Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1196 Death from Heaven

Chapter 1196 Death from Heaven
Shu Nishi took a half-sip and liked his wife Ashina very much, almost to the point of obeying her.The wife said that the country of Kucha had to be rescued, and that if she sat back and watched the country of Kucha be destroyed, the next step would not be easy for Shunishi.

It is also said that if it can help Qiuci defeat the invasion of the Qin army, it will greatly reduce the power of the Qin army in the Western Regions, and it may even be possible to use this to reorganize the Western Turkic tribes.She also said that the current Khan Mohedu of the Western Turks is completely a puppet of the Qin people, and the two little Khans who rule the East and West are also looking after the Qin people. These people lead the Western Turks, and the Western Turks have no future. .

The implication of Ashina's words is that if he can lead the Shunishi to rescue Kucha and defeat the Qin army, then his prestige will be greatly increased, and he will even be able to reorganize the various tribes of the Western Turks, and all the tribes will respect him as Khan.At that time, the Qin people will be expelled from the Western Regions, and the Western Regions will all be owned by Shu Nishi.

Ashina's words ignited Chu Ban's ambition.

Already in his 50s, he likes to drink half a sip all day long. In fact, he has already been drunk, and he is not sober.

The wife's bedside talk made Chu Ban unexpectedly ambitious.

Sometimes a man really just needs a few words of encouragement from his wife.

Chuban recruited [-] tribal warriors, and planned to attack the three counties of Anxi when Cheng Yaojin, the governor of Anxi, led his troops to fight Kucha. Then take advantage of the trend to swallow the three counties of Anxi, so that Shu Nishi can greatly increase his strength.

Chu Banchu is very ambitious and thinks his wife's plan is really good. At that time, he will seize the three counties, annihilate the Qin army, control the Western Regions, and unify the Western Turks. It was wiped out, and then crossed the Yin Mountains, drank the horses and the Yellow River, and walked to the peak of life from then on.

He even planned it long ago. When the time comes, he must let the Emperor Luo Cheng of Qin Kingdom marry a princess of Great Qin to him.

In the past, he wanted to send his daughter to the Qin Palace, but was rejected by the Qin Emperor. This made him secretly ridiculed by the Western Regions, and he was deeply ashamed.

Of course, if Luo Cheng really didn't want to marry him a princess, Chu Ban thought that no matter what, Qinhuang Luo Cheng had to marry his daughter.What's wrong with his daughter, isn't it just over 200 catties?
But what if it weighs more than 200 catties, it means that his precious daughter is strong.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing.

The daughter has always wanted to enter the Qin Palace.

When Aye seizes the three towns of Anxi, Qin Tianzi will welcome you into Luoyang Palace.

[-] squirrels rode light horses, gathered at Yingsuo River, and headed southeast along the river valley, heading straight for Yanqi Tiemen Pass.

The half-princess mouse Nishi Chu, weighing more than 200 kilograms, with long black hair, stood behind and waved goodbye to her father.

She hoped that her father would win the Anxi three counties as soon as possible, so that the white tiger Luo Cheng, who was reincarnated as the God of War, would send envoys to welcome her into the Luoyang Palace.

It is said that there are 72 concubines in the Three Palaces and Six Courtyards in the Luoyang Imperial Palace. Princesses from kingdoms and tribes from all over the world gather here. They are all the most beautiful people in the world. She believes that if she enters the Qin Palace by herself, she will be able to overwhelm the crowd. , making Liugong Fendai colorless.

Kucha City.

Liu Heifu and Zhao Cheng are here to see Cheng Yaojin off.

Lao Cheng commanded 4000 men and horses, left the city of Kucha and headed north, crossed the Baishan Mountain, the holy mountain of the Kucha people, and directly killed the pastures of the Shunishi people.

Chu Ban led [-] tribal warriors to the southeast, but Cheng Yaojin led [-] warriors from the southwest across Baishan Mountain.

It's the perfect sneak attack.

Shunishi's warriors left almost everywhere, and the tribe was empty, full of old and weak women, children, and slaves.

Twilight dusk.

The sky is full of glowing clouds.

The water of the Yingsuo River has been stained red with blood, as if the red sunset glow from the sky is reflected in the river.

River, meadow.

Everywhere you look, there are corpses.

There were overturned tents and felled Ratnish everywhere.

During the surprise attack, although the Shunishi people roared and waved iron knives, held spears, bows and arrows to resist, but when all the elite young and strong soldiers left, how could they be the elite Anxi army's opponents.

The iron hooves boomed, and the arrows slashed across.

One after another, the Shunishi people fell down one by one like cut grass.

The strong smell of blood rushed straight into the sky.

When the Qin army made a surprise attack, Mishe and Sheer's [-] Turkic light cavalry were the vanguard. These people killed the Shunishi tribe, who were also Turks, without mercy.

Wherever it passes, there is no one left.

The south bank of Yingsuo River.

on a hillside.

Under the red Qin flag, Cheng Yaojin, the left governor of Anxi, looked over immediately, and two famous Anxi generals, Pei Xingyan and Xue Wanche, stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

But Ashina Mishe, who was the little Khan of the right wing of the Western Turks, led his troops to ruthlessly harvest the Rat Nishi's tribe on the left wing.

"This is a massacre at all." Pei Xingyan sighed, he opposed such a massacre.

"When their fathers, brothers, husbands and sons rebelled, they were doomed to this fate."

"They have already collapsed, and they can stop attacking."

