Great Warriors of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 1415 Arranging the funeral

Chapter 1415 Arranging the funeral
"Prince, please make Changqing the King of Armenia, and entrust him to Zhenyuan County, Haizhong Road. What do you think, is it okay?" The emperor asked all the prime ministers in a calm tone.

Changsun Wuji's eyes lit up, and he asked directly, "If you remember correctly, King Song was sent out of the palace by His Majesty six years ago and handed over to King Song Fu Zhang Tieqiang to bring back to Chang'an Bashang for teaching. Why is King Song now in the sea? Dao? And I heard that the King of Song had quietly gone to Anxi Road as early as three years ago, and even changed his name and false identity to join the Anxi patrol camp as a patrol horse. I would like to ask if such actions of the King of Song violated the clan The management system of the feudal king?"

"Behind these actions of King Song, is there any deeper plan? Does he sneak into the prince's side like this, does he have any evil plans?"

The more he talked, the more excited he became.

"Saint, I think that King Song should be prosecuted for his crimes, instead of discussing how to reward King Song. Otherwise, in the future, everyone will be like King Song. How can there be any laws to speak of?"

The emperor sat there, looked down at the notebook in front of him, and looked up again.

"I handed the King of Song to Zhang Tieqiang, the king of Song, and brought him to the people for teaching. I didn't ignore it from now on. In fact, I have been following every move of the King of Song all these years. I know every detail of his growth. Three years ago , King Song went to the Western Regions, King Song Fu Zou reported to me, and I agreed."

Changsun Wuji frowned.

"Song Wang's child was really lacking in discipline before, and he was a bit arrogant, but after six or seven years of teaching, he has been completely reborn, especially the three years of patrolling in the Western Regions. This child has grown up and he has become mature. As expected of being my eldest son, I am very satisfied."

"It is difficult to become a man without going through wind and rain without seeing frost and snow. If he grows in a greenhouse all the time, he will never be able to become a man. King Song has been tempered like a young eagle, and he can finally soar in the sky. The prince told me that King Song is tall and mighty. He is handsome and powerful, very similar to Zhen, and he is said to be outstanding in martial arts, skilled in riding and shooting, and also said that he is calm in situations and considerate, so he is worthy of a great job."

"He repeatedly asked me to let the King of Song stay in the middle of the sea, and keep the sea far away for the Great Qin, saying that only the eldest son of the royal family, who is as brave and loyal as the King of Song, is worthy of this important task."

The emperor laughed.

"Seven years ago, the Crown Prince and the King of Song fought. Although they were only children at that time, my heart was torn apart when I knew about it. Now, the brothers love each other, the King of Song respects the Prince, and the Prince cares for the King of Song. I am very pleased. This country is now It belongs to me, but sooner or later it will belong to the prince. What I am most proud of in my life is not being an emperor, but that I started in the grass, but with the help of a group of brothers who also started in the grass, I conquered the world and Up to now, I and my brothers are still brothers and sisters. Now that the prince can get along so well with his brothers, I am very proud and gratified!"

"The Zhongshu drafted an edict to change the title of King Song to the title of the King of Armenia, granting three thousand households and eight hundred miles of land to build a country."

The emperor personally selected the fiefdom for Luo Changqing on the map, took the Kura River and Aras River as the north and south boundaries of Changqing's fiefdom, and allocated the mouth of the sea and the harbor after the confluence of the two rivers to Changqing, and ordered the imperial court to send people Choose a place suitable for building a port at the mouth of the river, build a royal city for Changqing, and use it as the county seat of Zhenyuan County and a trading port for the imperial court on the west bank of the Caspian Sea.

The emperor also assigned to Changqing the coastal plain south of the mouth of the Aras River that the Persian Sasanian emperor had donated to Daqin after the signing of the contract.

"Sage, the emperor's eldest son's fief is too large and exceeds the specification." Changsun Wuji objected.

"What is given to Changqing is not a reward, but a responsibility and burden. Haizhong Road is adjacent to Hezhong Road across the Caspian Sea, but in fact it is an enclave. It is more than 2000 miles away from the center of Hezhong, and the river is separated by Congling Ridge and Hezhong Road. The desert is separated from the Central Plains, and there are still thousands of miles away. If we want to conquer and stabilize this land that we have never set foot in before, it is not possible to rely on a paper agreement with Rome and Persia!" The emperor reminded Zhangsun Wuji.

"Although this piece of land is an enclave, it is very important. Daqin finally got it, and it is impossible to give it up. It must be cherished. I let the eldest son of the emperor come here to guard it. Of course, I have to trust and support him more. I will let the prince Leave Changqing with 2000 people in Haizhong Road, Zhenyuan County Garrison with two regiments of [-] troops, and transfer [-] knights to Zhenhaizhong."

"The imperial court will also build a new Caspian Sea Fleet!"

"I hope that within three years, 50 Han people will be immigrated to the three counties of Haizhong Road, and within ten years, at least [-] people will be immigrated there."

"If the local mountain tribes refuse to submit to their subjects, they can encircle and suppress them with all their strength. If one person rebels, the whole family will be demoted to the Central Plains as slaves. If one family rebels, the whole family will be enslaved!"

A prince, [-] knights, and [-] meritorious civil servants and soldiers will also be selected to seal the feudal vassals in the middle of the sea, so that they can use their own power to assist the court to conquer and develop the three counties in the sea as soon as possible. The middle sea road between the two seas was stabilized.

