Chapter 1389

In the dark of the street, a ferocious Xinluo soldier suddenly jumped out and slashed fiercely with his knife.Fortunately, Yao Yuan was always on guard, and immediately rolled away to get out of this ferocious surprise attack.

The Qichong City has been breached, but the Silla people have not surrendered. The city lord still leads the defenders to retreat to the streets and resist tenaciously. This tenacious will surprised the Qin army who entered the city.

I thought that once the city was broken, the defenders would inevitably surrender. The counterattack of the Silla people suffered a lot from the troops who entered the city first, especially the militiamen.

"Third brother, Brother Ding."

While Yao Yuan rolled to the side, he quickly shouted.

Both Lao San and Ding Ge are villagers from the same village of Yaoyuan. Lao San is from Shandong, and Ding Ge is from Huainan. This time, the three of them joined the army and formed a group.A group of three is the basic formation of the Weifu battalion, a group of three, three groups of one fire, five fires one team, plus the team leader deputy and flag bearer and two flag bearers, it happens to be a team of 50 people.

In battle, the three-three system of fire teams is more conducive to mutual cover and cooperation.

Lao Ding, who was older than Ah Yuan, and Wang San, who was younger than him, immediately returned with spears.

Two spears stabbed the Silla soldier left and right.

The Xinluo soldiers missed the first blow and wanted to pursue, but they were pierced by two spears behind them, so they had to block with their knives. They blocked Wang San's spear, but they had no time to block Lao Ding's spear.

The spear pierced fiercely into the guy's thigh.

"Caught alive!"

A Yuan, who had already got up quickly, yelled and came over with a spear.

The point of the spear touched the Silla man's throat, and the man did not move.

"Living is worth more than dead."

Ah Yuan laughed.

Capturing a prisoner alive is as meritorious as beheading, but after the raw mouth and war horse are handed in, part of the value will be returned to the recipient.

A young and strong captive who is sold as a slave can be worth tens of pennies, and the captor can usually get about [-]% of the reward. Thousands.If it was hacked to death with a single knife, there would be nothing.

Wang San also looked at the prisoner of war with great concern, and found that although there was a lot of blood on his body, it was not a fatal wound, and the more important one was the shot that Lao Ding stabbed in the thigh just now.

"Tie him up and bandage him, don't die."

Wang San took out the cowhide rope and began to tie up the people, while A Yuan was in charge of taking out the first aid kit on his body, taking out some wound medicine and gauze to bandage the Silla man.

The Silla man wanted to struggle, but Lao Ding's spear was on his throat.

A group of militiamen from the same team came over and saw that they had caught a freshman, and smiled and congratulated them.

"The leader of the team ordered everyone to strengthen their vigilance and search carefully. These stupid Silla people are jumping over the wall in a hurry."

Originally, the groups searched separately, but now the order has changed to fire as a unit, and the three groups support each other and act together.

If you meet someone with a weapon, you can attack directly.

"Damn, why are these Silla people so stubborn?"

This is the common doubt of everyone. In Ada City, the city lord and the soldiers and civilians in the city surrendered without a fight. They were very happy, but in this Seventh City, they encountered extremely tenacious resistance.

The four thousand soldiers and horses who left the city were wiped out, but they still did not surrender.

The city was smashed, and the streets and alleys retreated and refused to surrender.

This is so anomalous.

The prefect of Dongming County, Liu Rengui, who claimed to be the vanguard of countering the rebellion, didn't feel any surprise.

After all, there are all kinds of possibilities in war.

It's true that the Qin army is powerful, and it's true that Silla is weak, but it doesn't mean that they can surrender without fighting.

It is normal for the lord of Ada City and the soldiers and civilians to surrender.

It is also normal for the city lord and the soldiers and civilians of Qizhong City to fight to the death.

If it was just a competition of strength, there would be no need to fight. Then Yang Guang sent more than 100 million troops to conquer Goguryeo, and Goguryeo, which had only more than 30 troops, surrendered directly?
But the truth is, several expeditions to Liaodong failed to defeat them. In the first expedition to Liaodong, more than 100 million troops marched by sea and land. As a result, the 30 troops of the Pioneer Ninth Army were almost wiped out.

In the final analysis, although the Silla Kingdom is a vassal state of the Great Qin, it is not Zhu Xia after all. They don't actually have much sense of identity with Qin.

And the fortress of Qizhong City is the elite of Silla Kingdom, so under the mobilization of the city lord and generals, they refused to surrender.

"Call the lord of Ada City and ask him to take the Silla soldiers from Ada City to clean up the streets."

Liu Guiren sent people to withdraw his troops, and just occupied the city gates, yamen, treasury and the intersections of various streets.

As for the specific search and arrest mission, it was handed over to the Silla Army brought by Ada City.

"Tell him, I only give him one day, if the streets and alleys are not cleaned up in one day, then he has evil intentions."

The city master of Ada complained endlessly, and he didn't want to do this kind of thing like swinging a knife at his compatriots, but Liu Rengui was also impolite, he hesitated for a while, he still called his subordinates, and then gave the order to die.

Cleaning up the streets and alleys, as long as they are alive, they must kneel down, and whoever dares to hold weapons will be killed without mercy.

Every time a street is cleaned up, a street is handed over.

In addition, he also decreed that looting was prohibited.

Because the Qin army prohibited robbery.

When the Silla descendants of Gundam City began to take over to clean up the streets and alleys, their efficiency increased greatly, because they didn't want to live, they just surrendered, and those who didn't surrender would be no nonsense.

Ayuan and the others were busy for a long time, captured three Silla soldiers who refused to disarm and resist, and captured many Silla civilians who surrendered, and then handed over the task of clearing the streets to the Silla people, who then took charge of searching the emptied streets Shop house.

Searching for loot is of course safer and easier.

Although the searched things cannot be kept privately, everyone is still very excited.

Boxes and truckloads of things were searched out and transported outside Qichong City.

Outside the city, the eyes of the merchants who followed the army had already been waiting with red eyes.

In order to save time, Liu Rengui dealt with the loot very simply and simply.

The army was in charge of searching and clearing the collection, and then moved it directly outside the city. After a little tidying up, it was directly auctioned off to the merchants.

From captives to livestock, from gold and silver to money and silk, even furniture, everything that can be sold for money is auctioned off.

In terms of price, of course it is very favorable.

The merchants rushed to buy everywhere with red eyes.

Because of the recalcitrance of the seventh layer, Liu Rengui issued an order to sell them into slavery in Qichong City. All the people in the city, regardless of whether they were officials or civilians, were auctioned off as slaves and sold directly to the merchants accompanying the army.

[-]% of the proceeds from the clapping of the spoils were directly distributed to the soldiers as rewards, which elicited cheers and cheers.

In just three days, the seventh floor became an empty city.

Everything that could be dismantled was dismantled.

Liu Rengui left a battalion to guard and left the wounded soldiers behind, and then led the army to move on.Afterwards, Liu Rengui's left army played triumphant songs all the way, but they never encountered such a tenacious seventh layer again. Three cities in a row surrendered without a fight.

In addition to the four cities captured by the Right Route Army, Liu Rengui has already captured nine cities in Silla in a short period of time.

(End of this chapter)

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