Cheng Yaojin just shook his head, and said indifferently, "We only have 4000 people, but there are no less than 20 Shunishi people in Yingsuo River. We have no way to take so many prisoners to fight for hundreds of miles. Kill, kill all the way, and slaughter everything you see. This battle is a battle of sweeping the nests in Liting. To destroy their nests and species, it must be bloody and ruthless enough to deter those who are ready to move."

In order to boost the morale of the Turkic cavalry, Cheng Yaojin even announced to Mishe and Sheer that the Turkic Qingqi would slaughter their tribes and take their money, and the Qin army and the Turks would get half of it.

The Turkic people who had robbed in the capital of Kucha, but were forced to spit out by Liu Heifu, were not very satisfied and resentful, and they were not very active when they first came out.

But as soon as Cheng Yaojin's order came out, the Turkic people were very active. They would be the vanguard in every battle, and they almost didn't need the Qin army to do anything. Wherever they passed, they were like locusts crossing the border, attacking and slaughtering the Rat Nishi people. Strive to be the first.

Lao Cheng didn't even want Shunishi's captives, only the heads.

Turkic Qingqi can use his head to record merits here, and one head can be exchanged for ten pieces of silk, which will be cashed in after the war.In addition, the Turkic people only need to hand over half of the cattle, sheep, money, etc. to the Qin army, and the remaining half can be kept by themselves.

In this way, the Shunishi people can't run or surrender if they want to fight like before.

Especially this time when the troops were sent out suddenly, every time Lao Cheng and the others would attack more often than they did, the tribes gathered one by one, and the Shunishi people had no power to resist.

Pei Xingyan thought that enough had been killed, tens of thousands of Shunishi people had been killed, and more than a dozen tribes had been wiped out, but Cheng Yaojin had no intention of stopping.

"Dalang, you never thought that if we didn't discover the Shunishi people's conspiracy in time this time, and if we didn't arrange Qinghai and Hexi soldiers to guard Anxi, if we sent out all our troops, Anxi's hometown would be breached by the Shunishi people." In the end, what will happen to the people in the fields and the family members of the government soldiers? What will happen to the merchants and officials there?"

"Wars are always so cruel, and we, as sword-holders, cannot show mercy to the enemy." Old Cheng said coldly, "This time, I just want to take the lives of 20 Rats to tell All the princes of the Western Regions, don't even think about betraying the Great Qin, otherwise, they will end up with the perishing mouse Nishi!"

Pei Xingyan was secretly startled, 20 people.

Xue Wanche, who had been silent all this time, said at this moment, "Actually, it's nothing. Think about Goguryeo, where there are millions of people."

Pei Xingyan fell silent for a moment, and it was today's day who insisted on the destruction of Goguryeo.

Before the iron gate closed.

On the banks of the Danhe River in the lower reaches of Yingsuo River.

Corpses clogged rivers, and blood stained the ground.

The [-] Shunishi people attacked Tiemen Pass, but they were ambushed by Qin generals Zhai Rang and Ashina Danai. They were defeated and retreated to the Danshui River, where they were intercepted and ambushed by Qin general Dunhuang prefect Niu Jinda.

"We have been tricked by the Qin people."

Chu Banshui's face was flushed, and he was holding a wine jug in his hand, pouring wine into his mouth from time to time.

The more he drank, the more his face became redder, and the more he drank, the more shaking his hands.

One after another, the Shunishi knights were intercepted by the Qin people's repelling horses and spears, and were shot off their horses by strong bows and crossbows.

If you want to escape, you are surrounded by enemies.

The Qin people's light cavalry swept across their wings, and there was no way to escape.

He could only watch helplessly as Qin's infantry continued to advance.

There are pursuers behind, and interceptions ahead.

Danhe, today will be the place where the souls of their Shunishi fighters return.

"Can we still kill it?"

The young son of Chu Banchu asked, he was only 12 years old, this was his first time on the battlefield, but it was his first time on the battlefield, and he hadn’t seen how the tribe’s warriors showed their might to attack the city and break the ground. To just one after another fell.

"There is no escape, there is nowhere to escape."

Chu took a half sip and took another sip of the wine, he was already drowsy.

"Is there no chance at all?"

"We came from a long distance to attack, and we were exhausted all the way. We thought that the iron gate was empty, so we could take it by surprise, and then take a short rest. After replenishing on the spot, we rushed to attack Yanqi, then Gaochang, and then Yiwu. However, here Why are there so many Qin troops, all of them are elite Qin troops."

The exhausted Shunishi cavalry was ambushed and retreated.If you meet again, you will lose again.

After one defeat after another, the Shunishi people were exhausted and terrified. The large number of elite Qin troops here was completely beyond their expectations, which made them terrified and had no idea what the situation was like now.

"The horses of the warriors can no longer run, and the arrows have been shot." Chu Ban lamented.

In the distance, a horse came galloping.

The knight rolled off the saddle and vomited a few mouthfuls of blood.

"Da Chuan, the people of Qin went around and raided the Yingsuo River. The tribe suffered heavy casualties and dozens of tribes were massacred..."

"Ambush from behind? Where did the Qin army come from? Who is it?"

"Cheng Yaojin, the prefect of Gaochang, Pei Xingyan, the prefect of Yanqi, Xue Wanche, the prefect of Yiwu, Ashina Mishe, the prefect of Wulei, and Ashina Sheer, the prefect of the clay division, led more than [-] elite cavalry to massacre all the way... Please Hurry up and go back to the rescue."

After finishing speaking, the young soldier who came desperately to report the news passed out.

Chu half-sipped, looked up to the sky and sighed loudly, "God dies, my rat, Nishi!"

(End of this chapter)

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