Chapter 1413
After nightfall, Prince Jiawen changed into light clothes, brought a jug of wine and came to brother Changqing's residence.

"The covenant is finally signed, let's have a drink together!"

Changqing smiled and said, "I've already drank it first, shouldn't Your Highness be celebrating with the generals and feudal lords?"

"After drinking two cups with them, I came here. The signing of the Three Kingdoms Covenant is considered complete. I have already congratulated the father in Luoyang. I believe that the father will be very happy when he finds out. At this moment, I just I want us brothers to sit and have a few drinks together."

"Your Highness, has your drinking capacity increased recently?" Chang Qing cleared the table, called Zhang Chao, and asked him to get some more food for the drink.

"Let others go, Wen Yuan, thanks to you taking care of Brother Huang all these years, the relationship between you and Brother Huang is better than that of our brothers. I will also call you Brother, let's sit down and have a drink together. "

Zhang Chaolian said he didn't dare, but the crown prince held him tight, so he had no choice but to sit down.

"Your Highness, I respect you for this glass of wine. This time the Three Kingdoms Covenant was concluded. Your Highness has traveled tens of thousands of miles for my Great Qin. You have worked hard. Your Highness has won great benefits for my Great Qin, and it has been even more hard work. Come, respect you !"

Jiawen smiled and took the glass of wine from his brother.

"Hard work is not counted. To be able to fight for these benefits actually depends on the strength of our Great Qin. I am just signing on behalf of the saint."

Zhang Chao sighed and said, "It's not easy, so Emperor Heraclius or Kavad II, which one is easy to deal with? One is the founding king of the dynasty, and the other is the one who can kill and usurp the throne even his father." Ruthless people, none of them are simple people, but they finally accepted the covenant of the three emperors led by our Great Qin, which is naturally due to the credit of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

As soon as the Three Emperors Covenant was signed, the courtiers and generals accompanying Daqin were all extremely happy.

This agreement is indeed extremely beneficial to Great Qin.

Even far exceeded expectations.

In the end, the Armenian Covenant of the Three Emperors was signed, and Qin mediated the war between Persia and Rome.

Rome also returned Mesopotamia, Armenia and other places to Persia.

Of course, due to the unwillingness of the Roman emperor, the ownership of Armenia was finally debated for a long time.

Cavad II was indeed a ruthless man. He once threatened to end the alliance and continue to fight with Rome.

Fortunately, my Crown Prince Daqin was in the middle to mediate, and once threatened them, whoever dares to withdraw from the alliance first, then Daqin will form an alliance with another alliance to beat the withdrawn alliance, and they finally sat at the negotiating table and finished talking.

In the end, of course, Rome had the upper hand. After all, their situation is more favorable now. Persia has just suffered a big defeat, and has experienced patricide and seizure of the throne. The country is also somewhat unstable.

Therefore, in the end, the Armenian Plateau, which should have been returned to Persia, was claimed by Rome.

Western Armenia, that is, the half that connects Asia Minor and the Black Sea to the north, was cut off by Rome.The northern part of Eastern Armenia, near the Lesser Caucasus Mountains, was claimed by Rome to be allocated to Qin Dynasty, with the Aras River as the boundary line between Rome, Qin Dynasty and Persia.

This means that Rome forced Persia to allocate a large piece of land south of the Lesser Caucasus to Daqin, and he also knew to use these benefits to seal Daqin's mouth, so that he could swallow Western Armenia safely.

At first, Jiawen refused, thinking that Armenia should be given to Persia, lest Rome's power be too strong and affect the regional balance.But later, Heraclius simply proposed that Persia should completely withdraw from the Arabian Peninsula. Rome wanted the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and allocated most of the peninsula to Daqin.

In this way, Daqin not only took the South Caucasus, but also took part of Armenia and most of the Arabian Peninsula, which was hard to refuse.

In the end, Prince Jiawen agreed to Rome's request. The Persian Emperor Kawad II was dissatisfied and felt that they had suffered too much. However, the three parties formed an alliance and both parties agreed. The help to quell the instability in Persia, especially those brothers and sisters who want to rise up against him to kill his father and become king.

Agreement signed.

Armenia was divided among the three, and the Arabian Peninsula was divided between Rome and Qin.

Persia lost the outlets of the Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, and also lost the territory on the Arabian Peninsula, but they gained peace, at least a little Armenia was left, and the fertile Meerapotamia area, the traditional Persian The plateau is even more stable.

Now, Emperor Kawad can free his hands to deal with those brothers and sisters who disobey him, as well as those who oppose the nobles.

The last truce agreement between Persia and Rome lasted for 30 years. No one knows how long this truce agreement will last, but with the Eastern Great Qin Empire joining the covenant, everyone is looking forward to a longer peace.

What is different from the previous agreement is that in this agreement, five forces including the Duke of Khazar, the Principality of Volga, the Avar Khanate, the Slavs, and Bulgaria finally signed the covenant, which made the Armenian agreement also become signed the eight-nation peace treaty.

"The two pieces of land obtained from the covenant are both strategically important locations, but they are both enclaves. How does His Highness plan to deal with them?" Zhang Chao asked.

The South Caucasus land between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea is about [-] miles long and [-] miles wide. Persian.To the west is the Black Sea and to the east is the Caspian Sea.

An enclave without compromise.

Although the east of the Caspian Sea is the Hezhong Road of Daqin, the vast desert there is still too far away from Guishuang Kangju, the center of the Hezhong Road.

There are mainly some nomadic tribes here, nomadic life, small population and poor environment.

"Single to the sage, Feng Changqing will establish a country in the South Caucasus, and the imperial court will entrust some meritorious officials and soldiers here, and then confer some knights to come here, and then emigrate, and the South Caucasus will soon follow Yili and Suiye It is the same as other places, and it is occupied by the imperial court."

The South Caucasus is mainly mountainous, but there are also some plains and lowlands. Compared with Mobei and some deserts and Gobi areas, this place is not bad. At least it can be used for farming and hunting, let alone on the east-west traffic artery. As long as the imperial court continues to vigorously develop Silk Road trade, then this place will soon become an important trade transit point, and a foreign trade port can emerge.

"I have ordered that the South Caucasus be divided into three counties, namely Zhenyuan, Weiyuan, and Jingyuan, which belong to Haizhong Road."

"I ask the sage to entrust Changqing as the king of Armenia, and the fiefdom is in the northern part of Armenia south of the Lesser Caucasus Mountains. Changqing, are you willing?"

asked the prince.

This is really unexpected, Zhang Qing didn't know how to answer while holding the wine glass.

"Wen Yuan, you have made meritorious deeds in teaching and taking care of King Song, and you have also made a lot of contributions in the Western Regions for several years, not to mention that you have made new contributions in this western tour. Founding uncle, feudal sea middle way."

"I have a share too?"

Zhang Chao and Zhang Wenyuan laughed.

"If you have meritorious service, you will be rewarded. Naturally, you will have a share." The prince said.

Song Wang Luo Changqing looked at the smiling prince, holding the glass of wine in his hand, and finally nodded under the prince's expectant gaze.

He knew that if he agreed, it might be impossible for him to return to the Central Plains, let alone compete for the crown prince's position. However, seeing the prince's performance during this period of time, and because of the prince's brotherly love for him, he couldn't say no. Come.

(End of this chapter)

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