"I am 40 years old this year, and I am already in my forties, and my body is also feeling slowly aging. This country will be handed over to the prince slowly."

The emperor has many heirs. Up to now, there are more than 30 sons, which are not the most but not few among the emperors of all dynasties.

Among so many sons, the eldest, such as Changqing, is already eighteen, and the youngest is only one or two years old.

The emperor no longer intends to have another child. There are more than 30 sons and more than 40 daughters. There are enough children in this life, so many that sometimes he can't remember the names of some children.

For the princes who have reached the age of twelve, the emperor has allocated land for them, and selected officials from the country to manage the land on their behalf. It is forbidden to leave the vassal without authorization.

It was Luo Cheng's ancestral precept that the vassal princes leave the capital to prevent the princes from interfering in politics or fighting for positions.At the same time, entrusting these princes to the frontier can not only help to open up the frontier, but also can be regarded as an insurance for the royal family. Once there is chaos in the court, the Qin royal family will not be taken over by a pot.

If there are rebellious ministers and the clan is on all sides, they can raise the flag of righteousness and order the princes and ministers from all over the country to fight against the king together.

The layout of the emperor, these people have gradually formed, and the benefits can be seen. At least up to now, although the emperor has many heirs, there has been no competition for the heir, and no kings have been formed in the court. party.

"I have cleared many obstacles and thorns for the prince, established many good systems for the prince, and reserved many generals and talents for the prince. Even if I can't sleep tonight, I can leave with peace of mind. gone."

"The sage is in the prime of his life, how can you say such words!" The prime ministers were a little flustered, feeling that many of the emperor's recent words seemed to be explaining the future in advance.But they saw that the emperor looked very good, and they had never heard of any problems with the emperor's health.

The emperor continued there, "Starting next year, some policies of the imperial court will begin to slowly change, and the army will move around to expand and expand the territory, so starting from next year, all departments will dismiss the Xuanfu, Jinglue, Governor, and Governor. Temporary ambassadorships, such as observation, consolation, etc., have been restored to the permanent system of three envoys, the chief envoy is in charge of civil affairs, finance and taxes, the envoy is in charge of judicial and prison proceedings, and the envoy is in charge of military affairs.”

"Officials are elected for three years, with a maximum of two consecutive years, and their hometowns are shunned. These systems must be strictly enforced."

"Three years later, the official language must be fully popularized. Whoever speaks the official language badly, regardless of whether the official is high or small, high or low, will be wiped out. Even for the natives and barbarians who belonged to us, or even the slaves in our Great Qin territory, You must also learn to speak Daqin official dialect."

"From now on, under the sun and the moon, under the light of the sun and the moon, on the territory of the Great Qin, only the official language of the Great Qin is allowed to be spoken, and the official language is not allowed. Award."

Hearing that the emperor elevated speaking of official language to such an important position, all the ministers in front of the Xuanzheng Palace couldn't help being stunned. It seems that the emperor is really determined to promote the popularization of official language with an extremely solemn and serious attitude.

End of the meeting.

The admiral of the imperial city reported the latest news to the emperor.

The city of Mecca was broken by the Arab Pagan Army, and they slaughtered Mecca.However, Li Shimin, the economic envoy of the Red Sea Road and the governor of the left, was nowhere to be seen. It had been more than a year since he left Luoyang, but he was still on the Xindu side of the Persian Sea.

It is said that Li Shimin built five colonial castles in the coastal area of ​​the Xindu River Estuary. At the beginning, they were built in the name of a trading station, and the people of Xindu country welcomed them.But now he is cultivating more and more, even disregarding the opposition of the trustworthy people, he is cultivating on his own, and he even started to recruit mercenaries from all over the place to take over the population to colonize.

Now Li Shimin has started to fight the Xindu Army.

It is also miraculous that an economic envoy and governor of the Red Sea Road, on the way to take office, ran to the coast of the Xindu Kingdom of Tianzhu to build a castle and start a colonial aggression.

But what surprised the admiral was that the emperor didn't show any dissatisfaction when he knew about it.

"I passed the decree to Li Shimin, and I changed him to be the governor of Xindu Dao Zuo, and gave him the right to start a war and negotiate a peace. He can freely decide the war and peace with the Xindu country without asking the court for instructions. The right to form a colonial militia in the colonies, and the right to elect and sponsor colonial officials.”


The admiral of the imperial city was stunned.

"Since Li Shimin doesn't want to go to the Red Sea to be a strategist, but is willing to play mud in Xindu, then I will grant him and let him continue to colonize in Xindu. I can give him full power, and I can also let the ocean-going fleet assist him, but it is unnecessary. support is gone.”

"As for the Red Sea, I will send another capable minister to preside over it. It's no big deal if Mecca is slaughtered. We can fight back. Over there, we still have Rome and Persia. Two allies."

"Why did the saint indulge Li Shimin so much?"

The emperor smiled, "If Li Shimin really has the ability to destroy the Xindu Kingdom, it will be a great thing for the court. In this way, Hezhong and Daxia will have an outlet to the sea, and the Western Regions will change a lot. Even if he It doesn't matter if you can't take down some places and build a few colonies. It can also provide a port for our ocean-going fleet to rest and replenish. So, let him toss, anyway, this kid is indeed Some tossing skills."

The admiral of the Imperial City Department thought to himself, this Li Shimin is indeed capable of tossing around, and this has added a new level of trust to the court.

(End of this chapter)

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