Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 137 Proposing Marriage

Chapter 137 Marriage Proposal (No.11 update, add more rewards for the big favorite!)

Zhang Xutuo personally brewed a cup of tea for Luo Cheng.

"I know you don't like sencha, so there is no condiment in this pot of tea, drink some hangover."

"Thank you Juncheng."

Zhang Xutuo turned around and sat down. He watched Luo Cheng drinking tea from a teacup with concern in his eyes.

"You're very interesting, kid."

Luo Cheng didn't know what he meant by his words, and looked at him puzzled.

"Did you know that Zhang Yichen, the magistrate of Zhangqiu County, brought a batch of grain and fodder in person the day before yesterday, and he mentioned you when he was talking to me, and he admired you very much, and he also asked me to be a matchmaker for his daughter. "

"Oh." Luo Cheng replied, but he thought of the matter that his elder brother told him before.

"It seems that you are not safe and ignorant. How is it, is it interesting?"

Luo Cheng didn't answer.

"Why, what do you think that girl is not good enough for you?" Zhang Xutuo asked.

"Although she is not Zhang Yichen's biological daughter, she is also the daughter of his relatives. She has been fostered in Zhang's family since she was a child, and has been growing up with Zhang Yichen's first daughter. Now Zhang Yichen has adopted that girl as a foster daughter and intends to betroth him to her." For you, the identity is right for you."

The adopted daughter of the county magistrate Zhang Yichen is of course worthy of Luo Cheng. Even if Luo Cheng has won the rank of Lixin Lieutenant of the ninth rank, after all, she has only one foot to enter the official career. There is no official position yet.Besides, Zhang Yichen was from a famous noble family, and the status of the Zhang family is far from that of the Luo family in Zhangqiu Nanshan Village.

A nobleman's family, a blacksmith farmer's family, if you say it is Luo Cheng's high ranking.

"Zhang Yichen really appreciates you!"

Those noble clans that can stand for hundreds of years and thousands of years actually have some skills.Not only do they talk about family origins, but most of them also have a lot of land and money, and they have advantages in academics, politics, and economy. In addition, they like to marry into big clans and form alliances.

On the other hand, they will pay great attention to attracting talents from poor families, such as accepting some young and capable children from poor families as students, marrying concubines from the family, or taking a maid as a righteous daughter and betrothing them to poor families Talents, and then draw them into the family, let them work for this big family and so on.

These methods are still relatively practical.

After this battle against the bandits, Luo Cheng's reputation and ability are undisputed.

Especially now that Zhangqiu City has undergone a major cleansing, the county magistrate and Zhu Bo will no longer be able to stay in Zhangqiu, and even the assistant officials will have to be replaced.

Wang Bo was captured, and Zhang Yichen was protected by Zhang Xutuo, so he had a high chance of staying.

If Zhang Yichen wanted to stay in Zhangqiu, especially if he wanted to prosecute Zhangqiu, he couldn't do without Luo Cheng's help.The easiest way is naturally to marry. If Luo Cheng becomes the husband-in-law of his adopted daughter, there is no reason for Luo Cheng and the Luo family not to help him in the future.

Luo Cheng did not agree to Zhang Xutuo.

That girl seemed to be called Red Line. He had met him a few times and she was nice, but he never thought about what would happen to her.He also met the county magistrate's daughter a few times, and was rude once.

In comparison, if he chose one of the two, he would prefer Zhang Qianjin.

It's just that he also knows in his heart that there is a difference between scholars and concubines. With his current status, it is impossible for Zhang Yichen to marry his prostitute daughter to him. Everyone would think so.

Accepting a relative's daughter as a foster daughter, and agreeing to Luo Cheng is to elevate Luo Cheng's status on purpose, and it is impossible to want a daughter-in-law.

"The boy is only sixteen this year. He has just tied his hair into a boy. He has not yet reached the age of crowning. It is too early to talk about marriage." Luo Cheng finally refused.

"Boy, you have to think about it. It is impossible for others to seek such an opportunity. Although Zhang Yichen is only a county magistrate, their Zhang family is also a family with hundreds of years, especially Zhang Yichen is only in his early thirties now. But it is the county magistrate, with his ability, it is very possible to go directly to the Ministry Hall in the future with a few more years of experience."

