Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1345: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

Chapter 1345: Toasting, not eating, drinking and punishing

"According to the instructions of the higher-level yamen, our Andong Road must improve the rural organization, implement the Baojia Joint Defense, and prevent bandits and thefts and rebels!"

Lao Zhao looked at the booklet registered in front of him, and the property of the rich family was registered to a large volume, while the other villagers basically had nothing except a name without a surname, and they lived in simple thatched huts. That's all, no fields, no houses, no livestock, not even a skill.

"Ten households are the Jia, ten Jia are the guarantee, and the Baojia joint defense sits together!"

There are five li in the countryside, and each li has several villages under its jurisdiction. There are village chiefs in each li, and village chiefs in each village.

Each household also has a head of household, who will be the head of the household.

Nominally, the head of Baojia is elected by the heads of households and heads of Jia in Baojia, but in fact, if the head of the village pavilion or the county magistrate finds out that he is not competent, or if he thinks it is necessary to replace him, he can make another appointment.

The county also promulgated a Baojia statute, and all household heads must sign and mortgage to join, and the household heads in Jia must also have a joint guarantee.

"If there is a case of collaborating with bandits and arranging bandits, all households will be jointly guaranteed and sit together. The chief of Baojia is supervised by the head of the village pavilion, and is responsible for maintaining the peace and order in Baojia."

The basic organizational affairs of Baojia are the implementation of discipline, education, health, etc., management means checking household registration, inspecting weapons, and implementing continuous sitting and cutting knots, etc.Teaching includes conducting Confucianism, training strong men, etc.Support includes the establishment of cooperatives, the clearing of fields and so on.The guard is to set up local security teams, joint defense teams, etc., to carry out inspections and vigilance.

In a large village, if there are multiple guarantors, a chief guarantor should be set up to be in charge, and one of the chief guarantors should be elected to be in charge.

"According to the requirements of the above, we will have a village head, a village deputy, a security chief, two security chiefs, 63 Jia chiefs, and [-] household heads in Nansha Lili Village, Fengchuan Township. .”

"In addition, there must be a militia captain, a director of the peasant association, and a principal of the primary school."

The rich old man stood aside, with his hands wrapped in the sleeves of his mink fur coat, listening carefully to Lao Zhao's words, the more he listened, the more frightened he became.

After the Qin people conquered Baekje, they had officially set up a road, followed by the establishment of five counties.Then each county set up counties and townships, and now it is actually necessary to set up Baojia joint defense and joint defense in the townships.

A village has to have a village head, village deputy, security chief, security chief, militia captain, farmer association director, primary school principal, etc., and sixteen chiefs.

The village actually has to set up a village office.

In the past hundreds of years under the rule of Baekje, there has never been such a thing. Just like this village, his rich family has the final say for generations.

If there is something to do, at most it is to discuss it with the Gao family and the Sha family, mainly because the rich family makes up their minds.

But now, the village's hand is stretched too far.

"Skinny Monkey!"

Old Zhao beckoned, and next to Heipi came a thin monkey-like Baekje militiaman.

This thin monkey is from Li Village, and now he is a member of the village militia.

"Villagers of Li Village, from now on, the township will appoint Shouhou, a villager of this village, as the head of Li Village and the head of the security guard."

Shouhou didn't expect such a good thing to happen to him. Before that, he was only conscripted to be a civilian husband. Later, he performed well and was included in the township militia.He is from Li Village, his family is poor, his parents died early, and his brother and sister-in-law help to raise the older one.

"Skinny monkey."

"Tingzhang Zhao!" The thin monkey was so excited that he didn't know what to say.

"You are the village head now, and calling you Skinny Monkey will affect your identity. Well, I'll give you a name. Let me call you Wei Li. Hou Weili, guard Li Village!"

"Hou Weili, I have a surname and a name. Thank you Mr. Zhao Tingchang for giving me my name."

Shouhou was very excited. In the past in Baekje, ordinary people were not qualified to have a surname, but those who had a surname mostly had their backgrounds.

