Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1383 The Prince's Expedition

Chapter 1383 The Prince's Expedition
Kaiyuan 14 years.

Spring, February.

Luoyang, the capital, is still extremely lively. The Shangyuan Lantern Festival has just passed, but it will be followed by the Spring Competition.The Daqin Imperial Examination was changed to a three-year test after the initial one-year test.This is also because the territory of Daqin is getting wider and wider, and more and more scholars are participating in the imperial examination. In order to give candidates more time to prepare, it is now three years a subject.The county-level scholar examination was held in the summer of the first year, the Juren examination was held in Daocheng in the autumn of the next year, and the Jinshi examination was held in the capital in the spring of the third year.

This year, as the first subject of the new imperial examination system, countless scholars who have been preparing for three years have long been gearing up, and the number of scholars in Luoyang City who rushed to take the exam and observed it also hit a new high.

Candidates from all over the world, all over the world, wanted to compete for the title of Jinshi, and thousands of troops competed to cross the single-plank bridge.

According to the latest edict of the imperial court, the official system has been comprehensively reformed, and the imperial examination has become the mainstream.Even if it is an official position, it is no better than before.Official ranks fall outside the ninth rank, and the lowest ranks of eighth and ninth ranks are at least required to be students who have passed the county examination to be eligible to participate in the official examination.

Sixth and seventh grade official positions require at least the status of a scholar.Officials of the fourth and fifth ranks and above are required to have the honor of juren or above, or the sixth-class officials or soldiers of the sixth class or above to be eligible to participate in the examination.

As in the past, it is no longer possible to directly expropriate local officials, or hereditary from generation to generation.An official is no longer a low-level position without a promotion path. If he does well, he can rise step by step.

Therefore, today's imperial examinations are no longer just a competition for the number of Jinshi. Tongsheng, Xiucai, Juren, and Jinshi, as long as they pass each level, there are real benefits.

They can all get the corresponding advanced level.

This year, the emperor specially decreed that the crown prince Jiawen, who went to the south to pacify the Jiangdong domain last year, became the chief examiner of the Xinke Jinshi Examination and assumed the position of president.

This year's Jinshi examination scale is also extra large. The emperor's decree specially increased the number of candidates for the Jinshi examination. Originally, only two or three thousand candidates were eligible to participate in the Jinshi examination, but this year, the emperor specially ordered , was extra merciful, and gave 1 qualified candidates to participate in the Jinshi examination, equivalent to the number of a legion.

And this year's Jinshi examination will still maintain an admission rate of ten to one, which means that [-] Jinshi will be admitted this year, an unprecedented number, which will be several times that of previous years.

Thousands of Jinshi of new subjects, although this is the first time a new system of one subject every three years, which is equivalent to two years after the suspension of examinations, but the number is still astonishing.

Some people in the court are already saying that releasing water in this way will make Jinshi worthless.

But the emperor still insisted that before the imperial examination, there was one subject a year, and several subjects have been taken in a row, and more than 1000 people have been admitted. Now it has started to take a subject every three years. This year, Enke is a special case, directly more than 1000. There will be more and more Jinshi.

Luo Cheng always believed that this was a good thing.

There are too many Jinshi, and it is impossible to directly award them to the county magistrate, county magistrate, etc., it doesn't matter, it can be lowered.

For example, in the past, the lowest level of Jinshi in Xinke was from the county magistrate and master book, but now, it can be lowered to another level, starting from the county government's Cao Cao joining the army.

The county cao joined the army, which is equivalent to the county bureau chief, and it is also a very important official position.

In fact, Luo Cheng also intentionally lowered the ranks of newly appointed Jinshi officials. After all, Jinshi rely on examinations to get in. Even if the examinations are more comprehensive now, they must not only be proficient in various schools of thought, classics and history collections, but also test their own words and written judgments. Even mandarin must be mastered very well.

But in the final analysis, they still lack experience. Even after becoming a Jinshi, they will study in the capital for half a year, and then go to the capital's three provinces, six departments, nine temples and five supervisors for half a year, but they are still relatively inexperienced.

If they were directly sent down to serve as county magistrates or magistrates, the effect would undoubtedly not be very good.

If you start from the county Cao Canjun and the like, you can be in charge of some specific affairs, but you won't directly become the local chief official, and there will be county magistrates and county magistrates on top.

Of course, no matter how you say it, even if you start off at the county level and join the army, Jinshi still have a bright future. Compared with those who have worked so hard to climb up from the ranks of foreign officials, their promotion channels are smoother.

In order to provide pre-employment training for these Jinshi, the emperor specially set up a new Taixue this year.

Guozijian was originally regarded as the Taixue of Daqin, but now the emperor opened another Taixue. The purpose is to let this new Taixue provide full-time training for officials. Officials will also arrange some advanced training when they are promoted, and even some highly professional official positions will also do special advanced training.

The emperor doesn't want his officials to be just a group of people who can sit and talk about the Tao and only pay attention to the Tao and not the skills. Those officials who are only insipid and only know how to hand over specific affairs to the staff and subordinates, what use are they going to do?
The prince's presiding over this year's new examination for Jinshi is undoubtedly another way for the emperor to enhance the prince's prestige.

Fortunately, everything went well.

The tens of thousands of scholars who poured into Beijing did not cause any trouble.

And the [-] candidates who were rushing to the exams also successfully handed in their answer papers after going through three closed exams in nine days.

Written test and interview.

[-] tributes were selected.

Under the leadership of the prince, they entered the imperial palace and boarded the Golden Palace to participate in the Golden Palace Examination presided over by the emperor himself.

In the Jixian Hall, [-] tributes accepted the emperor's inquiry and made a reply, and a group of prime ministers and great scholars participated in the comments.

In the end, the top three rankings were determined, and the No. [-], No. [-] and Tanhua were selected.

Li Yifu in Raoyang, Hebei was hand-picked as the No. [-] scholar, Han Yuan in Nanyang was the second, and Cui Shouye in Qinghe was the Tanhua.

The gold list was released, and the Tianjin Bridge was called.

Countless nobles, relatives, and officials rushed to send out servants to catch their sons-in-law and rob people, which was very lively.

And on the third day after the palace examination, the crown prince Jiawen, following the emperor's order, led the Luben army of [-] princes' relatives, left Luoyang, and headed for the Western Regions.

The prince will go to the Western Regions this time and arrive at the Caucasus County to represent the Great Qin Emperor and form an alliance with the emperors of Rome and Persia.

The crown prince will represent the emperor and Qin, mediate the war between Rome and Persia, and will sign a three-family alliance of friendship.

This trip to the Western Regions is tens of thousands of miles away. For the emperor, the mission for the prince this time is actually to let him see more of the empire's territory, especially the remote Western Regions. The last time the prince went south, A trip to the east of the Empire, but not enough.

For the prince who will succeed in the future, it is good to travel more and see more, not to mention the three emperors covenant, the emperor also values ​​it very much.

In today's world, although there are many powerful countries, the ones that can truly be called empires are the Great Qin, Persia, and Rome. The relationship between the three countries also constitutes the structure of the world today. The emperor hoped that the prince's visit would broaden his horizons.

The [-]-brigade Ben army guards, when they arrived in the Western Regions, were accompanied by local garrisons and guards led by princes, so the emperor didn't have to worry too much.

Of course, this covenant also meant that the emperor would take Mecca and other important places in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf, which was a key step in the emperor's plan to kill paganism.

(End of this chapter)

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