beauties in the harem are all over the city, it's just that there are too many government affairs in the country, and various affairs often have to be dealt with until late.

Although it was shared by the minister of the government, Luo Cheng was not the kind of person who could really let go.

"Prepare the horse, go to Habayashi Palace!"

Standing under the porch, the emperor secretly made up his mind that he would resume exercise in the future. No matter what, the body is the capital of the revolution. Without the body, even a great emperor can do so.

He didn't want to wait until he was five or sixty years old, lose his body, and then rush around looking for pills and medicines like other emperors.

The more famous and capable emperors in history are, the more they like to seek the medicine of immortality, such as Qin Huang, Han Wu, and Tang Taizong in history.

Tang Taizong died in his 50s, and even took a lot of pills before his death, which can be said to have a considerable impact on the body.

Luo Cheng didn't believe this.

It is better to believe in Sun Simiao than to believe in the mysterious potions and pots of these Danshis. After all, it is a real technique of health preservation, not a technique of longevity.

In the past, there were also many officials who blindly paid tribute to the emperor for elixir, or recommended alchemists. Although the emperor had issued an edict to prohibit those sorcerers who performed divination and astrology, some people always thought that the emperor wanted to live forever.

But no matter how those people brag, Luo Cheng doesn't believe it.

In fact, he simply asked about the ingredients of these pills, and he knew how unreliable they were.All kinds of sulfur, mercury, lead, and nitrate, in short, their pills are all kinds of hodgepodge, and some disgusting ones even add all kinds of blood, and some of them even add the girl Tiankui.

It's disgusting to hear, even scary.

The sulfur lead pin and other things are obviously the ingredients of the gunpowder formula. No wonder there are always warlocks who make alchemy and accidentally blow up the alchemy furnace.

The elixir of immortality and elixir of longevity refined from these things can be severely poisonous or fatal if eaten.

Therefore, Luo Cheng's response to these people was to arrest them all and throw them into the Royal Research Institute set up by the royal family in Beiman Mountain.

Outsiders really thought that the emperor was interested in the alchemy of longevity, but they didn't know that the emperor just asked them to study gunpowder.

Originally, gunpowder in history was indeed researched by these alchemists. Not only did they study gunpowder, the emperor also asked them to study chemistry.After all, many things are still very practical, such as sulfuric acid, petroleum black fire, gas bombs, black powder, and even some fireworks and firecrackers.

Don't want to go to graduate school?

No, don't even think about leaving when you're here, just go in, there are heavy guards outside, so don't come in, and don't even think about coming out of the people inside.

Luo Cheng is fine with them, as long as he can study with peace of mind, take the subject given by the emperor, and study in the direction pointed out by the emperor, so that they can eat, drink and live well, and they can get whatever materials they want, and there will be a special person to do it for them. For the record, everyone even gave them the title of academician of a research institute, which is still regarded as the seventh-rank treatment. Although they are not seventh-rank officials, they enjoy the treatment of the seventh-rank.

If they can research something practical and useful, there will be other rewards, land and money, and even directly award ranks to honors.

Mining, smelting, alloys, gunpowder, ceramics, colored glaze... To be honest, the achievements of ancient Chinese chemistry are still very high. Others, but these windfalls are really useful things sometimes.

Now Luo Cheng specially set up a research institute, not only sent those who came to offer pills to it, but even asked officials from all over the country to collect people who knew how to make pills from the people and send them to Luoyang Research Institute.

"Your Majesty, Prime Minister Qin asks to see you."

"Shubao came to me so early, what's the matter, isn't he here to persuade me to stay away from warlocks and pills?"

Feng Lishi, the provincial eunuch in the palace, said with a smile, "Your Majesty knows everything well, and the rumors about His Majesty's cultivation of longevity pills have become more and more serious recently. Prime Minister Qin is very worried."

"Where there is no wind, there is no wave. I don't believe that there is no one here deliberately fanning the flames and adding fuel to the flames. Feng Lishi, go to the Jinyiwei and the Imperial City Division to preach and ask them to investigate carefully. Who is secretly fanning the flames and plotting evil."

"It must be those old gentry!"

"Unsubstantiated speculation is not acceptable. There must be evidence. Our Daqin pays attention to the rule of law, and there must be evidence to dispel rumors. Let them investigate, and they must find out who is deliberately making rumors and who is spreading them secretly. Rumors, all investigations will come to light, and those who have ulterior motives must not be let go and tolerated. The West Mountain Road has just been established, and there is still a shortage of people, so it happens to be sent to the farmland there."

"Your Majesty, the servant obeys the orders, Prime Minister Qin?"

"I just happened to go to the Yulin Palace for a run, and I also checked on those little bastards to see if I didn't go to supervise them recently, and whether they have neglected training. Let Shubao go with me."

In front of the palace gate, Shubao was already waiting.

When we met, Luo Cheng smiled and said, "I know what you want to say, Shubao, but you don't have to worry. In fact, I am not the Emperor of Qin and Hanwu, and I don't want to live forever. On weekdays, my courtiers shouted long live, and I would not I really thought I could live a long life. No one can live ten thousand years. People have a fixed number of life spans. People who live to seventy have been rare since ancient times. There is no one in ten thousand who can live to eighty. To live to be 91 years old is really a longevity. And the ancient emperors, who can live to be 60 years old, are very few."

Qin Qiong immediately said, "Your Majesty, please don't say that. Emperor Wu of Nanyue Zhao Tuo lived to be more than 100 years old, Emperor Wu of Nanliang Xiao Yan also lived to be 86 years old, Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty Liu Che also lived to be 70 years old, Emperor Wu of Later Yan Cheng Wu Rong Chui , Emperor Xianwu of Nanyan, Murong De, all lived to be over 70 years old."

