Chapter 1421
After all, he died ahead of himself.

After 20 years of colonizing Xindu, the uncrowned king of Xindu, the man who ruled the Persian Gulf, the Tianzhu Sea and the Red Sea, and the man who made the invincible Dashiyingqi have to back away, has just passed the age of knowing his fate , and left suddenly.

"I owe him a prince and a prime minister."

Compared with him, Concubine Changsun Xian's brother, Changsun Wuji, was much easier to be a prime minister than him, but his talent was indeed not as good as him.

"Different surnames are not allowed to be crowned kings, and the kings who are not Luo, the princes discuss it together. This is the national policy of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the sage personally decided." Cao Huachun said.

Since the emperor reformed the military system 20 years ago, changed Sanya into a military region, turned government soldiers into enfeoffed knights, and used Jiangwutang and 36 town military regions as the sequence of raising generals and promoting officers, Daqin has changed from the previous comprehensive Expansion, attacking from all sides until fully turning to the interior for stable digestion.

Back then, the Three Emperors Covenant established a permanent truce and friendly agreement. After the Great Qin delineated the borders with the two western empires of Persia and Rome, there has been no large-scale foreign military use since then.

In the 18th year of Kaiyuan, after the destruction of Dongying, the imperial court used the most troops in the Indochina Peninsula, but there were no conquests of more than [-] people. Basically, it was a small-scale pioneering army in the southwest, mainly the princes and knights. There are also many mercenaries, Long March athletes, and volunteer children who guard the city on the frontier.

This is actually already a colonial model.

In the past 20 years, the big countries such as Pyu, Chenla, and Funan on the Indochina Peninsula have basically been eroded and broken. Although there are still many sporadic resistances, Daqin has established countless colonial strongholds there, especially along the coast. The area, relying on maritime trade, is full of commercial ports.

The natives can only retreat into those jungles to resist.

The upsurge of colonization has set off, and even the Kunlun Sea and other islands in the sea now have many Great Qin colonies.

In the continent of Tianzhu, one east and one west, the Qin people also spent 20 years opening two major passages and establishing two colonies. passage into the sea.

The king of the Jieri Empire, who ruled the roost in the north of Tianzhu, united the kingdoms on the plateau in the south of Tianzhu, and fought with the Qin army for 20 years. It finally solidified.

In Xindu, in Yemen, in Somalia, and in the Indochina Peninsula, these places thousands of miles away from the Central Plains are full of colonies of the Qin people.

Although these colonies have not yet been fully controlled by the imperial court and successfully Sinicized like the Korean Peninsula, the Dongying Islands, and the Western Regions, the Qin people have now firmly established themselves there. Although there are fewer Qin people in the colonies, there are more natives. , There are still many natives who are still stubbornly resisting, but for them, Daqin is a blow to reduce dimensionality. These barbarians like loose sand cannot threaten the colonial rule of the Qin people at all.

In recent years, at the emperor's request, the imperial court's colonial colonies have begun to shift from the original forceful suppression and encirclement to encroachment and restraint. For those natives who are willing to follow and cooperate, the imperial court is also willing to give them some sweet benefits, and even grant them some benefits. Scattered steps, give them some substantial benefits.

Some areas that are temporarily difficult to control, such as mountainous areas, are even allocated to them for self-government.

This move effectively disintegrated the hostility and fighting spirit of many natives, and bloody conflicts and rebellions began to decrease.

Through trade, rewards and other means, many native leaders are now living a stable or even wealthy and luxurious life, and they are no longer willing to confront Daqin.

"Li Shimin has made great contributions to the empire. It is he who opened up the road of Qin's overseas colonization." The emperor said.

"The sage also rewarded Li Shimin very much. He granted him the title of Lord Xindu and granted him entry to Lingyan Pavilion."

Rest for a while, and walk for a while.

Walking through the pavilions, the lifelike hero statues on each floor stood there, as if an old friend was greeting him, and the memories of getting along with them flashed through the emperor's mind.

When people get old, they always like to remember.

Ascending to the highest floor, here are the old grand master, Duke of Naga who was a posthumous gift to the king of Henan County, General Tiance, Shangzhu Kingdom, envoy of the Privy Council, Jiatong Zhongshumenxia Pingzhangshi, founding hero and meritorious official Zhang Xutuo.

Although this emperor teacher left early, he had the grace to know the emperor, not to mention the grace to teach the emperor. Before his death, he had served in important positions such as Minister of the Ministry of War, Ping Zhangshi, and Privy Envoy. To become an official with the honorary title is already the highest level among the official ranks of the Great Qin Dynasty, so in the ranking of Lingyan Pavilion, he can be assigned to the highest level and enjoy the honor of being the number one hero of Lingyan Pavilion.

After worshiping the statue of Zhang Xutuo, the emperor left.

"Saint, we have already arranged for Soti."

Baizhang Lingyan Pavilion has circular steps inside. If you walk, it will take a long time. For this reason, the Ministry of Industry and the general supervisor specially added a cable ladder made of hinges and pulleys to Lingyan Pavilion. In fact, the cable ladder is A room, the inside is very big, and the door is semi-closed. There are tables, chairs and couches inside. Sitting in it and drinking a cup of tea, you can easily reach the top floor from the bottom floor, or go straight down from the top floor to the bottom floor, and it is very stable.

"Let's go, see these old friends more, one less time." The emperor smiled, leaning on the dragon staff and stepping on the marble steps slowly downstairs.

The circular steps are located in the center of the high pavilion. The middle of the stone stairs is like a huge patio. Fortunately, every other section will be illuminated by a lamp, otherwise this place will be like a gloomy and dark dungeon, or hell.

Every step he took, Luo Cheng's heart became more and more firm in his mind.

He wants to abdicate, and wants to take the initiative to give the throne to Prince Jiawen.

The prince will soon be 40 years old, and he will also be [-] soon.

At the age of sixty, he, the emperor, can also retire. Many people don't understand or believe that the emperor is willing to abdicate on his own initiative. After all, the throne represents supreme power.

Those great emperors in history, when they were old, would inevitably violate their princes for the sake of power in their hands. For example, Emperor Wu of Han even forced his own prince to death.

It's just that Luo Cheng thinks differently.

I have struggled for more than 40 years, and the empire I have established has also gone through 38 years. I have come all the way through ups and downs. Most of the founding heroes only exist in the portraits of Lingyan Pavilion. He has worked hard for this empire. , It is enough to lay down a large territory now.

I should leave some time for myself, and let the prince ascend the throne in advance. After I abdicate, I can help take care of it and make the prince's succession more smooth and stable.

In the past few years after the death of Empress Shan, in fact, many people inside and outside the palace, in the court and in the court, persuaded him to make another empress. Naturally, the most popular candidates for empress are Concubine Li Gui and Concubine Changsun Xian, but Luo Cheng never mentioned this matter. , because no matter whether Li Guifei or Changsun Xianfei is appointed as the empress, it may cause some troubles.

The most important thing about this trouble is that if they are queens, their sons will also become the sons of the emperor. Although they are also the sons of the emperor, they will not be virtuous if they are established, but even if it is only a little bit, it will affect the reserve position. Luo Cheng finally refused. up.

At this time, the only thing he thinks about now is no longer how many more countries to destroy, or how many more territories to conquer. What he thinks about is to let the empire transition smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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