Chapter 1378

According to Qin Qiong's suggestion, the prince directly asked people to set up tables and chairs on the pier, and then did not use curtains to surround them. In this way, under the eyes of everyone on the open-air seat, he invited the sunset king Luo Yi and Lin Yi Jinglue envoy who came to greet him Li Shimin drinks tea.

Together with the governor of Guangling Mansion, Zhou Xin, the founder of the country.

As well as several bigwigs in the Southern Expedition, Li Jing, Xu Shiji, Qin Qiong, Kan Leng, Cheng Mingzhen and so on.

Once they sit there, it's really amazing.

After all, any person here is someone who can cause shock by stomping their feet.

On the pier, countless pairs of eyes are staring at it in the dark.

Inside, there are both Jin Yiwei's eyeliner and Huangcheng Division's hidden stake, and even the censor's eyeliner of the Huainan Road Inspectorate Division is also looking here.

A pot of hot tea with some snacks.

The wind howled on the pier.

A group of bigwigs were all dressed in brocade robes and furs, but they were all smiling.

Li Shimin's status is still relatively low among these big bosses. After all, although he is also a member of Fengjiang now, he is the commander in chief of economic strategy, but in comparison, Qin Qiong, Xu Shiji, Li Jing, etc. are all ministers.

Even Kan Leng and the others are now the chief officials of the same way, and they are still the adopted sons and disciples of the emperor.

"Shen Faxing ruled Jiangdong for ten years. Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness led the army to conquer Jiangdong Fan in just eleven days. When I heard the news in Guangnan, I couldn't believe it. Our Luo Dynasty really has someone to follow. "The Sunset King Luo Yi was considered senior among the crowd, he stroked his long beard and smiled and praised the prince as an elder.

"The emperor's uncle won the award. In fact, it depends on the sage and the power of heaven. Only by relying on the bravery of the general and the school can the message be passed on. Gu's leading the army to the south this time is actually just a name."

"It's the first time to lead the army to the south. It's so good. This is a real skill. Our Luo family has martial arts. It seems that you have inherited it."

The prince also praised Luo Yi, saying that he was in Tiannan, not only stabilized the Sunset Kingdom, the land in the south of Tiannan, but even led the people of the fiefs and counties to expand the territory and defeated the barbarians of Chenla time and time again. .

"Under the leadership of the emperor's uncle, Sunset County has now expanded several times. Not only has the land in the east of the river been stabilized, it has even crossed the river and seized hundreds of miles of land on the west bank of the river. Especially after autumn this year, The emperor's uncle and Li Jinglue of Linyi joined forces, and with only 1 people, they raided Wendan, the capital of Chenla, and captured its king, which is amazing."

Luo Yi laughed out loud, a little complacent.

The use of troops this time was indeed his plan. He joined forces with his adopted son Li Shimin, and with only [-] soldiers, he broke through Wendan, the capital city of Chenla, hundreds of miles west of the Dajiang (Mekong River).

He captured the king alive, captured the royal family, nobles, and officials, obtained countless gold and silver treasures, and captured many people.

Although in the end they voluntarily gave up Wendan City and withdrew their troops to return to the division, but this battle was indeed a big profit.

"Actually, this battle was mainly due to the civil strife in Chenla and the invasion of the Funan Kingdom. The Chenla army was transferred to the south to fight against Funan. We just saw the opportunity and won by surprise."

"That's quite remarkable. Not everyone can discover this opportunity and grasp it."

At the beginning, Li Shimin took advantage of the opportunity of the imperial court and Linyiguo's battle in the north, contacted the Chinese merchants in the capital city of Linyi, and organized pirates along the coast. It was also a surprise attack in one fell swoop, and he captured the Lion City and captured the king of Linyi alive.

Later, the imperial court set up Linyi Road, and Li Shimin served as an envoy. For several years, with only one city, he forcibly defended the Lion City. Great Qin territory.

After Linyi was destroyed, the former king Fan Touli led a group of defeated soldiers to Chenla, thinking that one day he would be able to counterattack.

Li Shimin sent letters to the King of Chenla many times, asking them to hand over Linyi King and others, but the King of Chenla refused to hand over because Luo Yi repeatedly sent troops to invade and robbed a large area of ​​Chenla land.

Originally, the strength of the Chenla Kingdom was still very strong.

However, civil strife also broke out.

The old king of Chenla died of illness, and the prince of Chenla succeeded to the throne.

But at this time, King Funan said that he should inherit the throne of Chenla. It turned out that King Funan was the eldest son of the old King Chenla, and later married Princess Funan.The King of Funan had no son, and before he died of illness, he let his son-in-law inherit the throne.

Chenla and Funan had married each other many times before, and the relationship was very complicated. This prince of Chenla became the king of Funan as the son-in-law of the King of Funan. Now his father, King Chenla, has passed away. what's the problem.

But this King of Funan took advantage of the strength of Funan now, so he wanted to annex Chenla, unify the two countries, and become the common king of Funan and Chenla.

Therefore, he insisted on saying that he had the right to inherit the king of Chenla. Of course, the prince of Chenla refused, so the king of Funan directly sent troops to grab the throne.

The two countries played out their dog brains.

At this time, Luo Yi pulled Li Shimin who was sitting in Linyi, and unexpectedly raided Wendan, the capital city of Chenla, which is only a few hundred miles away from Sunset Kingdom.

The new King of Zhenla was fighting with his brother Funan King with all his strength, but he didn't expect Luo Yi to be so powerful at this time, the capital was empty, and Luo Yi and the others brought a magical cannon to attack the city. The capital fell, but the King of Zhenla did not fall into the hands of his brothers, but was captured by Luo Yi and Li Shimin.

After looting Wendan City, Luo Yi and Li Shimin didn't bother to fight, and fled swaggeringly with their spoils before the arrival of King Zhenlaqin's army.

Before Luo Yi went to Beijing Chaoji, he got in touch with King Funan and some powerful royal families of Chenla, and negotiated with them in private. The final result was that Daqin supported a prince to become king in Wendan City.The King of Funan also supported a prince to become king in the territory he occupied in the south.

Ever since, there are now two kings in Chenla, the one in the north is called Lu Chenla, and the one in the south is called Water Chenla.

Lu Zhenla surrendered to Daqin, and Shui Zhenla surrendered to Funan, and each fought endlessly with their thighs in their arms.

On the one hand, Luo Yi supported Lu Zhenla, sold weapons to them, lent loans, etc., and at the same time signed an agreement, allowing Lu Zhenla to cede a lot of land to Daqin and redefine the border.The counties of Guangnan Province have expanded to the west of the mountainous area ranging from hundreds to hundreds of miles.

Li Shimin sat there, holding a teacup in one hand, with a smile on his face, but he didn't think much of the prince in his bones.

On the [-]th day of the prince's pacification of Jiangdongfan, he didn't think there was anything to brag about, and it would be the result of whoever came.In contrast, Li Shimin completely wiped out the Linyi Kingdom in six years, and the last time he teamed up with Luo Yi to break through the capital of Chenla, and used the support of King Lu Zhenla to directly sign an agreement to open up thousands of miles of territory. That's what is truly commendable.

(End of this chapter)

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