Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1372 The Prince Takes Command

Chapter 1372 The Prince Takes Command
The prince carried the shiny bronze dragon-carved pot, walked lightly to the tea table in front of the emperor, lifted the lid, and the copper pot tilted.

A mist of hot water flowed out from the spout of the copper pot that was shaped like a faucet. In the tureen, the green tea leaves slowly floated up to the surface of the bowl, standing upright like soldiers standing upright. with.

The emperor sniffed.

"This tea is good."

The tall and straight prince smiled and said, "This is the first Shifeng Longjing this year, and it was picked at night when the buds appeared."

Luo Cheng picked up the tea bowl and sipped lightly. After just one sip, he could feel the deliciousness of the top-quality tea.

"It's really good, it smells good, and the entrance is even better. You don't know how I've lived in the past five years. Most of the time, I spent January and February in the wilderness where there were no villages or shops behind. , Sometimes I can’t even eat hot food, I can only eat jerky and fried rice.”

"Father has worked hard." The prince said with great admiration. The emperor toured the empire for five years, and his steps basically covered the entire world. "I think that when Emperor Yang Jian of the Sui and Ming Dynasties toured the west, when he left Zhangye, he encountered a bit of snowstorm, and tens of thousands of people were frozen to death and frostbitten. However, his father not only went east to the customs, but also went north to the Great Wall. The west tour was more than [-] miles, crossing countless The desert, the vast sea and the Gobi, the road is so difficult that even many business travelers dare not go."

Luo Cheng stroked his already long beard, "Actually, I can't say how difficult it is. I think it was difficult when I conquered Goguryeo for my father and I. We went deep into the enemy's territory and were surrounded by enemies on all sides. There were no reinforcements or food. , everything depends on oneself to find a way to solve, facing the siege and pursuit, not only to survive, but also to defeat the enemy. At that time, if one is not careful, one's life may be lost, or even the entire army will be wiped out. This time, even if you leave It’s a little farther, but after all, it’s just that the road is farther and it’s more difficult to walk.”

Luo Cheng was accompanied by elite guards, neither eunuchs nor eunuchs who were in the way, and he did not bring too many officials. Everywhere he went, there was still a place to prepare in advance, even in those deserted places, there were Excellent local guides lead the way.

It's true that I have suffered a little bit, but it is not dangerous. At most, I have to sleep in tents sometimes, and I have to eat dry food if I can't get supplies.

For example, it is impossible to taste the new tea every year in the Western Regions in time.

"Jiawen, you used to like to drink sugar water, but now you also like to drink tea?" the emperor asked.

"Well, in the past few years, according to the order of the saint, he stayed in the prison country and acted as the regent. He didn't dare to neglect every day. He studied government affairs with the ministers and often stayed up all night. Whenever he was sleepy, he would drink some tea with the ministers. Spirit, and slowly learn to drink tea."

Five years of supervision and regent, the prince is now 16 years old.

In the past five years, the emperor visited the east and the west, although he always paid attention to the state affairs, and the Secretary of General Administration passed on the memorials every day, but after all, he was far away, and basically the government affairs were handled by the ministers and assistants in the court to assist the prince.

For five years, there was no major event in the court.

The Great Qin Empire moved forward steadily along the basic national policies set by the emperor over the years, with the assistance of a group of famous ministers.

Although there are often natural disasters and other things, there will be some border frictions, etc., but generally speaking, the emperor is very satisfied, which is why the emperor can go on a tour for five years.

The original plan was only to go on tour for one year, but when the government went smoothly, the emperor simply extended the plan, and finally went around the world before returning.

The prince is 16 years old.

After five years of supervising and regenting the country, there has been no mistake. Although the prince is not the kind of talented person with extraordinary talents, as the emperor judged at the beginning, he is indeed very stable.

Not amazing, nor at fault, what is rare is that he can listen to the advice of the ministers, and his talents are average, so he trusts the ministers and will not pretend to understand, let alone interfere indiscriminately.

