Chapter 1387
Kaiyuan 14 years.

Liu Rengui did not wait for the imperial court's order, so he directly mobilized the county soldiers and militiamen of Dongming County with an emergency call-up order.In only thirteen days, Liu Rengui gathered a huge army and led the army to Silla.

When they crossed the border and entered the territory of Silla, the number of this army became larger again.

More and more people joined this army. Although the soldiers and militiamen of Dongming County had been summoned, there were still many people joining.

Some of these people were villagers from counties and townships along the route who were ordered by local officials, or peasants who spontaneously organized to help carry food, grass, and supplies. There were also businessmen who came after hearing the news and wanted to undertake the sale of military supplies. Batch after batch of small businessmen and peddlers came here like cats smelling fish, wanting to do some business directly with the troops.

Of course, there are also many relatives and children of officials and generals who also volunteered to join the army as volunteer children and go to Silla to earn some military merit.

The army keeps expanding.

When entering Silla, it had already expanded to tens of thousands of people.

Liu Rengui simply asked people to fly more banners, declaring to the outside world that his army was [-].

Facing this overwhelming Great Qin Heavenly Army, the defenders of Silla Ada City on the border turned pale with shock.They didn't even know that their king had died of illness at this time, and they didn't know that the nobles who had met with Bai had blocked the news and kept the funeral secret. They had supported a new holy bone and were about to make him king.

When the cavalry vanguard sent by Liu Rengui arrived at the city and read to the Silla guards on the city that Silla had betrayed Daqin, they couldn't believe it.

How could Silla betray Daqin?
But now that the army of the Qin Dynasty is coming to conquer, it is a fact.

The vanguard of the Qin army left a last sentence, either Kaesong surrendered, or died with the city.

In the eyes of the city owner of Ada, although there are two choices, there is actually only one way. After all, facing the [-] Qin army, it is impossible for their small city of Ada to defend, and he never thought of fighting against it. Heavenly army.

The city lord expressed his willingness to negotiate peace.

He sent his confidants out of the city to meet with the Qin generals.

Under the city, the pioneer was quite patient, explaining the current rebellion in the capital of Silla very carefully.

"That was a rebellion by a few people, not a rebellion by Silla."

"It's even more impossible for us in Ada City to rebel with them!"

"In that case, then prove your loyalty to me and open the city gate."

The envoy returned to the city and immediately explained the situation.

The city lord beat his head helplessly, "Aren't those people full of shit in their heads? How could they do such a thing?"

"They may think that taking a risky gamble, the court will admit the fait accompli afterwards."

"Fart, the court is in full swing, how could it allow such a fait accompli? Don't worry about it, let's not go with them anyway, let's open the city and welcome the king's heavenly soldiers into the city. Those who stand on the side of the emperor to suppress the rebels." The city lord gritted his teeth.

As the lord of a small border town, the lord of the city has seen with his own eyes how the Baekje Kingdom next door was destroyed, how it changed from one country to one, and how Baekje Province has undergone major changes in the past few years.

Just relying on his small city and that little army, let alone 10 people, even if there were 1 people, they would not be able to defend it.

Liu Rengui was very happy when he heard that the gate of Ada City had been opened, and the Lord of the city was willing to lead the crowd to surrender.

It was a hit.

Of course, in order to add momentum, he thought it was necessary to hold a ceremony of entering the city.

It has to be more grand.

Red flags are fluttering, gongs and drums are loud, and there are huge crowds of people.

The ceremony of entering the city was indeed very grand and lively, and the soldiers and horses were even more mighty.

The city lord of Ada did not break his promise, and led the officials and soldiers in the city to welcome the tyrants very well.

However, after entering Ada City, Liu Rengui didn't enjoy much in the city.

He sent troops to take over the city defense, and asked people to receive the files and files, as well as the treasury money and food, etc. After appeasing the city lord, he sent a battalion of troops to stay behind, and then sent the Silla officials and generals in the city and the little soldiers. They took them away with the army.

Liu Rengui sent troops first, not for a small city of Ada, but for the capital of Silla.

Of course, it is gratifying to celebrate the victory.

Liu Rengui ordered the army to rest outside the city of Ada for a day. Each mansion soldier was given two catties of meat and one piece of silk as a reward for the hard work of marching for days.

