Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1169 The Lonely Hero

Chapter 1169 The Lonely Hero
Bahuan Fort is near Bahuan City, which was the Gumo Kingdom in ancient times.There is also an alias here, Baishui City, the city where the clear river flows through.

The Hulu River (Wushi River) and the Bahuan River (Nalun River) converge here to form the Sihun River, and then flow eastward to join several other rivers to form the Chihe River (Tarim River), the largest river in the south of the Tianshan Mountains. .

Bahuan City is located in the south of Tianshan Mountains, behind it is a large desert (Taklamakan Desert) about two thousand miles long from east to west and thousands of miles wide from north to south.

Bahuan City and its surrounding areas are located here, and it is a rare and huge oasis with pleasant climate, flat terrain, fertile land, abundant water sources, long sunshine period and long frost-free period, suitable for the growth of various crops, with hundreds of thousands of acres of arable land, and There are millions of acres of pastures and hundreds of thousands of acres of forests.

It can be said that this place is very consistent with its good name on the south of the Yangtze River.

After the silk road was unblocked again, this place also became the most important stop on Tianshan Middle Road. The business and trade in Bahuan City was prosperous. Countless business travelers passed by every day, and countless commodities were collected and transferred here.

"Captain Xiao, do you think these Turkic people came here to trade and do business without money, or are they soldiers from the Kucha Kingdom?"

"It's hard to say now, hurry up and hurry."

Three hundred Turkic cavalry, and he had seen that caravan before, with only about twenty guards and more than 100 merchants. If they really encountered these horse thieves, they would be hard to resist.

The fast horse rushed into Dashiyi.

"Where are the people in the caravan?"

The young man surnamed Xu and the guard had been waiting here for a long time and ran out quickly.

Team Xiao glanced at the young man, "It's you? Tell me, how's the situation?"

The young man explained the situation, "Maybe it's just that Zhang Tou, the guard, got it wrong, but I'd like to trouble Team Xiao to take a look with us."

Xiao Dui was nodding, "Let's lead the way ahead, ride faster."

The two of them rested for a long time after eating and drinking, and now the horse had also rested, so they got on the horse and led the way.

When the murderous patrol cavalry arrived at the attack site not far from the Hulu River, it was already the sun that was beginning to drift westward.

From far away, a strong smell of blood can already be smelled before getting close.

Captain Xiao frowned.

The other team members all showed excitement, "Damn, the smell of blood is so strong, it really happened."


Captain Xiao glanced at the distraught young man, he said just now that Zhang Tou might have misheard, and he was relatively relaxed along the way, but at this moment, the young man's face was pale.

Captain Xiao was urging his horse to speed up, and when he got close, he saw a group of vultures feasting there.


The young man fell off his horse all at once, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

Camels shot, corpses abandoned.

The confiscated feather arrows on the ground, the scattered footprints, and puddles of black blood.

Team Xiao is dismounting with the team members to check carefully.

"Captain Xiao, there are no survivors, they are all dead."

"Count the numbers and find out if there are any Turkic corpses!"

After a final search, we found 27 corpses of Qin people and more than a dozen dead camels, but there were only empty camels with no cargo.

There are no Turkic bodies.

None, but some arrows left behind, as well as damaged weapons, etc., it can be seen that they are indeed the usual things of the Turkic people.

"Xu Jia Dalang, don't cry, help identify the 27 corpses and see who they are."

The young man sat on the ground, not daring to come forward to identify him, he was afraid of seeing Grandpa's body.

"Grandfather said that this is the last business trip. After this trip, we will not run out again when we come back from Kangju. We will stay at home as small landlords, and then go to the county to buy a shop. groceries·······"

Captain Xiao patted the young man on the shoulder and sighed.

The guard from Dunhuang stepped forward to check and identify them carefully, and finally found that among the 27 dead, there were six companion guards and 21 merchants from the caravan, not including the grandfather of the Xu family.

"Six guards, that means there are more than a dozen guards."

Xiao Dui was thinking about it, "It seems that Zhang Tou is not as powerful as you said."

"The third one!"

"Captain Xiao." The third child with a crossbow stepped forward.

"Third brother, you are the best at identifying footprints and footprints. Take a look, where the Turkic people have retreated, let's chase after them." When he said this, Captain Xiao was full of murderous looks. He dared to rob Daqin's caravan and kill Daqin's people. , This is really looking for death, and it is still on the section of the Silk Road that they are responsible for patrolling.

"Decree!" Elder Huo left carrying the crossbow.

"Everyone, restrain the corpses of these compatriots. Don't let these beasts eat them. First, simply dig a hole and bury them and make a mark."

Dalang Xu finally looked at the corpses and saw that there were some familiar uncles of the Wang family among them, and there were some unfamiliar ones. He finally didn't see grandpa, which made him heave a sigh of relief, "Xiao Duizheng, please don't give up. It is necessary to rescue my grandfather and the others."

"Don't worry, this is my duty as a patrol servant."

About a quarter of an hour later, the third child came back with one more person.


The guard was very pleasantly surprised to see his team leader.

Zhang Shigui was injured, one arm was bandaged.Seeing Captain Xiao facing them, he immediately said, "Captain Xiao, I know where those damned Turkic people are going. They are carrying goods and merchants. They are not walking fast, but they can still catch up."

Captain Xiao was looking at Zhang Shigui, "You escaped alone?"

Zhang Shigui shook his head.

"The leader of the caravan, Li Guanshi, wanted to give those Turkic people some goods and money to buy convenience, but those people attacked them as soon as they came. Although I and my escort companions resisted desperately, we only killed about 20 Turkic people. Later the Turkic invaded the camel caravan and killed more than [-] people, we were outnumbered."

"I killed a Turkic man, snatched his horse and escaped. The Turkic man sent five men after me. I led them into a willow grove and finally shot them all. Then I secretly urged the Turkic men to retreat. The direction they are going, I saw that they came back here after arriving at a camp, I know you will definitely come to check."

The third child said beside him, "Captain Xiao, Zhangtou and I went to the willow forest. There were indeed five Turkic horses and five Turkic corpses there, all of which were shot to death by arrows."

Xiao Duzheng believed it right now, and couldn't help being awe-inspiring.

"It's great to show your head, I'm sorry."

Zhang Shigui shook his head and sighed, "There's nothing to say, I'm just a first-class person assigned to Dunhuang, who came out to be a guard, but in the end he didn't protect the owner well, and he neglected his duty."

"Three hundred Turkic horse thieves, you are only about [-] people, it is not a crime of war." Xiao Dui was patting Zhang Shigui, and his affection for this man increased greatly. He was really brave and resourceful, and he was able to escape from the three hundred Turkic thieves , and killed five chasing Turkic thieves, which is really amazing.

"Third brother, help Team Zhang re-bandage the wound. Brothers, take the time to eat some dry food and get ready for work."

(End of this chapter)

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