"Jiawen, you have been in charge for five years and you are now an adult. Do you have anything to say about the government?" Luo Cheng asked.

The prince got a little excited.

"Back to the sage, my son thinks that it has been 12 years since the founding of the Great Qin Dynasty. Now the Three Emperors Alliance, the four seas are prestige, the hundred vassals are attached, the people are rich and the country is strong, and the world is prosperous. The only shortcoming is that Jiangdong has not yet been flattened. In the past few years , I dare not make decisions on my own, and I only made preparations for the layout of Jiangdong, but did not dare to build up troops and horses. Now that everything is ready, I owe Dongfang, the sage returns to Beijing, and the emperor is upright.

The existence of Jiangdong Fan has always been something that the entire court will remember.

If the emperor hadn't kept pressing it, Jiangdong would have been pacified ten years ago, but the emperor said there was no rush, just wait.

This waited until the emperor enshrined Zen, and then the emperor went on a tour, and it took another five years.

It has been 12 years since Daqin was established as the capital of the country, but Jiangdong is still separatist.

It has been six years since the Hunan and Jiangxi feudal lords were abolished and reestablished.

"Jiangdong, this fruit is indeed ripe."

Luo Cheng took a sip from the tea bowl and said with a smile.

It is really not difficult to flatten Jiangdong, but when the new state was established, a thousand wastes were waiting to be done, and at the same time there were foreign feudal clans such as Turks, Tiele, Tuyuhun, Tubo, Baekje, etc., so the emperor was not in a hurry to start a war internally.

In these years, the Great Qin conquered all the vassals and developed in an all-round way internally. It has indeed changed a lot until now.

When Shen Faxing separatized Jiangdong, with the local prestige of the Shen family for hundreds of years and some personal abilities, it was indeed not bad to separate Jiangdong. Ten years ago, Jiangdong Fan and the imperial court were not much different in terms of location.

But ten years later, Jiangdongfan and the imperial court are no longer comparable.

Even Jiangxi Province, which was only attached to Jiangxi Province six years ago, is now far ahead of Jiangdong, not to mention the remote areas of Lingnan, Guangdong, and Guangxi. Leaving Jiangdong behind.

The population, taxes, etc. of only one Liuqiu County can now make Jian'an on the other side invisible.

A Huainan Road far surpassed the Jiangdong Fan.

In these years, the imperial court has never taken the initiative to use a single soldier against Jiangdong, but the imperial court's strategic siege of Jiangdong has never stopped.

Now, along the coast of Jiangdong, except for the mainland, all the islands on the sea have basically fallen into the hands of Daqin, and through various means, they have all been taken without bloodshed.

Surrounding Jiangdong Fan, sea, land and rivers, the imperial court deployed several sieges.

As long as the emperor gives an order, it is guaranteed that Jiangdong will be completely recovered within three months.

Now the Privy Council not only has the confidence to regain Jiangdong in three months, but also the Ministry of Civil Affairs and other departments are also sure that once the war breaks out and after the war, they are fully capable of dealing with the aftermath and taking over all the people in Jiangdong counties and counties, even if there are refugees.

Even if the entire Jiangdong Road is emptied and destroyed, the imperial court has enough strength to rebuild a Jiangdong Road immediately.

Everything is ready and awaits the emperor's order.

"Jiawen, I plan to put you in command and take charge of commanding the conquest of Jiangdong. Are you willing to go?"

Luo Cheng looked at the eldest son who was already almost as tall as himself and said.

The prince was a little surprised.

"My son, my son has never commanded a soldier, nor fought a war."

"I know, but you have been training with Habayashiro in Habayashi Palace all these years, and you have also learned bow, horse, sword and gun, formation of troops, tactics and strategy." The emperor got up and patted the prince, "Go After all, it is not enough to talk about it on paper, and it is necessary to practice it in actual combat when the opportunity arises.”

"My son takes orders!" The prince agreed excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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