Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1411 Enclave Founding

Chapter 1411 Enclave Founding
"His Royal Highness, the Persian Sasanian Emperor Kawad II and the Roman Emperor Heraclius have both arrived in the Caucasus region. Kawad and the Persian Sasanian army entered Armenia, and Emperor Heraclius led his army to Georgia."

Tong Yehu told the prince that there is a fleet on the east coast of the Caspian Sea ready to take the prince and his party to Azerbaijan on the west coast of the Caspian Sea at any time.

Luo Siye on the side heard something immediately after listening.

Armenia is south of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. It was also a large battlefield where the Roman and Turkic armies stormed over from the Caucasus. Most of Armenia was captured by the Roman and Turkic armies. But now, Rome voluntarily withdrew from Armenia and took the area south of the Lesser Caucasus. The occupied areas were returned to Emperor Kawad II as a gesture of friendship.

However, for Georgia and Azerbaijan, north of the Little Caucasus and south of the Greater Caucasus, the Romans and Turks have not yet surrendered.

"Does Duke Volga have any plans?" Siye asked with a smile.

Tong Yehu did not hide their intentions, "In the next three emperors' alliance, we Turks and Rome are willing to return Armenia to Persia, but Persia has to return Cappadocia, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, the east of Rome, etc. Return the province to Rome."

"These were agreed before, and Rome returned Armenia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan south of the Greater Caucasus to Persia, and withdrew all the troops that invaded Persia, and returned all Persian territories, while Persia returned Syria, Egypt, etc. The eastern provinces of Rome were handed over, and the borders between the two sides returned to the borders before the old emperor Kusi succeeded to the throne."

Siye said.

But it is obvious that the Romans undoubtedly have the upper hand now, so they want to take back the eastern provinces previously captured by Persia without fighting, and they are unwilling to spit out all the Persian territories that were later captured, especially the Greater Caucasus The area to the south, this piece of land between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea, they want to keep.

At most, they are willing to hand over Armenia south of the Lesser Caucasus, but keep Georgia and Azerbaijan, an important strategic location between the Caucasus Mountains and the Caspian Sea.

Occupy this important portal, then they can advance, attack and retreat, and completely occupy the strategic initiative against Persia.

"This is inconsistent with the previous agreement!" Siye said.

At this time, the Duke of Zabier stepped forward and said, "We discussed with the Roman emperor and believed that Georgia and Azerbaijan should be handed over to us. In addition, Persia is now unable to deal with the nomadic forces on the Arabian Peninsula, especially those emerging pagan forces. Therefore, we believe that the Arabian Peninsula should be divided into two, the western half should be assigned to Rome, the eastern half should be assigned to Qin, and Persia should withdraw from the peninsula.”

This can be regarded as a benefit to Daqin, let Daqin speak for them.

"Then how do you plan to divide Georgia and Abaizerjan?" Siye asked with a smile.

"Georgia belongs to the country of Khazar, and Azerbaijan belongs to the Principality of Volga."

The Turks planned to carve it up, and they even re-divided the sphere of influence in the Caucasus region. The Caucasus region on the west coast of the Caspian Sea belonged to the Volga Principality of Yehu, while the Caucasus region on the east coast of the Black Sea belonged to the Khazar County of Zabiel.

Unexpectedly, Siye shook his head.

"I don't think it's good to temporarily change the agreement like this. How about Armenia to Persia Sasan, Georgia to Rome, Azerbaijan to Qin, the west of the North Caucasus to the Khazar State, and the east to the Principality of Volga, how about it?"

This proposal made Tong Yehu and Zabiel look at each other in blank dismay, and even became unhappy.

"Gu intends to invite the emperor to grant Azerbaijan to my brother King Song as a fief and build a country. I wonder if the two of you can make it happen!"

At this moment, His Highness the Prince suddenly spoke.

"To build a country for King Song?"

"Well, the division of feudalism and the founding of the country are not set up as the imperial court." The crown prince said with a smile.

The two lowered their heads and thought about it. If Azerbaijan becomes a county directly under the imperial court, it is inevitable that the forces of the imperial court will directly reach out to insert a foot here and drive a nail.But if it is just a vassal state, like Khazar and Volga, then there is no need to worry so much.

However, the allocation of Georgia and Azerbaijan to the Turkic countries was also a private agreement between them and Rome, and it was the spoils they deserved for sending troops to help Rome attack Persia.

They even thought about it for Daqin, and allocated the west of the Arabian Peninsula to Daqin for compensation.

As for Rome, in addition to taking back the original eastern provinces, it can also swallow many places in the east of the Arabian Peninsula.

In this way, Rome, Great Qin, Turkic Volga, and Khazar benefited from the new demarcation.

As for Persia, there will undoubtedly be losses. It will withdraw its power from the Arabian Peninsula and lose Georgia and Azerbaijan in the South Caucasus.

They believed that if Daqin was willing to support this agreement, then Persia could only hold his nose and admit it in the end.

But now, who knows that the prince has other plans.

They actually want to leave Azerbaijan and give Georgia to Rome. What does this mean?
The Turkic people just worked in vain, and didn't get anything in the end?
"Of course there are benefits. The Avars and the Slavs jointly attacked Rome before, and they were defeated. Rome took away a lot of their land. I, Daqin, can propose to the Roman emperor for you that the Avars and the Slavs These territories captured by Rome were assigned to the Principality of Volga and Khazar County.”

This proposal did bring them some benefits.

The Avars and Slavs were on the north side of the Turks, and they distributed these conquered territories to the Turks, and their territories naturally expanded.

"Why do you want to do this?"

Tong Yehu asked.

In fact, he wanted the territory of the South Caucasus more. Although it is a mountainous area, it is located between the Caspian Sea and borders Persia. Controlling this place will not only take the initiative in strategy, but also control the Silk Road trade route.

But Daqin's proposal is to build a fortress on this strategically important land, step in and control a piece of territory, and at the same time let the Roman forces come over.

In this way, Great Qin will have a territory directly controlled between the Lihei Sea, and it will no longer be a subordinate vassal state with only Turks as before.On the other hand, in this way, Daqin is directly bordering Rome, and there is a direct road between the two sides, without having to go through Persia and Turkic everything.

Persia, Rome, and Great Qin, the three great empires are located in the South Caucasus Mountains between the Caspian Sea and the Black Sea.

And the crown prince proposed to take this important territory and entrust it to Song Wang Jianguo, so there is naturally a deeper intention in it.

Tong Yehu and Zabiel looked at me and looked at you. No one expected that the things they had discussed would be changed to this by the crown prince.

It was a bit embarrassing for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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