Luo Cheng smiled, "Shubao, have you noticed that the people you mentioned are all posthumously named Emperor Wu. It seems that if you want to live a long life as an emperor, you need to be a bit martial."

Qin Shubao didn't expect that the emperors he just mentioned who lived over 70 years old were indeed Emperor Wu, so he couldn't help laughing.

"Your Majesty is titled the Emperor of Saint Wen Shen Wutian, and he also has martial arts, so he must be able to far surpass them."

"Hahaha, the lifespan of a person is determined by God. From Qin Shihuang's rule of the world to the present, in more than 800 years, there are only a few emperors who are over 70 years old. Years old, even many short-lived emperors in their 60s and 50s, the lifespan of an emperor is far lower than the average lifespan of ordinary people, I have known this for a long time, so I never pray for immortality."

"Then why does Your Majesty still look for these alchemists all over the world?"

"Have you heard those rumors too? I did ask people to find these warlocks, but not to refine the elixir of immortality, but to let them use their expertise to study other things that are useful to the country and the people's livelihood."

Qin Qiong was dubious.

"Hahaha, it's normal if you don't believe it. People don't want to die early, and I also want to live longer, but I don't believe in immortality pills. I still believe that more exercise is more realistic. No, I prepared it early this morning. Going to the Habayashi Palace to run horses and practice horse lance bows and arrows, I haven't practiced for a long time, and I feel a little rusty."

Qin Qiong couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard that, he was really afraid that the emperor would be obsessed with longevity. Qin Huang, Han Wu, those are all great emperors, but in the end, aren't they all superstitious and unable to extricate themselves?
"Your Majesty, those elixir warlocks are mostly liars, why does Your Majesty use them?"

"They refine longevity pills. This is indeed a deceptive thing, even a poison, but as long as you change the direction and research some other things, it can still be useful."

The monarchs came to Habayashi Palace on horseback, and Habayashiro and Habayashi trained even harder.

Luo Cheng put on his military uniform, picked up a hard bow for strength training, and opened and closed the bow. This thing is very labor-intensive, and it is much easier to use than a tension machine.

"Shubao, do you believe in ghosts and gods?"

Qin Qiong thought for a while, "If you don't talk about strange powers and confusion, I don't believe it."

"But if one day, you really encountered ghosts and gods, what would you do?"

"Keep your distance."

"Haha, what if I meet ghosts and gods?"

Qin Qiong said without hesitation, "If Your Majesty encounters or is disturbed by ghosts and gods, I will use the mace in my palm to kill the gods and ghosts!"

"Hahaha, the domineering words of these words are worthy of being a general. In fact, I never believe that there are any ghosts and gods in the world. In the final analysis, these ghosts and gods are actually just people's confusion and fear of the unknown, so I find them in my heart. It’s just a kind of escape and consolation.”

"Many miracles and visions are just unknown phenomena of nature. As for ghosts, they are even more of a fear in the heart. Isn't there an old saying that if you don't do bad things during the day, you don't have to be afraid of ghosts knocking at the door at night. "

Qin Qiong nodded, "Your Majesty spoke thoroughly."

"As long as you are willing to study, many incomprehensible phenomena will become knowledge that can be mastered. For example, the mysterious astrology and astronomy are mysterious to ordinary people, but in fact, if you study carefully, you will find that the sun, moon and stars have their own trajectories. .Even as long as you have enough knowledge, you can not only predict weather changes, accurately predict wind, rain, thunder, and lightning, but even earthquakes.”

Earthquakes, the common people called Dilong turn over.

Qin Qiong couldn't imagine what kind of power it would take to predict and predict earthquakes.

"Is it really possible?"

"Of course, mastering enough knowledge is the law of the operation of all things in nature. For example, by burning hot steam, you can make the balloon take people to the sky and fly in the air. Another example, master the buoyancy, you can let the iron ship sail On the water..."

Qin Qiong was dumbfounded.

"For another example, the alchemy materials used by alchemists, lead, nitrate, and charcoal, can be mixed in specific proportions to produce explosive and combustible gunpowder, and this gunpowder can be specially made to produce powerful artillery, Gunpowder, fire and thunder, etc. can destroy cities and destroy countries, and gunpowder can also be made into gorgeous and beautiful fireworks, which bloom in the night sky like fire trees and silver flowers, which are extremely beautiful."

Qin Qiong was in a daze.

"Your Majesty, the lead and nitrous charcoal used by alchemy priests can really make such powerful gunpowder?"

"Of course you can, but it's not easy."

Qin Qiong decided that the emperor's research institute must have researched this kind of thing. He didn't dare to imagine how terrifying this kind of thing would be, and it might change the shape of war.

"Your Majesty, you must keep an eye on this kind of thing, and never leak it."

Luo Cheng smiled, what he said is still missing. The warlocks in the research institute don't know when they will be able to develop the simplest black powder formula. As for the more powerful artillery guns, etc., it is estimated that there are not dozens of them. Years, may not be able to really research out, as for the actual use of the army, it is estimated that the more distant future.

Instead of looking forward to firearms, it is better to look forward to the hydraulic forging machine of the research institute. After the successful research of this thing, the cost of manufacturing armor weapons can be reduced immediately.

After [-] or [-] strokes, the emperor could no longer pull the powerful bow, and had to stop to breathe, while Qin Qiong, who was pulling the same bow as the emperor, continued to pull it like a normal person.

Luo Cheng shook his head and sighed, it seems that being an emperor is really the easiest way to destroy a God of War general.

(End of this chapter)

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