As for the children and villagers who volunteered to join the army, they were also rewarded with a catty of meat.

Rest overnight after a full meal.

The next day, Liu Rengui, in the name of the vanguard against the rebellion, ordered the troops under his command to divide into two groups, one to be led by him personally, and the other to be led by the county lieutenant, each with half of the soldiers and horses. Same.

Liu Rengui led the left army to go straight to the Seventh City of Silla.

Under the Seventh Layer City, the Silla army did not open the city and surrender this time. The city lord had already made preparations and organized defense with soldiers and horses.

He even sent a general to lead a surprise army to ambush outside the city, preparing to attack the Qin army.

As a result, Liu Rengui's scouts discovered it, but Liu Rengui sent light cavalry to intercept and surround them, and was finally trapped outside the city. In Qichong City, they could only watch helplessly as the four thousand Xinluo troops were trapped.

Under the siege of the Qin army's infantry, the entire army was finally wiped out.

All 4000 people were beheaded, and their heads were thrown under the Qicheng City, forming a mountain.

Yao Yuan carried a red tasseled spear on his shoulder, a horizontal knife on his waist, and a bow on his back.

Left pistol, right hand head.

In the annihilation battle outside the Seventh Layer just now, the Qin army surrounded and divided the Xinluo army, and each army took turns to attack, and Yao Yuan, a militiaman, beheaded two ranks with a big gun.

The performance is outstanding.

In this battle, the Qin army fought more and killed less, so it was the end of the battle.But annihilating the enemy army and beheading four thousand people is a great achievement.

The first, second, and third grades are also divided into the first, second, and third grades. In general, the military merit system of Daqin is very clear now, and the most important thing is the collective military exploits.

If you win the first prize in the next battle, you can get three honors.If you win the second rank in the next battle, it is a second turn.If you win the third rank in the next battle, it is a first-class honor.

There are 25 levels of military merit in total.

The 25th grade of military merit corresponds to the [-]th turn honor officer, and the [-]th turn honor officer is the Shangzhu Kingdom.

The first time Yao Yuan entered the battle, he got a second rank. This was originally a three-turn honor, but because he was not a mansion soldier but a militiaman, he participated in this battle as an auxiliary soldier, so the final meritorious service will only be recorded as the second. Third class, for one turn.

However, because he has two decapitation skills, he can record another one. Although he doesn't focus on the first-level kungfu now, he can beheaded at the second level, which is also remarkable.

"In the Battle of the Seventh City, Yao Yuan, a militiaman from Gulong County, Dongming County, won the third rank in the collective, and the second rank in beheading.

The recording office in the army joins the army and takes a pen to write down the military achievements for A Yuan.

"If you are sure, just make a fingerprint here, and then throw this stinky head over there into the city. Remember not to get too close to the city wall. If you are shot to death by the crossbow on the city, you will be killed by Bai Li. It's a credit."

A Yuan hurriedly wiped the blood and sweat stains on his hands, his fingers were stained with inkpad, and then under the guidance of Joining the Army, he pressed the bright red fingerprints heavily under his name.

Walking to the bottom of the city, throwing out the two strange and ferocious heads in his hands, A Yuan grinned.

Although Ada City took down a city without bloodshed, they didn't get much in terms of merit, and the opponent surrendered voluntarily.But Qichongcheng is different. This is a battle of annihilation. Although the city has not been destroyed, it can wipe out [-] Silla troops, and [-] heads are amazing.

Four thousand enemy heads were beheaded, and all the soldiers who went out of the city to ambush were wiped out. The Qin army also suffered casualties, but only a few hundred, and the battle loss ratio was less than [-]%.

Second turn.

A Yuan turned his head and walked towards the camp, and the Qin army set up camp under Qichong City arrogantly.

In the second turn, you can change to an honorary officer who is regarded as the seventh rank. Thinking about it is very flattering.

He stopped in his tracks, turned his head and looked at the closed gate of the Seventh City, and now he really hoped that the Silla people in the city would come out to fight again, behead a few thousand more, and then take the Seventh City, maybe he can remember one more time. Gong, maybe you can set a rank three, and change to Xun who is regarded as a sixth rank.

(End of this chapter)

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