Chapter 1338
"That Xu Xiaofeng!"

Suga Mazi frowned and shook his head, "When I personally write a letter to the emperor, please set Shiga Island as Shiga Township in Chikuzen County, and appoint Xu Xiaofeng to manage the land on Shiga Island as an agent, and ask the imperial court to confer Shiga Daimyo on it. The land on the island is its famous field!"

Su Wo Mazi wants to implement the Bantian system in the Japanese country. The so-called Bantian system naturally takes all land into public ownership, including the emperor's warehouses and noble manors, and then grants these fields to the common people, who then pay rent for service.These ban fields are of course publicly owned by the imperial court in name, and they are just cultivated by the common people.

Of course, in order to gain the support of the powerful nobles, the Suga family had to retain the manors of the nobles. The manors they occupied were also nationalized in name, but in the name of the shogunate, the Suga family gave these manor owners They then issued a letter of appointment, and their fields were named fields, and the small tyrants were the small names, and those big tyrants naturally became the big names.

Shiga Island is not that big, and this is not the first time that the Wa Kingdom has ceded land. It has already ceded part of the Fei Kingdom to the imperial court for management, but it is the first time that the land has been ceded to private individuals.

Since it's renting, you have to figure it out.

Therefore, Suga Mazi took the initiative to present Xu Xiaofeng as his daimyo to the emperor, and appointed the field on Shiga Island as Xu Xiaofeng's famous field, just to emphasize that the sovereignty of this land is still in the hands of the Wa Kingdom, which is different from Hizen.

"Let's designate the [-] miles of Haizhong Road as Xu Xiaofeng's famous land and fiefdom." Su Womazi volunteered.

Ezo was puzzled.

"Shiga Island has been leased by that Xu Xiaofeng for 100 years, and now you want to give him the Dao of the Sea for nothing?"

"It's just some wasteland." Suga Mazi said, he also has his own considerations, and now he wants to set up a shogunate to replace the Japanese king and control Yamato. had such an opportunity.

To maintain this power, it is inseparable from the support of the Great Qin Emperor.

Half of the fat country has been ceded to the Great Qin Emperor, so what is there to be reluctant about a little Shihe.

"Take the long view!"

But Mazi Su still kept a hand, he didn't lease the [-] mile-long sandbar in the middle of the sea to Xu Xiaofeng, but sealed it to Xu Xiaofeng. In this way, if this land is in Xu Xiaofeng's hands, it still belongs to the shogunate.

The road in the middle of the sea is more than twenty miles long, but not all are narrow and long. There are two large protrusions, five or six miles wide. These two large sandbars are far flatter than Shiga Island and can be cultivated.

"Ezo, take some time, go to Najin on my behalf, have a good talk with Murakami, and then go to see Xu Xiaofeng, just say that I apologize to him for the previous misunderstanding, and hope that this matter will pass away, and we welcome him in the future. He is also welcome to build a fief city on the sandbar of Shiga and Kaizhong Road!"


Xu Xiaofeng and his gang have been living in style recently, searching for money in the city of Jin every day, but there are thieves, and he is also thinking about future contacts, so he just searched for the money of the original government in the city.When they ran out of money, they simply started demolishing government houses and moving everything that could be moved to the boat.

That Zhuzi Village was very unhappy, and sent people to send a batch of money and silk every day, or gold and silver or some silk, and later, even began to send salted fish.

Xu Xiaofeng is not in a hurry, if you delay like this, then he will stay in Najin city.

Anyway, everyone eats delicious food and drinks spicy food in the city every day. They have wine and Japanese girls to accompany them.

But this morning, Murakami came to the city in person, and paid the short compensation in one lump sum, and even paid a little more.

Xu Xiaofeng was a little surprised.

"Xu Lang, this is the son of the Great General Zhengyi of Dongying Dao who was appointed by the emperor, the Zuo Buzheng of Dongying Dao and the prefect of Yiyu Soga Ezo. He came here on behalf of the general and apologized for the previous misunderstanding."

Xu Xiaofeng didn't know Su Wo Ezo, but she also knew that Su Wo Mazi had become the number one ruler in the Wa country.

"It turned out to be the prefect of Su Wo, disrespect and disrespect!"

Su Wo crossed his arms at Xu Xiaofeng, "I've seen Mr. Xu, I'm here to apologize and congratulate Mr. Xu."

What joy is there?

Suga Ezo first asked someone to bring up a box of gold.

"300 taels of gold, a little apology!"

Xu Xiaofeng was surprised, what a big deal, 300 taels of gold is worth [-] guan.Su Wo Mazi is now in charge of the Wa Kingdom, and he has a proper local power, and he can speak to the emperor. He is so polite to him, a small sea merchant, but he is very vigilant.

But then Ezo took out another letter of appointment.

Instead, he was appointed two places in Shiga and Kaizhong Road, Nishitozaki and Yanhuichao, and he was also given his daimyo.

"Seventh Grade Shiga County Magistrate, and Shiga Guardian Daimyo?"

Xu Xiaofeng really didn't understand, there was no reason for Su Wo to be so polite to him.

"Captain, is there any fraud in this?"

Xu Xiaofeng was also skeptical after hearing Baoqiang's reminder.

But that Ezo was very polite, and even said that Shiga County is composed of Shiga Island and Kaizhong Road, and it has jurisdiction over Shiga Township, Nishitozaki Township and Yanhuichao Township, and the above fields are all appointed For Xu Xiaofeng's famous fields, and even the rent collected from the famous fields, they are all sealed as Xu Xiaofeng's food town and do not have to be handed over.

However, Ezo also proposed that the shogunate will set up a battalion of soldiers in Shiga County, and Xu Xiaofeng's fleet will be organized into the Shiga Battalion, which will be under the command of the shogunate.

"It's impossible!" Xu Xiaofeng shook his head.

"Hehe, it's just in name, Mr. Xu Lang, don't worry, Shiga County can be autonomous in the future, and the shogunate will not interfere."

"Hahaha, I didn't expect General Su Wo to be so forthright. I really couldn't refuse this proposal. No matter what, the kindness is hard to refuse, so I agreed. If you have something to do in the future, you can say hello. If I can help, I will definitely help."

"Good talk, good talk."

The two were laughing there.

Even if this Natsu incident is over, both parties are very satisfied.Chikushi Murakami was also very happy. The two deserted islands were nothing but worthless. Although he also lost some compensation and some properties in Nazu City, what he got in exchange was the appreciation and value of the shogunate Soga Mako. He was promoted to the third-rank Sima of the shogunate, and his son was able to take over as the prefect of Chikushi and serve as the guardian daimyo of Chikushi. All this was worth it.

Although Soga Ezo asked Ezo to bring [-] soldiers to garrison for defense on the grounds that Nazu Port would be an important trade center in the future. This was an infiltration of Chikushi, but in the end Murakami accepted it. There are few benefits, this is an exchange of benefits, and smart people know how to respond.

Xu Xiaofeng was also a cheerful person, with a large box of gold, silver, money and silk, he led hundreds of killing gods under his command and withdrew from Najin City as promised.

They swaggered all the way out of the city, Murakami and Ezo watched from afar, and wisely did not get too close.

A group of people went out of the city to the pier and boarded the ship smoothly.

"Weigh the anchor and set the sails."

"Go to Shika Island!"

(End of this chapter)

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