Chapter 1392

When Li Shimin boarded the ocean-going ship Kunlun at Guangling Port, he carried several newspapers bought on the dock under his arm.Sitting down in the poop cabin, Li Shimin spread the newspaper in his hand on the table.

In several new newspapers, the headlines were all about Liu Rengui's conquest of the Silla rebellion. This young general was praised in various ways, saying that he had learned the true art of war from the emperor, used soldiers like a god, and so on.

Li Shimin quickly flipped through it, and was not interested in reading any more.

Throwing the newspaper aside, he raised his legs to the table, closed his eyes and meditated.

The boat below shook slightly.

When did an unknown person like Liu Rengui become a hero?
Think about him, when Li Shimin became famous in the first battle in Liaodong and was praised by the emperor Yang Guang, where was Liu Rengui?When Li Shimin defeated Xue Rengao and his son's hundreds of thousands of Western Qin troops in Qianshuiyuan, where was Liu Rengui?

The emperor's disciple, a new generation of famous generals?
Today's Xinluo army has long been a zombie, 20?It is impossible to have so many. Although Silla can gather 20 troops, it is impossible to gather 20 troops in Maixiao City in a short period of time.

Therefore, the truth of the facts must be nothing more than a rabble of tens of thousands of soldiers and civilians. Because they carelessly underestimated the enemy, they were defeated by the well-equipped, well-trained and experienced Qin army.

Thinking of the battles Li Shimin fought, any one of them would be more exciting than this one.

When he was in Linyi, relying only on a group of pirates, he was able to capture the capital of Linyi and capture the king alive.When fighting Wendan, the capital city of Chenla, it was even more classic. The whole army was only [-]. Li Shimin personally led [-] cavalry as the forward, rushed for [-] miles, and directly captured Wendan, the enemy's capital, like lightning.

If he was like Liu Rengui, with elite imperial soldiers under his command, as long as he had three or four thousand soldiers, he would dare to sweep the surrounding countries of Great Qin.

There was a knock on the hatch.

Li Shimin spit out a word coldly, "Get lost!"

The sailor who knocked on the door left knowingly.

He's not in a good mood right now.

From Linyi's economic strategy envoy, he served for two terms and entered the court. The political affairs hall said that he would be promoted by meritorious service and granted him the post of minister of the Ministry of war.

But Li Shimin was unwilling to be the Minister of the Ministry of War. Luo Yi said to help him walk the way of the prince and find a foreign job for him.He gave the prince some gifts against his will, and said some words of allegiance, and then the prince really found him a foreign job.

But what the hell is the Honghai Road Xuanfu envoy?
The Xuanfu envoy is indeed one level higher than Jinglue, and he is also the envoy of Fengjiang, but where is the Red Sea Road?
In that distant Tessie.

The prince called him to meet him, and said that he didn't find a good job for him. He said that he wanted to find him a job in Xishan Road, but Anxi Road. Who knows that the imperial court is just going to deploy in the Red Sea of ​​Taixi to protect the interests of overseas trade. , so we need to set up a new Red Sea Road, and we need to choose a capable minister to preside over the overall situation.

The emperor took a fancy to him and appointed him.

What can Li Shimin say?
Whether he likes it or not, the edict has been issued, and Li Shimin can't go if he doesn't want to.

He did complain that he didn't want to go. He wanted to pretend to be sick, but as soon as he handed in a sick ticket, the emperor personally approved it, saying that he should take good care of his illness.As a result, another servant immediately came to condolences with some imperial medicines, but Li Shimin saw that those imperial medicines were all poisonous medicinal materials, which are good medicines when used in the right place, and poisonous medicines when used in the wrong place.

Looking at those highly poisonous herbs and the reserved words of the servant, Li Shimin could only say that his illness was cured.

He believed that if he continued to complain about his illness and refused to take office, he might really die without knowing why. He believed that the emperor could do such a cruel thing more than anyone else.

On the way out of Beijing, Li Shimin has been studying the Red Sea Road all day long, studying Mecca City and the like.

In a foreign land tens of thousands of miles away, there are several commercial cities in a desert by the sea, where pirates and sand bandits are everywhere, and there are complicated forces from all sides.

This is simply the worst possible situation.

The emperor sent him more than 100 officials to accompany him, as well as a regiment of [-] soldiers.However, these two thousand soldiers were not the elite soldiers of the imperial court, but the Long March athletes recruited for him.

In fact, they are a group of mercenaries, which are called volunteers to recruit athletes. In fact, good and bad people are mixed, and there are all kinds of backgrounds, such as Turkic people from the desert grassland, Tiele people, Khitan people, Xi people, Shiwei people, and others. Mohe people, Goguryeo people, Baekje people in the northeast, Tubo people, Dangxiang Qiang people, Tuyuhun people and so on in the northwest.

These guys are very capable, but they don't look like they are easy to manage.

Even many people are simply people with some crimes on their bodies. They accepted the conscript of the imperial court to follow Li Shimin to the Red Sea, and then offset their crimes.

To put it bluntly, this is a group of exiled prisoners.

Of course, in addition to the [-] bandit troops, the emperor also promised that the four major squadrons of the Ocean Fleet would cooperate with him and help him control the three counties of the Red Sea Road.

But after careful study, he knew it was a scam.

The three counties of the Red Sea Road are the strongholds in the three cities and three deserts. The problem is that these three lands still have owners.

And it is also stared at by the emerging pagan forces on the peninsula.

He rushed to the rescue to grab the territory.


Very headache.

After carefully studying those emerging pagan religions, he found that they were very powerful. In just about ten years, they took Medina as their holy place and had already accumulated very strong strength.

Even now, the Persian Sassanid Empire has basically given up on interfering in the peninsula, and those Rhine nobles on the peninsula were beaten with bruised noses and swollen faces, and had to surrender to the Great Qin.

His biggest headache now is that the ghostly red sea road is too far away. It is tens of thousands of miles away from the sea, and the nearest piece of imperial court territory is Lin Yi, which he personally laid down.

But to go to Linyi, you have to go through Kunlun Sea and Tianzhu Sea, which is tens of thousands of miles away.

Of course, you can also go to the Red Sea from the Western Regions, first go from Anxi to Hezhong, and then go south to Daxia. At this time, it is not far from the Persian Sea.But the problem is that there is still a long stretch of land from Daxia to the Persian Sea, and it belongs to the Persian territory.

This means that the land route is actually not feasible.

This also means that he, Li Shimin, brought two thousand thieves to the Red Sea, and he had to fight alone to compete for territory with the emerging and powerful pagan religion.

Those who are not familiar with the place of life, just rely on these two thousand thieves to join the army?

Li Shimin also couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness.

There are no Chinese Han people there, at most there will be some Qin merchant ships passing by on the sea.

Li Shimin, who was in a restless mood, sat down and took out a map of the Persian Sea that he had studied every day from his arms.

The map is not very detailed, but it also roughly marks the various forces.

The Arabian Peninsula between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf has too many forces.

Romans, Persians, and Arabs.

Now he's going to join it again.

Frowning and staring at the map for a long time, Li Shimin's gaze left the northern shore of the Red Sea and moved to the east of the Persian Sea.

Xindu River Basin.

(End of this chapter)

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