The rich man frowned even more when he saw that the skinny monkey who used to work for his family became the village head.

He believes that, no matter what, he should be the village head of Li Village. Even if he is not, then his son should be in the way.

But now Zhao Laizi actually let a poor hut with no family in the village be the head of the village. What does this mean?
But then, after asking Shouhou for a while, Lao Zhao actually picked a guy in his 40s named Changshan from among the poor in the village to become the village deputy.

Then came the head of the security guard, the captain of the militia, the director of the peasant association, the principal of the school, etc., all of whom were appointed poor men. "

The rich old man and Sha Gao's family all had gloomy faces.

Then there are sixteen Jiachang, all of whom are poor men.

Driven by the two village chiefs, Shouhou and Changshan, these poor men enthusiastically elected the head of Baojia, and a personal candidate was quickly released.

Originally, some people recommended the three of them, but in the end, Zhao Laosan thought it was inappropriate and rejected it, and asked them to re-elect.

What the hell does that mean?
The rich old man's face was as gloomy as water, but the Sha family and the Gao family were already fighting with their legs, feeling that something was wrong.

A copy of the Baojia Agreement was placed in front of everyone, and the newly elected Jiachang Baochang began to press their fingerprints, and under the demonstration of the scribes, they raised their hands to make an oath.

The 50-member militia team was quickly selected.

These villagers who were newly elected as the village chief, militia captain, and chief of the security guard all had bright faces. They lined up in front of Lao Zhao, who gave them a wooden plaque engraved with their mission.

"The militia in our village has finally been established, but there is still a lack of weapons." Old Zhao smiled and turned to look at the rich old man and his family. "I heard that the rich old man and your three families have a lot of weapons?"

The rich old man's complexion became even uglier.

As local tyrants, the three Fugaosha families naturally have family members. Of course, they also have some weapons such as bows, knives and spears. Before the Baekje chaos, the three families found ways to purchase a batch of ordnance, etc., and the rich family even bought them. He bought some armor and raised some horses.

"The rich and the old, the court's law prohibits the private possession of military armor in Baekje, and those who violate it will be severely punished. Those who hide a sword and spear will be punished for three years. Those who hide a strong bow and crossbow will be exiled for thousands of miles. If you dare to hide it Those who are armored with horse lances will be strangled as soon as the armor gets a lance!"

"If the old rich and others have weapons, armor and war horses in their homes, please tell them the truth. If you hand them over to the government office, you will not be held accountable. If you hide them and don't hand them in, the consequences will be serious."

The rich old man hesitated for a long time, but still shook his head.



Old Zhao smiled and beckoned Hou Weidong and Hou Changshan to come over, "You are all from the village, you should know the details of Fu's hometown, and now you are village officials, and it is also one of your responsibilities to control weapons. You two, take the village soldiers and go Search the three houses, it may be that the old man and the others are old and have forgotten it because of their bad memory, so look for it!"

The two village chiefs Hou Weidong and Hou Changshan looked at the dark-faced rich old man and hesitated.

"What are you afraid of? There are 50 of you, what's more, our township militia is here to support you. Anyone who dares to stop is plotting rebellion and can be killed immediately!"

Hou Weidong became excited, "Militia, follow me!"

The fifty newly elected village soldiers were all excited at this time, and it was an inexplicable thrill to be able to break into the three Fugaosha families who used to be aloof and search their homes.

"Tingzhao Zhao, I just remembered, I still have a few knives and guns at home, so let someone get them." Seeing that the situation was wrong, the Patriarch of the Gao family quickly admitted his cowardice.

But Old Zhao just smiled and said, "Don't bother, let the militia go and have a look."

Hou Weidong led fifty village soldiers to search the three houses like wolves and tigers. Lao Zhao was still sitting on the drying ground in the village, holding a teacup in his hand, his feet were warmed by the fire, and his body was still basking in the rising sun, feeling very comfortable.

But Fu Gaosha's three family members stood there blankly, as if they had fallen into an ice cave, their body chilled and their hearts chilled!
(End of this chapter)

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