Chapter 1380 Mediation
"Saint, the crown prince has returned triumphantly and has arrived in the suburbs of Beijing!"

Li Xian, the admiral of the imperial city, reported.

He is receiving the Persian ambassador to Qin, Saman, and the war situation between Persia and Rome is being reversed. Emperor Kuslao II urgently needs to get more war chips from Qin to stabilize the situation and even regain the disadvantage.

"Your Majesty the Emperor of Qin, as long as Da Qin can deliver the treasure ship fleet to us in advance, we can immediately smash the Roman offensive and regain the upper hand."

"Persian Sasanian is very passive now." After listening to Li Xian's report, the emperor did not interrupt the conversation with the Persian ambassador.

Emperor Heraclius was quite capable, worthy of being the founding king of the dynasty. At the beginning of his succession, Kushlao II brought his brother-in-law, the Roman prince, back to Rome in the name of avenging his father-in-law. Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Armenia, Iberia, Mesopotamia and other places directly invaded the hinterland of the Byzantine Empire from Asia Minor.

Especially in the 11th year of Sui Daye, after the Persian general Shaheen captured Chalcedon on the Bospous Strait, he directly threatened Constantinople, the Byzantine capital across the strait.

At that time, Persia attracted the Slavs and Avars and began to attack Byzantium from the northwest. Heraclius, who fought, appealed to Kuslao for peace several times but was rejected.

But in the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed.

Although Heraclius once faced a crisis of defeat, he survived after all. He carried out military reforms and divided Rome into several military districts. Each military district strengthened its mobile combat and defense capabilities, and strengthened its relationship with the church. Received a lot of gold and silver funding.

Not to mention that Heraclius also formed alliances with Turks and Bulgarians, and formed alliances by marriage.

The three Persian generals Shahbalez, Shahin, and Shapkan repeatedly attacked Rome, but Heraclius resisted them all. After the conclusion of the Daqin-Roman Covenant last year, Rome’s economy improved with the help of Daqin’s trade. Borrowing from Qin Dynasty to purchase armaments made Rome turn to counter-offensive.

Especially when the [-] light cavalry of the Turks and Khazars could devote themselves to the Caucasus frontline battlefield, Rome’s second counter-offensive battlefield was successfully opened, and the battle situation was reversed. Rome really entered the stage of strategic counter-offensive.

The real turning point in the battle came this summer.

The Roman dean Sergius broke the siege of Constantinople by the Avars. They used a large number of Qin army bows and crossbows purchased from the Qin army on loan, and severely injured the Avars in this battle. They have lost a lot.

Later, Emperor Heraclius launched a counter-offensive with the assistance of [-] cavalry from the Turkic Yehu Khan and Khazar Yehu. They invaded Persia from the Caucasus.

Later, Emperor Heraclius occupied Ganzak, an important Persian military town, and destroyed one of the most important fire worship shrines of Jorgonism, the Artur Gushnapu Fire Shrine.

Emperor Khuslao II had no choice but to retreat in embarrassment with the holy flame. The Roman and Turkic armies then defeated Sassanid Persia in Nineveh, the ancient city of Assyria, and looted Daskar and other royal palaces.

Today, Emperor Kuslao II of the Persian Sasanian Empire has fled all the way to the capital Taisifeng in a very embarrassing situation, while the Roman army is chasing after the victory.

The situation has become extremely bad.

Although Egypt, Syria and other places are still in the hands of Persia, now the capital city of his old nest will be counterattacked by Rome.

More than a year ago, Persia also planned the siege of the Roman capital Constantinople by the Avas. Who knew that he was about to taste the feeling of the capital being besieged.

But at this time, the rebellion of the Arabs has become more and more severe.

Persia is now suffering from internal and external troubles.

Persia hopes that Daqin can help Persia. At the very least, it also hopes that Daqin can come forward to help mediate the war between the two countries at this time. As long as Rome is willing to cease fighting and strike, Persia is even willing to pay Rome an annual tribute of gold coins.

Persia desperately wants a truce because it is really in a mess right now. King Kuslao II has internal and external troubles, and the Roman legion is about to enter the capital and seal the city, but the governors from all over the country are not active in serving the king.

"If the Persian emperor wants Daqin to mediate the war between Persia and Rome, that's okay, but here I have to mention one condition first, that is, Persia can return the holy relic of the Roman True Cross that it captured."

When Ambassador Saman heard this condition, he hesitated for a moment and nodded in agreement. The True Cross is a sacred object of the Roman Church, which was taken after the capture of the Holy City, but compared to the current predicament, this sacred object is not worth mentioning.

"There is another one. King Kusi II is old and fainted. Persian Sasanian has no future under his leadership. Daqin can help Persian Sasanian, but we hope to support someone who is capable of leading Persian Sasanian Sassan is going to be better, and I hope this is an emperor who can be friendly with Daqin."

"What does His Majesty mean? Can you explain clearly?"

Luo Cheng tapped on the case gently.

"I know that many people in Sasanian Persia are dissatisfied with Emperor Kuslao II. Rome has marched into Ctesiphon, but the governors and nobles of Persia are not actively working for the king, right?"

Saman nodded helplessly.

"I heard that the prince born to the emperor and the Roman princess Leah is quite good. The prestige among the nobles in the country is not low, and the Romans also have a good impression of him. If he inherits the throne, then I believe that under his leadership, Rome People will definitely be willing to stop the war and discuss peace." The emperor laughed.

Now Saman can only be shocked, he never thought that the emperor knew so clearly about the affairs in Persia.

"Why is the saint willing to support the prince?" Saman asked.

"I have met this prince a few times, and I have a pretty good impression." Luo Chengdao, actually, Daqin has a lot of private contacts with this prince, and even secretly supported this prince.

Under the current situation, the political situation in Persian Sassan is very complicated. There is a voice to overthrow Kuslao II. Daqin is willing to support the prince to proclaim himself emperor. The condition is that the prince will continue to be friendly with Daqin after he becomes emperor. And maintain Daqin's land and sea silk road, and give Daqin more benefits.

"I know, Ambassador Saman, you are also the prince's man, right?"

Saman nodded.

"How about it, are you willing to accept my proposal?"

Saman nodded without hesitation, "Thanks to the emperor for his generosity, but how can we guarantee the truce in Rome?"

"Don't worry about this, I will mediate from it, as long as the prince overthrows Kush Lao II in a coup and becomes the new emperor of Persia, and returns the Holy Cross to Emperor Heraclius and the church in Rome, then I can guarantee that Rome will stop fighting , peace talks between the two countries."

"Of course, in addition to exchanging the Holy Cross, Persia also needs to withdraw from the territory from Edessa to Alexandria. The two countries exchange prisoners, withdraw their troops, and cease fighting."

Saman asked, "What does Daqin need?"

"I heard that on the Arabian Peninsula by the Red Sea, a new force rose in Medina. They established Islam and fought several times with the Qulaisi nobles in Mecca, and they became stronger and stronger. After repeated battles and victories, now they spread the religion everywhere, unite the surrounding tribes, expand their influence, and are even preparing to attack Mecca."

Of course, Saman knew about this emerging force on the peninsula. Banbo was controlled by Sassan before, but now Persia only controls the northern part of the Arabian Peninsula on the south coast of the Persian Gulf, and only Yemen at the northeastern end of the northern shore of the Red Sea is to the south.

It had become an enclave, and Sasanian had lost control of the Red Sea in effect.

(End of this chapter)

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