"If you become his righteous son-in-law, you will not only get the support of the Zhangqiu county magistrate, but also the support of the Zhang family. Do you know how important it is to have their support?"

"Juncheng, the boy understands that I'm just a farmer, but I'm still too young now."

Zhang Xutuo shook his head.

"Sure enough, you are still too young, but I like your temperament. It has a bit of my youthful demeanor. Forget it, don't think about it if you don't want it, and don't worry about it. I will personally tell Zhang Yichen for you, old man He will give you a little bit of face. You don't have to worry about Zhang Yichen getting into trouble with you in the future, he is a smart man and won't do that stupid thing, but he will definitely not try so hard to help you in the future."


Zhang Xutuo picked up the cup and took a sip of tea. He looked at Luo Cheng's face, but saw that there was no fluctuation on his face.

"I heard you are practicing lance now?"

"Well, last time my third brother Siye took away Wang Bo's horse lance and gave it to me. I practice for a while every morning, but there is no one to guide me. I just practice blindly."

"The horse lance is a powerful weapon for riding and fighting, but if it is not trained in a good way, it will not be able to exert its true power." Zhang Xutuo pointed to Luo Chengdao, "What is a horse lance? The spear is eight feet long, and the horse lance is actually a transformation of a spear. .”

According to what he said, the cavalry weapon such as Ma Chan did not appear early. It was a product of the chaotic era of the Five Hurons after the Jin Dynasty, and Ma Chan was also a product of the same era as armored riding equipment.

The Rebellion of the Eight Kings in the Western Jin Dynasty triggered the chaos of the Five Husbands, and the Central Plains fell into turmoil for 300 years.

There are endless wars and endless wars. Weapons, equipment and tactics are all developing rapidly in this era.

The heavily armored cavalry with horses and men is very dazzling in this era, and with the emergence of armored knights with both men and horses, the cavalry needs a corresponding sharper armor-piercing weapon.

Ordinary spears can no longer meet this demand.

So, Ma Li appeared.

The length of a horse is about the same as that of a spear, Zhang Ba.It is not one zhang and eight chi, but one zhang and eight inches. This one zhang is also the unit of the Han Dynasty.

There is an old saying that seven feet is a spear, eight feet is a stick, and a spear is one foot and eight inches.

A Chinese foot is equivalent to 23 centimeters, so a zhangba spear is about 1.8 meters, and a man who is eight feet tall is about [-] meters [-], which is not an exaggeration.

The horse lance is exactly this length, nearly [-] meters, which is definitely enough to use on horseback, but the armor-piercing ability of ordinary spears is not good, and the traditional spear shaft is not strong enough.

So in the end there was a horse lance. The lance of the horse lance was longer, and the blade reached [-] to [-] centimeters long.At the same time, the blade of the horse lance is still an octagonal prismatic structure. This prismatic edge structure is most suitable for piercing armor.

Regardless of whether it is Liangdang armor, fish-scale chain mail armor, Mingguang armor and other iron armor, under this armor-piercing lance, it can be broken in one blow.

And Ma Chan's poles have also been changed from ordinary wood poles to composite wood poles.

What is a composite wooden pole, just like the wardrobe boards of later generations, uses composite technology.

The wood used for the pole is made of the precious mulberry wood, which is soaked in oil and dried with fine mulberry, and then glued with fish foam glue.Then hemp rope is wound horizontally, and it is pulled into the pole to make it have the ability to bear lateral force. Finally, it is painted with raw lacquer and wrapped with Ge cloth to finally form a whole pole.

It takes three years to make just one lance, and there are dozens of processes before and after.Especially the materials used, one horse lance is enough to make ten strong bows.

Such a horse pole should have extremely strong hardness and sufficient toughness, which is suitable for the specific charge of the cavalry and is not easy to break.

Coupled with a sixty-centimeter eight-sided prismatic armor-piercing blade, it is really invincible.

"If you want to learn lance, I can teach you!" Zhang Xutuo took the initiative.

(End of this chapter)

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