Chapter 117

early morning.

Zhang Xutuo sat cross-legged in front of the table, eating a simple breakfast.

A bowl of mutton soup cakes and a bowl of sencha.

Footsteps came from outside the door.

The visitor bowed his hands and saluted, and reported, "Jun Cheng, Luo Cheng is back."

"En." Zhang Xutuo raised his head, "How much money have the powerful local landlords in Zhangqiu County collected?"

"Eight hundred shi grains, five hundred guan coins, and another thousand bolts of silk." The part of the report said truthfully, "They have already gathered all the money, grain and silk and sent them to the county government. They piled up a big pile. It’s true, it’s positive.”

"When did the powerful landlords in these places become so active in suppressing bandits?" Zhang Xutuo sneered.

"There's nothing wrong with that. The two thieves, Wang Bo and Wang Yong, almost broke through the county a few days ago and rebelled openly. If they gain power, this Zhangqiu city will be reduced to nothing."

"You see, things are still too superficial. Bandits and bandits are rampant. Although they are a threat to these people, none of these people are powerful in the same place. There are many servants and family members in each family, and even the manor house is strong. Bandits and bandits generally will not Go chew on these hard bones."

"Don't you think it's strange that they collect so much money and food, but they want to send it to Luo Cheng's township group by name?"

"These people are so ignorant of flattery. Luo Cheng is just leading a township regiment. Although he has saved the county, but we really have to rely on us to suppress the bandits. They don't give us money and silk, but give it to Luo Cheng. " Bu Qu said dissatisfied.

"Hmph, I thought no one would see through it. It was just a simple act of borrowing a knife to kill people. Luo Cheng led a group of officials to enter the city to clean up the three yamen. This offended many people. Now some people can't see Luo Cheng and want to It’s all about borrowing a knife to kill.”

Zhang Xutuo had already seen through the thoughts of those people.

"Ah, damn it, why are these people so bad? Luo Cheng just saved the county, and he also saved them."

"So what if it's like this, forget it, you can call Luo Cheng over."

As soon as Luo Cheng entered the city, he also heard the news.

When I got to the county government office, I was even more surprised when I saw the money and food that looked like a hill.

"These are all for us?"

The fourth child with a team of township soldiers was counting and handing over, and came over excitedly and said, "Isn't it? After all, those big dogs still know how to be grateful. It's a good idea for them. Xiao Wu, eight hundred stone grains, five hundred guan coins, and more. There are a thousand bolts of silk, hundreds of bolts of cloth, and a lot of wine, meat and vegetables, which is generous enough."

Luo Cheng didn't believe that these people were really so generous.

After all, this is not 01:30. Even if the money was collected by the big families in the county, it is still a lot.

"Donate so much money, is there any request?"

"It means thanking us for repelling the bandits and keeping Zhangqiu. In addition, we also said a lot of praise for you and our township group, saying that if the second king is not eliminated as soon as possible, there will be endless troubles, so they are willing to raise some money and food to strengthen the army. Wei, with the military salary, he said that he hoped that we could send troops as soon as possible to go into the mountains to wipe out the bandits."

"Oh I got it."

Luo Cheng is also a smart person, and he thought of many possibilities at once.

"They also said that if we can wipe out the two thieves, then we will have to raise more money and food to reward us. Fifth, when do you think we will send troops?"

Luo Cheng smiled and said, "Since the things have been delivered, let's accept them first, count and register them, and put them into our warehouse. In addition, take out some of the cloth that was delivered and measure it for each brother." Make a new set of clothes, and as for the money, each person will reward one hundred."

"Reward money again?" The fourth child was a little bit distressed by the money.

One hundred per person, even if the new entrants are not counted, this old man has more than 200, and he will get more than 20 at once.

"It's all the kindness of the folks, of course I will reward everyone."

"Then when shall we send troops?"

"Isn't Jun Cheng here? It's not up to you and me to decide."

"But we can invite tassels to fight."

Luo Cheng didn't bother to talk to him, he was simple-minded.

However, when the enemy's sugar-coated shells came, Luo Cheng did not refuse. He ate the sugar-coated shells first. As for the shells, he could keep them for now, maybe he could take them back and shoot them back at some point.

Into the county government.

Luo Cheng first went to see the county magistrate Zhang Yichen.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Zhang Yichen seemed to be quite haggard, but his spirit was very high.

Seeing Luo Cheng, he happily came over to hold his hand.

"Shicheng, you're finally back, and now I can't live without you for a day."

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Zhang Yichen has been very busy these days. Since Luo Cheng cleaned up the three yamen, and then encountered thieves and bandits who took advantage of the situation and took down the county magistrate, master Bo, Si Zuo, and Ling Shi, he was the only one left in the entire county yamen. an official.

The subordinate staff were also all cleaned up.

For the first time, he truly grasped Zhangqiu's power.

It's just that the excitement of taking power didn't take long before he felt something troublesome.

First of all, although Wang Bo is from Zouping, Wang Yong is from Zhangqiu. Secondly, the two thieves raised the banner of rebellion in Zhangqiu County, and they are still in Changbai Mountain.

When he thinks that there are rebels under his control, he just doesn't think about food or food.

Regardless of the reason for this matter being reported to the higher authorities, he has a great responsibility anyway.

It is not a big deal to have a few thieves, but if there are rebels, it is a serious dereliction of duty.

If it doesn't work, he will lose his position as county magistrate who has just been in power for a few days, and he may even lose his head.

After thinking about it, he felt that there was only one way to save it.

That is to wipe out the two thieves before the news reaches the higher authorities.

Only when the two thieves are wiped out can he make atonement, maybe he can even talk about merit or something.

"We must enter the mountains as soon as possible to wipe out the bandits."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Zhang Juncheng has already arrived with eight hundred soldiers from the county. With him here, the two thieves are easily captured."

"No, no, no." Zhang Yichen shook his head repeatedly.

"Shicheng, I've thought about it, these two thieves can't be wiped out by Zhang Juncheng, they have to be wiped out by you, and we Zhangqiu County can calm down by ourselves."

"Why? The commander-in-chief has rich experience in battle, and the soldiers of the county are strong and strong."

Zhang Yichen pulled Luo Cheng to sit down and poured him a cup of tea himself.

"Wang Bo shouted rebellious words in the city that day, right?"

"Well, quite a few people heard it at the time."

"Shicheng, do you understand what rebellion means?"

"Of course I understand."

"But do you know how serious the consequences of a group of rebellious rebels in our county are? If this matter spreads widely, not only I, the county magistrate, may lose my position, but many more people will be implicated. You are the head arrester in this county, and Wang Bo and others came here because you tortured Fan Hu and others, which led to their collusion. This matter is really going to be big, and you can't get rid of it."

Luo Cheng couldn't laugh or cry, "It can't be calculated like this."

"But sometimes, when there is a big trouble, especially when there is a rebellion, the higher-ups don't care so much. Even if they wipe out the rebels, they will always bring out some unlucky ghosts in the end. Maybe we are the unlucky ones." Ghost."

"Then what is the envoy's intention?"

"I have changed my words in front of the Juncheng, saying that there is no such thing as rebellion. Wang Bo and others are not rebels, but a group of bandits. I have also issued a gag order with others. In addition, we have to send troops before the Juncheng Before, I took the first step to wipe out the second king. The rich and powerful households in the county are also very supportive of this, and have raised a batch of money and food. I hope you can help me with this, and this is also a favor for yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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